Call Me the Mother of Quick Transmigration - Chapter 13 - UsuiTakumii (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 121 – The Widow's Adopted Daughter (part 21)

Li Su and Wang Si Qin walked to Auspicious Purple Hall and saw someone wandering under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

Li Su took a closer look and saw it was Xiao Yan Xi. She couldn't help but glance back at Wang Si Qin. Last month, Mrs. Yang brought up Yan Xi's marriage. The other party was the legitimate daughter of the Minister of Rites. The two families had equal background, but Yan Xi refused.

Everyone in the house knew why.

Wang Si Qin had a calm expression. She smiled and greeted Xiao Yan Xi. "Is cousin not on duty today?" Xiao Yan Xi joined the Long Jingwei last year and was responsible for protecting His Majesty. He had seen Si Qin a few times and did not know when he fell in love with her.

Young people's affairs needed to be handled by the young people themselves! Li Su smiled and said, "You two can talk. I'll go in first." She then glanced at Wang Si Qin.

Li Su knew in her heart that Wang Si Qin would not like Xiao Yan Xi. Although, she knew that if Wang Si Qin did marry Yan Xi, it would go well in the future. However, Li Su considered herself to be an enlightened mother. She couldn't force emotional matters and she would not interfere with her child's happiness under the excuse of doing what's good for her.

In fact, she was lazy!

Wang Si Qin watched Li Su enter Auspicious Purple Hall with a smile on her face.

"Why did cousin come find me?"

As the future heir of Yong An Mansion, Xiao Yan Xi was undoubtedly proud. But, all his pride disappeared when he saw Wang Si Qin. He was like all youngsters who were in love and he became a bit scared in front of his sweetheart.

"Si Qin, have you thought about the future?" Xiao Yan Xi said after a long time.

Wang Si Qin smiled slightly. "I have thought about my future since a long time ago. I have been working hard for it for so many years."

Xiao Yan Xi felt desolate. He heard the rejection in Si Qin's words, but he didn't give up. He wanted to work hard again. "Si Qin, marry me. I will give you the most freedom. You can still pursue your dreams."

Wang Si Qin looked directly at Xiao Yan Xi and smiled. "But, once a woman is married, she can no longer pursue her dream wholeheartedly. Cousin, do you know what being your wife means? She will be the hostess of Yong An Mansion. This responsibility is too great. Once I bear it, I can no longer pursue the future I want."

"But, you will have to get married. You said that you would be restrained if you married me, but if you become a concubine, you will be even more restrained!" Xiao Yan Xi said.

"Cousin, you have lost your mind," said Wang Si Qin calmly. "His Majesty and I are not what you think. I never thought of becoming a member of His Majesty's harem."

"I know, Si Qin, but don't underestimate a man. You may think so, but His Majesty might not think so. It is very dangerous for you to continue like this," said Xiao Yan Xi.

Wang Si Qin looked at Xiao Yan Xi. "Cousin, thank you, but I know what I am doing. Don't worry. What you are worrying about won't happen. His Majesty won't force me." She had been with His Majesty for many years so she still had confidence.

Of course, Wang Si Qin also knew that it would be bad if she had to reject His Majesty. At worst, she would never marry in this life. She didn't want to marry at first since she didn't want to trap herself in a back house. Her mother was unlikely to oppose her decision, though it might be a bit troublesome on her grandmother's side. But, it was too early to tell.

Xiao Yan Xi smiled bitterly. "Si Qin, are you serious?"

"Cousin, since the day I entered the palace, I gave up the idea of marrying. I have learned so much. I don't need to marry and have a son and trap myself in the house. I don't have to be jealous of a group of women," said Wang Si Qin.

"But Si Qin, you have to know that the world won't necessarily go how you want. What happens in the future may be beyond your control." Xiao Yan Xi had heard some rumours as he was a member of the Long Jingwei. The regent seemed interested in Si Qin.

Perhaps Si Qin could persuade His Majesty due to their many years of friendship, but what about the regent? Once the regent and His Majesty fought, Si Qin would be in danger. This was also the reason that forced Xiao Yan Xi to confess.

"So, I would never agree to cousin," Wang Si Qin said solemnly. Yong An Mansion was her home. She can't and won't bring Yong An Mansion into this.

A trace of pain flashed through Xiao Yan Xi's eyes. "Si Qin!"

"Cousin, thank you very much. But I really don't need it. Yong An Mansion is my home and my last escape route. I know this very well. But, now the mansion is at the centre of the storm and I don't want to make it worse. Cousin, believe me. No matter what the situation is, I can deal with it," said Wang Si Qin solemnly.

Xiao Yan Xi looked sad. "I see. You should go in quickly. Grandmother is still waiting for you."

"Okay. Goodbye, cousin." Wang Si Qin turned and walked inside.

Xiao Yan Xi sadly watched Si Qin leave.

Suddenly, someone came over and patted him on the shoulder. Xiao Yan Xi looked up in panic. "Fourth uncle!"

Xiao Zhen Ting smiled. "What is there to be embarrassed about in front of fourth uncle? You are just admiring someone and that is human nature!"

Xiao Yan Xi bowed his head and didn't say anything.

"Let's go. Walk with fourth uncle!" Xiao Zhen Ting said while he held Xiao Yan Xi's shoulder. The two walked into the garden.

Xiao Zhen Ting was acting as a confident older brother for his nephew.

In Auspicious Purple Hall, Wang SI Qin leaned into the old madam's arms and acted cute.

The old madam was smiling widely. Since Si Qin had entered the palace, she rarely returned. Although she knew that Si Qin was very good in the palace, the old madam was still very worried.

When the old madam saw Si Qin with such a girlish appearance, she smiled. "Si Qin is fourteen this year? You aren't young anymore."

Princess Qing Shan felt a little helpless. "Mother, you forgot that Si Qin is a female official next to His Majesty. According to the rules, one must be twenty-five years old to get married from the palace."

"She can only leave the palace when she is twenty-five? How can this be? Oh, I wasn't able to see Su Su wear a wedding gown in my life. If I don't see Si Qin… I, I, I…" The old madam cried. As she got older, she became more like a child who did things the way she wanted.

Everyone was a little embarrassed. The old madam glared at Li Su in complaint. "It was you who taught Si Qin."

Li Su smiled and peeled a grape. Then, she removed the seed with a silver stick and fed it to the old madam. "Grandmother now has Si Qin, so she has thrown me aside. Yesterday she was crying while holding me and calling me a darling."

The old madam was so happy. "The older you get, the younger you look. Look at you. When you stand next to Si Qin, who would believe that you are the mother!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Li Su. That was true. In the past few years, everyone's appearances had changed. Even Imperial Princess An He had matured a lot. She was pregnant now and her entire body exuded the glory of pregnancy. In recent years, she had grown up very quickly under Xiao Zhen Shu's guidance. Although, she still occasionally had some naïve ideas.

