25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (2024)

Fruit is often the first choice for baby’s weaning journey. These Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies will ensure your little one has a good variety!

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Tips for Preparing Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

Tips for Introducing Fruit Purees to Babies

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

Stage 1 Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

1. Apple Puree Recipe

2. Pear Puree Recipe

3. Banana Puree Recipe



4. Papaya Puree Recipe

5. Avocado Puree Recipe



6. Kiwi Puree Recipe

8. Mango Puree Recipe



9. Strawberry Puree

10. Muskmelon Puree

11. Pineapple Puree

12. Watermelon Puree

13. Figs Puree

14. Plum Puree

15. Dates Puree

Stage 2 Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

16. Apple Pear Cinnamon Puree Recipe

17. Banana Papaya Puree Recipe



18. Kiwi Yogurt Puree

19. Apple Cottage Cheese Puree

20. Fruity Paneer Puree

22. Kiwi Banana Puree

23. Pineapple Carrot Puree

24. Stone Fruit Puree

25. Prune Apple Puree

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When your baby is ready to start solids, there’s a momentous decision to be made – what should be your baby’s first food?

There are quite a few options, but most parents across the world choose fruit. There are many reasons for this, one being that fruits are naturally sweet and are more likely to appeal to baby’s palate. Another reason is that getting used to the taste of fruits now will decrease the appetite for sugary foods later in life. What’s more, fruits are little powerhouses chock full of nutrients!

The Indian Association of Pediatrics and the WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding till 6 months of age. After that, you can check if your baby displays signs of being ready for solids. If baby seems ready and your pediatrician gives you the green signal, you can start solids for your baby.

Tips for Preparing Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

  • Steam the fruits beforehand, except for soft fruits like banana, avocado and kiwi since it preserves nutrients better
  • After steaming the fruits, cool them and blend in a blender or mash using a fork
  • Adjust the consistency of the puree by adding a little breast milk or formula.
  • Start with a runny consistency at first, and thicken it as you go

Tips for Introducing Fruit Purees to Babies

  • This is the first time baby is having something other than milk, so start slow with one food at a time
  • Start with Stage 1 foods, which contain a single ingredient
  • When introducing Stage 2 foods, or dishes with more than one ingredient in them, make sure that baby is familiar with them individually
  • While not necessary, it is still recommended to follow the3 day rule when introducing any new food
  • For any new food, start with just one spoon once a day, moving to two spoons twice a day and so on

If you’re starting on baby led weaning, you can offer your baby soft fruits in large chunks so they can hold and munch on them. However, if you’d like to go slow with a puree in the beginning, we’ve got a selection of 25 easy to make, healthy fruit puree recipes for babies right here!

Stage 1 Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

1. Apple Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (4)

Apple can be given from the 6th month and is one of the perfect first food for babies. The sweet taste of the apple may be appeasing for the baby’s taste buds. Apple puree is rich in dietary fiber and helps prevent constipation.

2. Pear Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (5)

Pear is also a perfect first food for babies and can be given from6 month. The natural juiciness of pears makes it appealing to baby, just like apple. Pears are safe to give to babies with GERD.

3. Banana Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (6)

Banana is another popular choice for baby’s first food, and this is a fruit that doesn’t require any cooking, making it a great pick for busy Moms. The natural sweetness and creaminess of banana is another reason babies love it so much. Bananas are rich in potassium, fiber and vitamins, but avoid overfeeding banana, since it may cause constipation.


  • 1 medium sized ripe banana
  • Pinch of elachi/cardamom powder (optional)


  1. Peel and chop the banana into slices.
  2. Mash with fork or in a blender.
  3. If using, stir in some cardamom to help in digestion.

It is natural for banana puree to turn brown after pureeing.

4. Papaya Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (7)

Papaya is called the ‘Fruit of the angels’ thanks to its many benefits. Papaya is low in fat, calories and rich in vitamin C. It is also a good source of vitamin A, folate, potassium, magnesium and fiber as well as antioxidants and B vitamins. Papaya puree for baby is one of the quickest food that can be prepared for babies. It can be given after 6 months of age, after the introduction of other first foods.

5. Avocado Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (8)

Avocado has become popular in Indian homes and it is very versatile, thank to its neutral taste and creamy texture. These are the very reasons that make them perfect for babies too! Avocados are rich in unsaturated fats which help the growth and development of brain and central nervous system. They are also rich in beta carotene, folate, potassium and carotenoid lutein. Avocados can be given to babies from 6 months.


  • 1/2 a ripe avocado


  1. Cut the avocado and scoop out the flesh from one half.
  2. Mash it with a fork or blend in a blender.

6. Kiwi Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (9)

It’s a good idea to introduce your baby to as many flavors as possible at this age, which will encourage healthy eating habits later. One such fruit you can introduce after the introduction of other first foods is kiwi fruit. Kiwi is rich in fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. However, kiwi is acidic and may cause diaper rash or oral rash. If your baby is sensitive to certain foods, you may want to avoid kiwi initially.

7. Chikoo Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (10)

Chikoo or Sapota or Sapodilla is a delicious fruit that is popular across the Indian subcontinent. Chikoos are packed with fiber and can help prevent constipation. They are also an effective home remedy against cold and cough and boost immunity in babies. Chikoo puree can be given from 7th month.

8. Mango Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (11)

The King of Fruits, mangoes can be given to babies after 6 months after the introduction of other foods. Mangoes are high in fiber, filled with vitamins, pectin and low in calories. Please follow the 3 day rule while introducing mangoes as they may cause allergy in some babies.