Only Li Su did not seem to show any traces of aging. She still looked like she was 22 or 23. It was the best years of a woman's life. If she looked a little younger, she would look too green. If she looked a little older, she would be too mature.

Imperial Princess An He was the first to agree. "Yes, Su Su, how do you maintain your appearance? Tell me too!"

How did she maintain it? Li Su smiled inwardly. She didn't worry about food and clothing, and she didn't have to worry about her livelihood. Without a husband, she didn't have to take care of a family. Her daughter was smart with a high IQ. Basically, she didn't have to worry too much. She didn't have to worry about relationships or socialising. She just ate and drank all day, writing scripts and messing around. She was really idle. How could she not be young?

But, could she say that? She was afraid she would be beaten if she said that.

In the end, Li Su could only say, hypocritically, "My mentality is pretty good, so maybe that's why I look younger."

Everyone laughed.

In fact, everyone knew why Li Si looked like this for so many years. It was only Imperial Princess An He who didn't know. (Although Imperial Princess An He had made progress, she hadn't escaped the label of a silly and sweet woman in the eyes of the other women). Although they were all envious, they couldn't do it.

Compared to Li Su's lightness, they still had a lot of concerns. This was also a sweet burden!

Wang Si Qin leaned into the old madam's arms. She pursed her lips and smiled as she quietly watched the crowd in the room. No matter what time or state of mind she was in, as long as she came back here, she was very happy.

But good times were always short. In the afternoon, Wang Si Qin had to return to the palace.

Wang Si Qin felt a little helpless when she saw the unwillingness in everyone's eyes, especially Li Su's. But, she also felt a little lucky. Fortunately, grandmother stopped for a while.

"Take care of yourself!" Li Su wanted to say more but only this sentence was left. Her daughter was smart and persistent. Her daughter knew exactly what she wanted. She seemed to be of little use in Si Qin's growth as her mother.

Wang Si Qin smiled and shook Li Su's hands. "Mother, take care of yourself too." From the words her mother wrote, she knew that her mother was someone who liked freedom. This was because of the rules of this world. Because of these rules and etiquette, she did not want to trouble her. Her mother could only be trapped in the back house, unable to see the vast outside world.

But she believed that one day, she would let her mother live as she pleased.

With this confidence, Wang Si Qin took the carriage back to the palace.

The ride was long. Wang Si Qin sat inside and closed her eyes to rest. Suddenly, the carriage stopped. Wang Si Qin opened her eyes and frowned. Just as she was about to speak, the curtain was raised.

"Your Highness!" Wang Si Qin was a little surprised.

Chapter 122 – The Widow's Adopted Daughter (part 22)

It was the regent who had stopped the carriage and raised the curtain rudely.

"Your Highness, please lower the curtain. This is not following etiquette!" Wang Si Qin frowned.

The regent seemed to smile. "Who told you to hide from this prince these days? There's no other option than for this prince to do this." After that, the regent entered the carriage.

"Your Highness, please conduct yourself with dignity!" Wang Si Qin couldn't bear it anymore and spoke louder.

"Don't worry. No matter how loud you speak, nobody will dare approach." The regent sat down. He was tall, and the originally spacious carriage seemed a bit crowded with his presence.

Wang Si Qin trembled with anger, but was helpless in front of this person. She simply sat there and said nothing.

The regent kept looking at Wang Si Qin. When he saw her face flushed with anger, he leaned forward in interest. "You…"

"Young miss, the madam is here and said that you left something, so she brought it to you!" yelled someone outside the carriage.

Wang Si Qin frowned. How could mother be here?

Li Su was sitting in the carriage waiting anxiously. After Si Qin left, she remembered that she had made an upgraded chili-water spray for Si Qin for self-defence. She knew that Si Qin had ways to deal with things, but she was afraid that some overlord would force her.

As a result, as soon as she caught up to the carriage, she heard that Si Qin's carriage had been blocked.

Li Su didn't want to show her face before, but now she had no choice but to let people come forward and reveal her identity.

Wang Si Qin immediately looked at the regent, who was stunned. He stepped aside, and Wang Si Qin exited.

Fortunately, the surrounding area had been cleared by the regent's people since he didn't want to make trouble. After all, it was not time to deal with the little emperor.

Wang Si Qin saw the carriage from Yong An Mansion and quickly walked over. "Mother, why are you here? Go back quickly. I'm fine."

Li Su lifted up the corner of the curtain and handed over the chili-water to Wang Si Qin. "If any bastard wants to bully you, you can spray this in his eyes. It won't blind him," she whispered, telling Wang Si Qin how to use it.

Wang Si Qin was touched and felt funny. "Mother, I know. You should go home soon! I can handle it."

Suddenly, a force rushed behind. When Wang Si Qin reacted, the regent had already opened the curtain and said, "It's you!"

Li Su looked at the man in front of her blankly. She then looked at Wang Si Qin and asked, with her eyes, is this the regent?

Wang Si Qin was angry. "Your Highness, please behave with dignity!"

The regent seemed to understand something and suddenly laughed loudly. "Hahaha, that's how it is!"

Li Su regretted that she hadn't carried a knife. Wouldn't it be a good time to stab him? When she saw him like this, she was disgusted. Was there something wrong with his brain?

But, after she realised that there was something wrong with the regent's eyes, Li Su thought about things. Could it be that the original owner had some history with the regent when he was a child? Li Su looked at Wang Si Qin, whose appearance was very similar to her own.

It couldn't be?

Li Su was very surprised.

Wang Si Qin was equally surprised.

The regent was still laughing. Li Su was impatient and pulled down the curtain. "Return home!"

The coachman was at a loss. After he received a nod from Wang Si Qin, he drove the carriage back.

The prince regent was still laughing, but Wang Si Qin felt complicated. She was smart, so she had probably guessed what had happened.

"Your Highness!" Wang Si Qin called out.

The regent stopped laughing and glanced at Wang Si Qin. "Is she your mother? You look a lot like her."

Wang Si Qin frowned. "Your Highness knows my mother?"

The regent touched his chin. "Why didn't I suspect this before?" He had investigated everyone around the emperor and Wang Si Qin was no exception. However, Wang Si Qin was still young when he had investigated, so he didn't care. Later, when Wang Si Qin grew older and looked more and more like that person, he focussed on Wang Si Qin.

The regent knew of her relationship with Yong An Mansion. It was obvious that she was sent to the palace by Yong An Mansion at a young age. He subconsciously thought that person was no longer there. Otherwise, how could Yong An Mansion have no scruples and send someone into the palace?

It turned out that everything was due to his subconscious negligence.

Yong An Mansion protected her very well, so well that even the outside world didn't know of her existence.

The regent suddenly became happy knowing this fact. Then, he rode away.

Wang Si Qin was left alone with mixed feelings.

When Li Qi Ming saw Wang Si Qin return to the palace, the tightness in his chest disappeared. Seventh older brother had blocked Si Qin en-route. When he had received that news, he feared that something would happen to Si Qin. Now that Si Qin had returned safely, he was finally relieved.

However, Si Qin's expression was a bit strange.

"What's the matter? Did he do something to you?" Li Qi Ming asked as he held back his anger.

Wang Si Qin slowly shook her head. "Your Majesty, do you know if the regent has seen my mother before? I mean, a long, long time ago?"

Li Qi Ming was stunned. A long time ago? Where was he?

Li Qi Ming looked at Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu was also a little dazed. A long time ago? At that time, the 7th prince was a nobody, so who would care about him? Zhao Fu also shook his head.

"What is going on?" Li Qi Ming asked.

Wang Si Qin briefly recounted what happened. "I think that I might have been a substitute since the beginning." She finally understood. Where did the regent's hostility towards Yong An Mansion come from? It wasn't just because Yong An Mansion had different political opinions and supported His Majesty. Part of the reason might have been because the regent thought Yong An Mansion indirectly killed her mother.

If that was the case, then Wang Si Qin was afraid that she would not be able to face the regent in the future. This was too unsettling!

So, what the regent really wanted was Si Qin's mother?

"How old is auntie this year?" Li Qi Ming asked after a long time.

"My mother had me when she was fifteen. She is twenty-nine this year." Wang Si Qin sighed softly.

Li Qi Ming felt a little weak. Seventh older brother was 32 this year. Considering his age, the two might have actually met previously.

What was this?

Li Qi Ming and Wang Si Qin looked at each other.

Li Su was also a little puzzled. There weren't many memories from the original owner's childhood left. She didn't know if the original owner had seen the regent before! However, if what she had guessed was true, the regent was really the unhappy love affair of the original owner. This could explain why the regent was so obsessed with courtesans.

After the regent returned, he immediately sent someone to investigate. After 3 days, all of Li Su's information was placed in front of him. The regent looked through them one-by-one and his expression was complex. If it wasn't for Yong An Mansion's unfavourable affairs, how could she have suffered so much?! What was even worse was that Yong An Mansion had kept people in the rear residence for so many years. She was not allowed to show her face. He almost made a big mistake!

Fortunately, there was still time.

The regent smiled.

In Yong An Mansion, Xiao Qi Zhi and the others looked at the various precious treasures in front of them. Their mouths twitched. What did the regent want to do? This was not a threat but a temptation? Xiao Qi Zhi wasn't so short-sighted!

When everything had been put away, the messenger, Chang Shi, from the regent's mansion smiled and said, "These are gifts from His Highness to the young lady in your residence. If the young lady likes it, then she can keep them for fun. If she doesn't like it, then she can throw it away. His Highness will send some more tomorrow."

Xiao Qi Zhi and the others thought that the young lady he was talking about was Si Qin, so Xiao Qi Zhi frowned. This regent was too absurd. How could he go after Si Qin at his age? He was so shameless!

"Si Qin is still young. Is it appropriate for His Highness to do this?" Xiao Shun Zhi frowned.

Chang Shi smiled. "Master Ye and the general misunderstood. The young lady His Highness is referring to is Si Qin's mother."

What! Su Su! Xiao Qi Zhi and the others were dumbfounded.

When Li Su received the news, she looked at the rare and exotic treasures in front of her with a helpless expression. "If there are no merits, then please return it for me, aunt!"

Princess Qing Shan also looked helpless. "If you like it, you can keep it for fun. If you don't like it, then throw it away. He will send more again!"

Li Su couldn't help but roll her eyes. What was this?! Why does the regent like her? Could she change it?

"What on earth is going on?" Imperial Princess An He asked.

"I don't know. Si Qin returned to the palace that day. I remembered that there was something I forgot to give her, so I went to give it to her. I didn't expect to meet the regent on the way. Anyway, he is a lunatic!" Li Su said angrily.

"Su Su!" Princess Qing Shan grumbled. One could pretend to be crazy or stupid, or pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger. The capital mansion and this level of scheming could not be done by ordinary people. To this day, nobody dared to underestimate the regent.

"I know. I just talked about it," said Li Su.

"Su Su, have you seen seventh uncle before?" Imperial Princess An He asked curiously.

Li Su shook her head honestly. "I don't remember."

The old madam and Princess Qing Shan looked at each other. Su Su had been in the capital until she was 6 and had occasionally followed them into the palace. Was it possible that she had met the regent at that time? But, what exactly did Su Su do to make the regent so obsessed with her?

It was unfortunate that Su Su's memory had not been completely restored. This would remain unknown.

It was just now they had to decide how to respond. Or, how should Su Su respond? The other party was the regent. Could Su Su refuse? But, if she didn't refuse, then was it possible that she would end up being the regent's concubine? This was absolutely impossible!

LI Su also considered this issue. She believed that nobody in Yong An Mansion would force her to agree to the regent. Instead, they would oppose it. It was just, since it was the regent, how should she refuse?

After careful consideration, Li Su decided to meet the regent!

Chapter 123 – The Widow's Adopted Daughter (part 23)

Li Su's decision was unanimously opposed by Yong An Mansion.

Xiao Qi Zhi said, "Su Su, you don't have to force yourself to the regent's side. I will handle it. You just need to stay at home."

"There's no need to bear these psychological burdens. We can help!" Xiao Zhen Ting said.

Li Su frowned. "I just want to make it clear to him! Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Xiao Qi Zhi and Xiao Shun Zhi exchanged a look, then nodded. "Okay, let Zhen Shu accompany you."

Li Su didn't refuse. She did not think that it would be dangerous to see the regent alone with her strength!

The regent, Li Qi Cheng, received Li Su's invitation and was so excited that he arrived early. A plate of white sugar cake1 was placed in front of him, and he stared at the cake, lost in memories.

When they first met, she handed him a slice of white sugar cake. When he was a child, he was very cowardly and didn't like to talk. His brothers and sisters didn't like to play with him. It was only her who didn't dislike him and took the initiative to talk to him. She also gave him a slice of white sugar cake to eat. That was the first time he ate white sugar cake. It turned out to be so delicious. At that time he didn't know her name. He only knew that she was pretty.

After a long time, he finally found out her identity. She had a nice name, Su Su. Her father was the senior imperial censor and her uncle was the Lord of Yong An Mansion. He was very happy at that time. He was a prince. Although he was not favoured or taken seriously, his status was not an insult to her.

Therefore, he began to look forward to the future. He hoped that he would grow up quickly.

He didn't expect Su Su to return to Qian Tang. He didn't know when she would come back. Would she forget him?