  • Half Ripe Mango


  1. Peel the skin of the Mango.
  2. Separate the flesh from the mango pit.
  3. Chop the flesh into smaller pieces.
  4. Mash using a fork or blend in a blender.

9. Strawberry Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (12)

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is the main nutrient to build immunity. They are also loaded with fiber, manganese, potassium and antioxidants. Strawberries are not to be given asfirst foods, but are safe to be given after introducing other foods.

10. Muskmelon Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (13)

Muskmelon is a common summer fruit, and most of us use it to make milkshakes or juices. Muskmelons are rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, calcium, potassium as well as Vitamins C and A. This Muskmelon Puree recipe is easy to make and is suitable for babies over 6 months.

11. Pineapple Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (14)

Nothing is as refreshing as a juicy pineapple, although it can take some effort to get to all that juicy goodness! Pineapples are packed with antioxidants, Vitamin C and many other essential nutrients to help develop bones and muscles, build immunity and boost brain function. This makes it a good food for babies too, but be cautious since it may cause rashes in some babies.

12. Watermelon Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (15)

If you ask anyone what the number one fruit for summer is, they’re sure to say watermelon! Like its name says, watermelons are 90% water, along with Vitamin A, B6 and C, lycopene and amino acids. It is fairly to turn watermelon into a puree or a juice for babies.

13. Figs Puree

We’re probably more familiar with dried figs, but fresh figs are just as delicious and nutritious – even for babies! GK Food Diary shows us how to turn figs into a nice, creamy puree for babies. Figs are naturally sweet and have a lovely texture that’s perfect for older babies.

14. Plum Puree

Plums may not be as popular as other fruits in India, but there are places where they’re easily available. They are an excellent source of Vitamin A, B, C & K, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. If your baby seems to enjoy tart tastes, you may like to try this plum puree recipe from Little Mashies.

15. Dates Puree

Dates are among the most compact super foods on the planet, being rich in iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium as well as in Vitamin A. It is recommended to use organic dates for babies, and to be very careful with the seeds. An easy way to feed baby dates is with this puree recipe from Mom Junction, which also works as a natural sweetener for baby’s dishes.

Stage 2 Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies

16. Apple Pear Cinnamon Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (19)

Once your baby is familiar with apples and pears separately, you can go ahead and combine the two! This Apple and Pear Puree with a dash of cinnamon tastes delicious and combines the nutrients of both fruits.

17. Banana Papaya Puree Recipe

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (20)

If for some reason, your baby doesn’t take to the taste of papaya on its own, it may help to mix it with some banana. It is important, though, to check that baby has no reaction on eating papaya.


  • 1/2 ripe papaya
  • 1 ripe banana


  1. Chop the papaya and banana into chunks.
  2. Puree the papaya and banana separately.
  3. Mix the two purees together.

18. Kiwi Yogurt Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (21)

Once your baby is used to the interesting flavor of kiwifruit, you can go ahead and add some protein to it by mixing in yogurt. Yogurt is safe to have during cold and cough. It is excellent to improve gut health and boost immunity. Make it healthier by using homemade yogurt for the recipe.

19. Apple Cottage Cheese Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (22)

Paneer or cottage cheese is something most of us consume on a regular basis, and it can also be fed to babies above 9 months. The paneer adds a beautiful crumbly texture to this puree which is ideal for older babies who enjoy something to chew on. This is a great dish that packs in protein, fiber and lots of nutrients.

20. Fruity Paneer Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (23)

Once you’ve figured which your baby’s favorite fruits are, you can combine them together into a single puree! This fruity paneer puree uses banana and strawberries, but you can use any fruits of your choice. Use homemade paneer for best results in terms of nutrition and flavor.

21. Strawberry Banana Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (24)

Some babies find strawberries a tad too tart for their taste, in which case it helps to mellow down the taste with a more familiar fruit like banana. Banana adds the requisite creaminess to this puree that is ideal for babies over seven months. The beautiful color itself will make your baby happy on seeing it!

22. Kiwi Banana Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (25)

Banana makes an excellent companion to other fruits in most Stage 2 purees, and this is proven in this kiwi banana puree as well. Kiwis on their own can be a little watery, and the banana adds some thickness to the puree along with some additional sweetness.

23. Pineapple Carrot Puree

25 Easy and Healthy Fruit Puree Recipes for Babies (26)

Okay, this is a list of fruit puree recipes for babies, but this one includes a vegetable as well – carrots! Carrots are packed with all kinds of nutrients like iron, calcium, Vitamin C, fiber and most importantly, beta-carotene which turns into vitamin A in the body.Carrots also promote a strong immune system and prevent constipation in infants.

24. Stone Fruit Puree

Baby Foode has a delicious fruit puree that many of us may not have tried – it is made of stone fruits! This includes peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots along with some fresh thyme for flavor. You can use any combination of these fruits that your baby likes.

25. Prune Apple Puree

If your baby suffers from constipation or had difficulty passing stools, it helps to introduce some constipation in his diet, like prunes. This prune apple puree from Picky Eater Blog is packed with dietary fiber and should get those bowels moving!

You can check out this video that features some fruit puree recipes for babies.

If you liked these fruit puree recipes for babies, you may also like our list of top Vegetable Purees for Babies. When feeding your baby, make sure baby is sitting upright and not lying down. A high chair or booster chair is a good investment for your little one. Don’t forget to sterilize baby’s feeding utensils properly before using them for preparation or feeding.

If you’d like to get monthly food charts according to your baby’s age, you can subscribe to them here.

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