He still remembered when he ran desperately, wanting to see her. He accidentally bumped into his 4th older brother, and was kicked to the ground for insulting him.

Later, he tried every means to send someone into the Li house to figure out her situation. He even had a portrait of her painted, which still hung in the most secret place in his study. It was his treasure.

When he knew that she was coming back, he was so happy that he even thought of picking her up in person. He plucked up the courage to ask father emperor if he could marry her. Father emperor didn't even look at him and walked away. Later, he learned that 8th younger brother was sick and father emperor had been anxious to visit his 8th younger brother.

He didn't expect for the people from Yong An Mansion to lose her! When he heard the news, the brutal nature in him arose. He hated himself for being weak and incompetent. He couldn't even protect her. He hated father emperor for not giving him a chance and hated Yong An Mansion for losing her. He hated everyone! Did this world have any meaning without her?

Fortunately, she was still alive. Everything hadn't changed for the worse.

As soon as Li Su walked in, she saw the man looking at the plate of white sugar cake in an obsessed manner.

Li Su rolled her eyes in disgust and turned to glance at Xiao Zhen Shu. She then went in and picked the place furthest from the regent and sat down.

When she saw that the regent was still lost in his thoughts, Li Su cleared her throat. Didn't he come here to talk? Why was he still staring at the white sugar cake silently?

Li Qi Cheng heard the movement and saw Li Su sitting not that far away. He immediately smiled. "You are here. Why are you so far? This is the white sugar cake made by the kitchen. Do you like it?" His tone was familiar, as if they were old friends who had reunited after a long time.

The corners of Li Su's mouth twitched slightly. Were they so familiar? But, she still sat there.

When Li Su saw the regent enthusiastically recommend the white sugar cake, she wasn't afraid of poisoning. After all, he was the dignified regent. So, Li Su picked up a slice of white sugar cake and ate it.

Li Qi Cheng's eyes sparkled. "How is it? Is it delicious?"

It was white sugar cake. No matter how delicious it was, it was just white sugar cake. This was what Li Su thought before she ate the white sugar cake. For someone who had eaten many fine desserts from later generations, this white sugar cake was just ordinary.

But the moment she took a bite, Li Su knew that she had been mistaken. The white sugar cake had a perfect texture. It was tasty and refreshing, sweet but not greasy. It was really good.

Li Su couldn't help but nod.

Li Qi Cheng was very happy. "If you like it, then eat more. I have found a lot of chefs, and only this one's white sugar cake is good. If you like it, I will let him make it for you every day."

Li Su couldn't help but eat another slice. "Forget it. It is good to eat occasionally, but if it is eaten every day, then no matter how delicious it is, you will get tired of it."

Li Qi Cheng was stunned, then smiled again. "You are right." As long as she was happy.

Li Su stared at him with bright eyes. She wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief. "Have we met before?"

Li Qi Cheng knew that she had lost her memory, so he was not surprised that she couldn't remember the past. He didn't feel hurt. "Yes, yes, we met a long time ago. At that time, I was seven and you were five…"

Li Qi Cheng talked about their past. But, to Li Su, this sounded like wishful thinking. The original owner only met him once and handed him a slice of white sugar cake. How could he say that the two of them had agreed to be with each other in life and death? If the original owner really had such a strong relationship with him, then when she saw Li Qi Cheng, she shouldn't have had no reaction.

Before seeing Li Qi Cheng, Li Su's mental image of him was mostly negative. She saw him as a tyrannical, insidious, and cunning person.

But, what was the person in front of her like? Li Su saw the shadow of Imperial Princess An He. Why did this feel so weird?

"Su Su, I am very happy you're still alive!" Li Qi Cheng said excitedly.

"Wait a minute!" Li Su interrupted Li Qi Cheng's words. "You should know that I have amnesia. I was married and have a daughter."

"I know! I don't care about that," Li Qi Cheng said excitedly.

"But I care! Do you have wives and concubines in your house? Do you have a lot of children? I am not interested in being another woman or a stepmother!" said Li Su.

"These are not problems. I will chase them away immediately when I go back!" said Li Qi Cheng as he stood up.

"Stop!" Li Su was helpless.

Li Qi Cheng turned to look at her, as if waiting for her instructions.

Li Si sighed and covered her head. "They aren't just random people. They are your wives and children. If you drive them away, do you want to be criticised and cast aside by the world?"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Li Qi Cheng asked innocently.

"I'm going to tell you the truth. I don't plan on remarrying in this life," said Li Su.

Li Qi Cheng was furious.

"Listen to me. Sit down first!" Li Su glared at him. And, as expected, Li Qi Cheng sat down obediently.

Li Su rolled her eyes. She felt that the regent had a problem with his brain. That, or he was a masoch*st. "I can't even remember the events you mentioned. To me, you aren't much different from a stranger. Besides, I think that my life is pretty good now. I have my own business. I don't have to worry about food or clothing. My daughter is clever and well-behaved. I don't have many worries. Why would I want to marry again?! Even if I married you and became your consort, I would not be happy. Do you understand?"

Li Qi Cheng was a little hurt when he heard Li Su say they were strangers. He shook his head. "I don't understand!"

"In short, we can be friends. This is all we can be. Anything more is impossible! You can consider me selfish, unwilling to bear burdens," said Li Su. "If you think it is possible, then we can be friends in the future. If not, then forget it."

Li Qi Cheng looked at Li Su's bright eyes and didn't know what to say for a while.

Li Su saw this and stood up. "Think about it. We can talk when you think it over. I'll go back first." Then, she left.

Li Qi Cheng stood there, motionless.

Before leaving, Li Su glanced back. She saw the sun shine on Li Qi Cheng through the paper window. He was obviously bathed in light, but Li Su felt that he seemed very sad.

Only after a while, Li Su turned back around and opened the door to leave. She knew that she didn't love this man. Even if she ended up dealing with him courteously, but without sincerity for the sake of Yong An mansion and himself, the feelings involved would be clear to all involved. This was not fair to herself nor to him.

So, Li Su chose to speak out and then wait for his choice.

Xiao Zhen Shu had been paying attention to the situation in the room. After he saw the door open and Li Su walk out safely, he was relieved. "Did you say it? We can go back after you've finished!" He originally disagreed with Su Su. Why did she have to talk to the regent? The regent and Yong An Mansion had different political opinions, so this was a contest between men. What did it have to do with women?

Su Su was stubborn and wanted to make this trip.

"Wait, I'll take you back home." Li Qi Cheng called out from behind.

Li Su had already put on the veiled hat. She turned to look at him.

"Let's go. Aren't we friends? Are you not going to give me this opportunity?" Li Qi Cheng smiled bitterly. What should he do? No matter how sad, angry, or unwilling he was, he still couldn't bear to do anything to her. After all, he lost her because of his cowardice. She had finally come back. As long as she stayed within his sight, the rest wasn't important.

Li Su nodded. "Then I will have to trouble you."

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhen Shu was staring. Was this man really the regent? Wasn't he pretending?!

Li Qi Cheng noticed Xiao Zhen Shu's gaze and glanced at him in disgust. He remembered that it was this bastard who lost Su Su back then. Was he still the son-in-law of 8th younger brother? Hehe, he remembered!

Xiao Zhen Shu shuddered. When he looked up, the regent was looking at him maliciously. Sure enough. It was just an illusion before. The regent was still the regent and hadn't changed.

He was thinking too much.

But, Xiao Zhen Shu quickly discovered that he wasn't thinking too much. The regent was still the regent when facing others, but when facing Su Su, he completely changed.

"Su Su, what do you like? I'll buy it for you! Gold, silver, jade? I heard that the jewellery from Cutting Jade Tower is the best. Do you like it? If you like it, I will buy it for you!"

Xiao Zhen Shu was expressionless as he rode. He watched the regent show his hospitality through the curtain.

Chapter 124 – The Widow's Adopted Daughter (part 14)

Li Su had a headache as she sat in the carriage. She felt that the regent was like this due to the lack of emotions he had during his childhood, thus resulting in him suffering. Of course, this then turned her into a prime target.

Li Su didn't know if this was luck or misfortune. It was just an unintentional act when she was young. She didn't expect that he would remember it for most of his life.

She knew that the regent had a hard time when he was younger, which was why he was so eager to grasp the only warmth in his life despite this warmth never belonging to him.

"I don't like those. Do you know where has good scenery? I have stayed at home since I've come to the capital and I rarely go out," Li Su asked after thinking for a while.

Li Qi Cheng's eyes lit up. "I'll take you to Zhuangzi another day? I have a hot spring in the suburbs, so it's best to go there in winter."

"That sounds good. I will go back and ask grandmother if she wants to go." Li Su smiled.

Li Qi Cheng was a little unhappy. He only wanted to invite Su Su, not the old lady as well. But, even if he had these thoughts, he said, "Okay. As long as you're happy, it's good."

Then, he stared at Xiao Zhen Shu.

Xiao Zhen Shu avoided his gaze. He knew that grandmother was not willing to join the excitement. However, the family would be antsy if Su Su went with the regent alone. Who knew what he would do.

A few days later, the regent's carriage stopped at Yong An Mansion. In addition to Li Su, the naïve young woman, Imperial Princess An He was there.

Li Qi Cheng's eyes widened. "What are you doing here?!"

Imperial Princess An He turned her head and glanced at Li Su. She said, innocently, "Su Su asked me to go with her. The doctor said that I can soak in the hot springs, as long as it isn't for too long."

Li Su explained, "Grandmother is too old to move. The other sister-in-laws are too busy. Only Imperial Princess has time, so I asked her to accompany me. Is this not good?"

Li Qi Cheng smiled and said, "As long as you are happy." Then, when Li Su couldn't see, he gave Imperial Princess An He and Xiao Zhen Shu a fierce look.

Imperial Princess An He was confused. Why was 7th uncle angry? She unconsciously looked at Xiao Zhen Shu. "Husband!"

"It's nothing. I'll go with you." Xiao Zhen Shu hugged Imperial Princess An He around the waist and lightly chuckled.

In the palace, Li Qi Ming looked at the memorial in front of him. He couldn't believe it. "What did the regent originally say?"

The eunuch lowered his head. "His Highness said that he is not free and will let Your Majesty see it for yourself."

Li Qi Ming suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. He felt like he was trying to target someone only to have that person consider you as nothing. This feeling was terrible.

Wang Si Qin was also distressed. If it was someone else who caused the regent to change, then she would be very happy. After all, one would be happy if their goals were achieved without bloodshed.

But, it was her mother who caused this change now.

Wang Si Qin was very worried. The princess had told her not to worry, saying that her mother had reached a consensus with the regent and that the regent would not do anything to her mother.

But it was her mother. How could she be at ease?

"Your Majesty, this servant wishes to visit the mansion," Wang Si Qin said after thinking about it.

"No. If you leave, then who will accompany Us to make these memorials?!" Li Qi Ming objected subconsciously. Then, he seemed to realise something. "Are you worried about your mother?"

Wang Si Qin did not speak, but merely sighed.

Li Qi Ming suddenly had an idea. "It's okay to go back and see what he thinks, whether he is unintentionally fighting me or pretending just to confuse me!"

Wang Si Qin nodded. "Yes, this servant knows."

"Take care of yourself and let Xiao De Zi go with you. He has a bit of martial arts and can keep you safe," said Li Qi Ming.

Wang Si Qin nodded.

"Come back soon!" Li Qi Ming said.

Wang Si Qin seemed to feel something. She looked up and Li Qi Ming quickly looked away. Wang Si Qin smiled slightly.

After Wang Si Qin returned to the mansion, she couldn't see her mother at all. When she returned to the mansion, her mother was still at the hot spring village. The next day, Imperial Princess An He and Xiao Zhen Shu returned, but her mother went up the mountain with the regent. When she came back in the evening, it was already late.

On the 3rd day, Li Su was at home, but the palace sent someone to pick up Wang Si Qin.

Before leaving, Wang Si Qin saw the regent's carriage at the gate of the mansion again.

Wang Si Qin sighed.

In Supreme Hall, Li Qi Ming saw Wang Si Qin enter slowly. He was relieved. "You're back? How was it?"

Wang Si Qin shook her head. "Your Majesty should know where the regent is. I didn't even have the opportunity to speak to my mother alone for the past few days."

The regent's whereabouts were known to Li Qi Ming. If one knew oneself and the enemy, then one could win all the battles. However, Li Qi Ming couldn't believe that 7th older brother would give up when he was one step away from success for a woman.

Li Qi Ming didn't believe it. He thought that 7th older brother was planning something secretly.

"Is what he is doing genuine?" Li Qi Ming asked.

Wang Si Qin shook her head; she didn't know. She hoped it was true. "Watch carefully. The future is long."

Li Qi Ming nodded.

Nobody believed that the regent had no interest in power. Regardless of those who supported the regent or the emperor, they all thought that this was a temporary thing for the regent. But, one, two, three, four months had passed…

As time passed, they found that they were wrong. The regent only seemed to care about visiting scenery with his good friend.

Yes, good friend!

One person around the regent saw that the regent was addicted to that woman and ignored business matters. He was secretly anxious, so he tried to persuade the regent by saying that she was just a woman. If the regent really liked her, she could be welcomed into the mansion. As a result, he was beaten by the regent and driven out.

That person spat out blood, helpless.

The regent's consort, Consort Yan also raised this matter with the regent on the advice from her father and brothers. She asked the prince to take care of the important matters first and bring the lady into the house. She was willing to give up the position of consort.

In fact, Li Qi Cheng was only foolish when he was facing Li Su. When he dealt with other people, he was still the gloomy but shrewd regent. As soon as Consort Yan said this, Li Qi Cheng understood what she was thinking. When Mrs. Yan married him, he was just an unknown prince. Mrs. Yan's identity wasn't that good. She was just the only daughter of a mere member of the Imperial Academy.

Later, when he became the regent, the Yan family rose and held power.

They cared more about the regent's grand plan than anyone else. They dreamed that the Yan family would have an empress or empress dowager!

The reason why Mrs. Yan was so ready to give up the seat of Consort was very clear to Li Qi Cheng. The consort had 2 sons and a daughter. Both the eldest and second sons were hers and had been in the house for many years. Even if Su Su became the new consort, she would not be safe.

But if Mrs. Yan took the initiative to relinquish her post, then how could Li Qi Cheng fail her? He demoted her from Consort to Concubine, and then raised Concubine Xu to his wife. Concubine Xu was the one who had served him the longest. Concubine Xu thought that her life would continue along, but she didn't expect this sudden blessing, that she became the Consort.

Mrs. Xu didn't care about Mrs. Yan. She was now the Consort and gained many benefits. She didn't care about those trivialities.

The Director of the Imperial Clan did not approve of the regent's actions. Mrs. Yan was the first official wife. How could the regent demote his wife to a concubine? But, Li Qi Cheng only said that the Yan family had taken the initiative to give way to a more virtuous person.

His Majesty also instructed the Director of the Imperial Clan to agree to this matter. In fact, His Majesty hoped that the regent would create more scandals. The Director of the Imperial Clan had no choice but to change the jade plate1 unwillingly.

Mrs. Yan's move was for her to have a retreat, but she didn't expect things to turn out like this. Not only was the prince not moved by her generosity, but it was advantageous to Mrs. Xu. The children who had perfectly good lineage of being born from the official wife had their status changed to be children of a concubine. Mrs. Yan and her family had many complaints.

Mrs. Yan couldn't accept such a blow and suddenly fell ill.

The newly appointed Consort Xu was a clever person. She never asked about His Highness and Madam Li. Even when others asked about it, she actively dispelled the rumours, saying that His Highness and Madam Li were close friends and that the rumours weren't credible.

After Wang Si Qin and Li Qi Ming heard about it, they both thought that Mrs. Xu was a really smart person.

Li Qi Ming now slowly began to believe that his 7th older brother was really someone who loved the beauty and not the lands. Or, was this called everything having a weakness? His older brother lacked normal emotions since his father didn't care about him, he had no mother, his brothers bullied him, and his sisters were indifferent, so he didn't care about what the world thought. But, only when one meets that person, one could let go of everything.

It was just that Li Qi Ming still didn't quite understand what his 7th older brother was thinking. He liked a woman, so wasn't he thinking of trying to get her? Seventh older brother, what was this? He didn't believe that 7th older brother was just a friend to Madam Li. He even thought that Madam Li had some demonic tricks, otherwise, how could she make 7th older brother so devoted to her?

But Li Qi Ming didn't dare to say this in front of Si Qin.

"Your Majesty, it's time to drink the medicine!" Wang Si Qin came in with a bowl of medicine.

Li Qi Ming immediately put down the memorial in his hand and leaned against the soft pillow.

During this period of time, Li Qi Ming had to study with his masters while also reviewing the memorials and learning how to govern, so his body was a little tired. In addition, the autumn wind was growing stronger, so the wind was chilly. In this regard, Wang Si Qin had a lot to criticise.

Wang Si Qin frowned when she saw the memorial next to the bed. "Your Majesty, your body is important." She understood Li Qi Ming's desire and focus on power, but she could not understand Li Qi Ming's behaviour of putting the cart before the horse.

"I know. I just felt bored, so I took a look." Li Qi Ming smiled and drank the medicine in one gulp. He didn't feel it was bitter.

"Your Majesty, take the medicine and rest well!" said Wang Si Qin.

Li Qi Ming nodded and lay down.

But, after Wang Si Qin left, Li Qi Ming lay down again. He didn't trust the regent or the ministers. He was the emperor and the power must remain in his hands! He knew the value of having rights, so he would not give up.

Outside the window, Wang Si Qin frowned slightly when she saw this. However, she did not go in to stop him. If His Majesty didn't realise it, then she couldn't do anything.

1.(玉碟) literally, 'jade plate'. I think they were jade carvings that tracked the genealogy of the imperial families in the different dynasties in China. Not too sure about this?↩

Chapter 125 – The Widow's Adopted Daughter (final part)

In order to take over as soon as possible, Li Qi Ming got married at the age of 14. He married Official Zhen's legitimate daughter. After the wedding, the regent and the ministers happily surrendered their power. Although there were some disturbances, Li Qi Ming successfully recovered all the power and became the real emperor!

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Li Qi Cheng went to change the accounts. He passed on the position of Prince Yan to his eldest son. Afterwards, he invited Li Su to stroll across the lands. Of course, Imperial Princess An He and Xiao Zhen Shu were also there.

In fact, Li Qi Cheng did not really want them around, but Li Su said that if he didn't take them along, then she wouldn't go. After all, more people made things more fun.

Li Qi Cheng reluctantly agreed.

Imperial Princess An He was very happy and went to the palace to say goodbye to her 18th uncle before she left.

Li Qi Ming arranged for a dozen guards to protect Imperial Princess An He. In fact, everyone knew what the real purpose was.

Everyone thought that Li Qi Cheng would object, but Li Qi Cheng just glanced at the guards before running to Li Su to show his hospitality.

Li Su didn't speak either. Li Qi Ming was a little overwhelmed. Everyone could see what Li Qi Cheng was doing in recent years, but he was still not at ease. At any rate, everything was over. Li Qi Ming succeeded in taking the reins of the office, Yong An Mansion was safe and sound, and Li Qi Cheng was alive and well.

It was very good.

In the past few years, Li Su had some feelings for Li Qi Cheng. Of course, they weren't feelings of love, but of friendship and familial affection. She didn't want Li Qi Cheng to be suspected and be the subject of jealousy in the capital, so she simply pretended to walk around and coaxed Li Qi Cheng to leave with her. The little emperor should be able to rest assured this time!

The only thing she worried about now was Si Qin. The little emperor got married, but did not let Si Qin leave the palace. Si Qin was very embarrassed because she was in an awkward position.

But, Si Qin was very open. They had met a few times and Si Qin had said everything was fine, so she didn't think about it. This time, when she left the capital, Si Qin was unable to see her off. She heard that His Majesty was ill and that Si Qin had to attend to him. However, Si Qin had ordered someone to send some silver and a message to ask her to take care of herself and to have a smooth journey.

Li Qi Cheng and Li Su took a carriage to Tongzhou Wharf, got on a boat, and went south down the Grand Canal.

They stopped along the way and had fun.

Even when they left the capital, they still received a steady stream of news regarding the capital. The capital also received news about them.

Three months after Li Qi Ming's wedding, Empress Qi was pregnant. Nine months later, the empress gave birth. Li Qi Ming was very happy and registered him as the crown prince!

Immediately after, Li Qi Ming decreed that the grandchild from Yong An Mansion was conferred the title of Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine.

Li Su was shocked. Wasn't this referring to Si Qin? Si Qin became the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine?

Li Su and Xiao Zhen Shu looked at each other without saying a word.

Imperial Princess An He started counting the order of seniority in the family. "Su Su and seventh uncle are in the same generation. Seventh uncle is my seventh uncle. Husband is Su Su's cousin. Si Qin is husband's niece, and His Majesty is my eighteenth uncle…" This was such a mess. Why did she feel like her brainpower wasn't enough!

"Don't worry. That guy is shrewd. He specifically waited until the empress gave birth to a prince before making Si Qin his concubine. He thoroughly considered the reaction from everyone. He is also attentive," said Li Qi Cheng.

Li Su could not conceal her worries. "Si Qin is a few years older than His Majesty. She is first named the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine. This…"

"Don't worry. Your daughter is my daughter. How could I just sit back and watch?! Don't worry, nobody dares to talk too much. In fact, Si Qin's qualifications are more than enough to be the empress. In front of so many watchful eyes, he established the Mrs. Qi as the empress in order to be able to govern smoothly," Li Qi Cheng said disdainfully.

Li Su glared at him.

"Su Su, should we return?" Xiao Zhen Shu frowned.

"What will you do if you return? If Yong An Mansion had the ability to stop this, then they would have. It will be too late if you go back." Li Qi Cheng rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you are worrying about. If Si Qin was unwilling, then she has a hundred ways to persuade the little emperor to dispel this idea. Since she didn't do that, then she must be willing. Besides, she and the little emperor can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. Even if Mrs. Qi is the empress, they are not comparable. They have feelings and status, so there is nothing to worry about."

Although Li Qi Cheng's words were simple and crude, they weren't unreasonable. Besides, they really couldn't do anything if they rushed back now.

Within a few days, Li Su received a letter from the capital from Si Qin. The letter said that His Majesty had discussed her becoming a consort. After careful consideration, she had agreed. She told Li Su not to worry.

Not long after, Yong An Mansion also sent a letter which said something similar to Si Qin's. His Majesty had asked Yong An Mansion for their opinion before he took Si Qin as his concubine and Yong An Mansion had disagreed. After Si Qin talked to Yong An Mansion, Yong An Mansion finally agreed to the matter.

The letter to Xiao Zhen Shu was from Xiao Qi Zhi, who had told him that Si Qin had taken the initiative to make Yong An Mansion agree to this. In order to be with His Majesty, prevent her existence from threatening the empress and the crown prince, and to prevent Yong An Mansion from being involved, she took the initiative to take birth control pills. His Majesty was very moved. Originally, he had planned to make Si Qin a concubine, but His Majesty felt great affection and changed the title to the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine. The empress also calmly accepted this.

Xiao Zhen Shu was shocked, but quickly accepted this. Si Qin was indeed someone who could do these things. Si Qin was even greater than they thought. What was it? She had courage and determination! But, his father also expressed his worries in the letter. Si Qin may want more than that. The devotion of the emperor, the honour of being the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine may not be what Si Qin wanted. What she wanted might be more than that…

If that was the case, then what would Yong An Mansion do when that day comes?

Xiao Zhen Shu felt the turbulent waves in his heart and wanted to say something to Li Su, but he swallowed his words when he saw Li Qi Cheng's cold gaze.

"This Prince does not care what your family's position is, but you aren't allowed to bother Su Su with those messy things. Otherwise, don't blame This Prince for being hostile!" Li Qi Cheng said coldly.

"Isn't Your Highness worried?" Xiao Zhen Shu was expressionless.

"What This Prince hates the most are the faces of those loyal officials. Jiang Shan is the country of the Li Family. This Prince is not in a hurry. Why are you worrying?" Li Qi Cheng said contemptuously. "These are men's issues, so women shouldn't be involved. If Li Qi Ming can't even control a woman, then he won't be able to rule the country! If it all falls, then it doesn't matter who it falls to."

As long as it didn't hinder Li Qi Cheng, then it didn't matter to him!

Xiao Zhen Shu frowned.

Li Qi Cheng suddenly approached him. "One more thing from This Prince, don't disturb Su Su. Otherwise, This Prince doesn't mind causing another storm and stirring things up a bit more!"

Xiao Zhen Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Qi Cheng.

Li Qi Cheng did not shy away.

"What are you talking about?" Imperial Princess An He asked.

The two looked over at Li Su and Imperial Princess An He, who were standing next to each other.

"It's nothing. We were discussing something. If we walk further, then we will arrive at An Qiao. There is a thousand-year-old temple in An Qiao which is said to have very good incense. Are you interested in visiting it?" Li Qi Cheng asked with a smile.

"Thousand-year-old temple?" Li Su knew they weren't telling the truth, but she didn't ask. Li Su knew more or less about Si Qin's ideas. She couldn't say she agreed, but she wouldn't oppose it. As for the future, she would wait and see. As a mother, she couldn't help Si Qin. She could only do her best not to drag Si Qin down.

So, Li Su and her entourage continued south.

Perhaps there was a problem with Li Qi Ming's body. He did not have many heirs. After five years, there were only 3 princes and 2 princesses in the harem. Among the concubines, he respected the empress the most, while the one he loved and trusted the most was Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine Chen, Wang Si Qin. Among the concubines, only the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine could freely enter and leave the imperial study.

Because of the honourable status the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine had, in addition to the love and trust Li Qi Ming had for her, many of the other concubines depended on her. Some concubines who had given birth to a prince, but were from humble backgrounds, wanted to send their princes to be raised by the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine. Even Li Qi Ming mentioned that one of the princess' birth mothers whose biological mother had died should be recorded under Wang Si Qin, but Wang Si Qin refused. She said that once she has an heir, she would inevitably be biased and end up treating all of them unfairly in the future.

Therefore, although Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine Chen was deeply favoured, the empress was not jealous of her! If Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine Chen had no heirs, then it didn't matter how much pampering she received! What the empress wanted to guard against were the concubines who were equally distinguished and had princes. Besides, the crown prince was a little weak. The empress thought that if she had more princes, then it would be safer.

All the concubines were fighting for favour, status, heirs, and interests. Only Wang Si Qin was not fighting and remained aloof.

Li Qi Ming's trust in her increased, even more when he was sick or in a bad mood. So, Wang Si Qin was asked to review the memorials for him. Wang Si Qin read the memorials to him and Li Qi Ming responded. Wang Si Qin imitated Li Qi Ming's handwriting.

At the beginning, Li Qi Ming had some defences up against Wang Si Qin. However, when Wang Si Qin entered and exited the imperial study, she never looked at what she shouldn't, and didn't listen to things that she shouldn't. Even if she heard something, she never revealed a word to the outside.

On one occasion, Li Qi Ming deliberately let her hear that someone had reported that Yong An Mansion had committed some crimes. It was later confirmed that the information was false. But, at that time, Wang Si Qin only showed her suspicion. She didn't say a word to anyone and never contacted Yong An Mansion.

After a long time, Li Qi Ming was relaxed around Wang Si Qin. Yes, she had only spent a few years at Yong An Mansion, but she spent more than 10 years with him. Si Qin knew which one was more important. In order to be with him, she paid such a high price. How could he doubt her?

One time, he asked Si Qin to review the memorial on his behalf and she firmly declined. He forcefully persuaded her and she reluctantly agreed. Because of this, she was upset for many days. She recovered from that, but lost a lot of weight.

Li Qi Ming felt that he had treated Wang Si Qin badly, so he thought about how to make it up to her. Originally, having heirs in the harem, being spoiled, and settling down was the foundation of a concubine. It was unfortunate that she didn't have any offspring. Then, he could only spoil her.

Li Qi Ming wanted to improve Si Qin's status, but she was already the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine, second only to the empress. What could he do?

Li Qi Ming thought about it for a long time and came up with the name of Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine as a way to honour her. How one treated the Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine should be comparable to how one treated the empress.

This imperial decree immediately caused an uproar. Among the imperial clan, there had never been opposition towards His Majesty. In the harem, there were many complaints. There was the empress, but now a Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine! In addition to having no children, this position now threatened her status. The other concubines felt the same way. They thought that the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine was greatly favoured by the emperor and was not qualified for this status. Where did His Majesty come up with the name Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine for her? If this continued, did they even have a way out?

After hearing about this, Wang Si Qin knelt down and declined the title of Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine.

But, Li Qi Ming was also stubborn. The more people opposed him, the more he would do it! It was just the title of Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine. Si Qin's intelligence, dexterity, good morals, and sincerity to him were worth the position of empress. However, in order to win over the ministers, he picked Mrs. Qi as the empress.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Qi and Official Zhen became more arrogant! The empress said that she was ill and refused to allow Wang Si Qin to pay respects to her. At court, Official Zhen's party had the greatest opposition.

Even among the people, there were rumours that Si Qin was a demon who harmed the country. Li Qi Ming did not have to think about who it was who released such a rumour.

Si Qin could not have heirs and they were still worried. They were rushing to exterminate her. How did they view him?!

Li Qi Ming was determined to make this happen. Not only was Wang Si Qin named the Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine, he also held a grand conferral ceremony. He had Wang Si Qin by his side to accept the title and have all the officials and their wives pay their respects to her!

Immediately after, Li Qi Ming decreed that when the princes turned 4, they were to move into Duanben Palace. They could meet their biological mother on the 15th of each month for no more than 2 hours. The princes moved from the imperial palace to Duanben Palace. All the attendants were replaced.

Before the empress and concubines could react, Li Qi Ming sent out another decree saying that the empress was seriously ill and could not manage the palace affairs.

Wang Si Qin was not willing to manage the palace affairs. After this decree, the palace affairs were passed onto the 4 concubines to manage. They were to supervise each other. She only oversaw things.

Li Qi Ming respected her even more when he saw she was not greedy for power.

This series of decrees caught the empress and Official Zhen off guard.

The former was to isolate the princes from the concubines' influence. The empress could bear it as the crown prince was already sensible and was taught by her since he was young. She believed that the crown prince wouldn't be won over by others and deny her as mother empress. But, the latter had violated her interests. The empress was unable to keep the phoenix seal and the authority to manage the palace affairs. What good was the title of empress in this case!

In a rage, the empress ordered someone to secretly send a letter to her mother's family, Official Zhen's mansion. The letter discussed countermeasures with Official Zhen and had a lot of complaints.

Unfortunately, the letter was found by the guards and presented to Li Qi Ming.

Li Qi Ming immediately found the conspiracy. He believed that this was evidence that the empress had tried to rebel along with Official Zhen's residence. He immediately ordered an investigation and Official Zhen's residence was raided on the account of rebellion, an unpardonable crime.

In the end, a letter in the name of the crown prince was found in Official Zhen's study. When Li Qi Ming learned about this, he was furious and revoked their title, had their property searched and confiscated, put them to death, and exiled the family. The title of empress was also revoked.

The crown prince was innocent, so Li Qi Ming did not make a decree to strip the title of crown prince.

But, the crown prince was raised by the empress and had a good relationship with her. His family was left in shambles and his biological mother had her title stripped, how could the crown prince not resent this? He often complained. Some people mentioned that after the empress was sent to the cold palace, she could be rescued if the crown prince ascended the throne. When that time came, one could see what the Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine had to say.

Li Qi Ming was furious. Wang Si Qin had suddenly fallen into a coma for no reason. The imperial doctor could not figure out the cause. Those who had good things to say said that maybe someone was practicing witchcraft in the palace and wanted to murder the Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine.

Li Qi Ming ordered someone to conduct a thorough investigation. They found the voodoo doll with the birthday characters of the Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine in the crown prince's residence.

Li Qi Ming couldn't bear it. He stripped the crown prince of his rank and changed his title to Prince Dian and sent him to a fief outside the capital on the same day. At the same time, he secretly executed the ex-empress.

After Prince Dian left the capital, Li Qi Ming decreed that Wang Si Qin was the empress. He also held a grand conferral ceremony.

In the 18th year of Jianyuan, Li Qi Ming became seriously ill. He made his second son the crown prince and ordered the crown prince to supervise the country with the empress assisting him.

In the 24th years of Jianyuan, Li Qi Ming died and ordered the crown prince to ascend the throne. After the crown prince ascended the throne, Wang Si Qin was honoured as the grand empress dowager. All the military affairs were handled by the grand empress dowager. After the crown prince ascended the throne, his birth mother, Concubine De, was named the supreme empress dowager. The grand empress dowager listened to politics with her curtain down. The name of the imperial reign was then changed to Wansheng. In the same year, the grand empress dowager gave her mother, Mrs. Li, the title of Madam Qinguo.

In the 2nd year of Wansheng, the supreme empress dowager's Yong Ning Mansion tried to force the grand empress dowager to return the power to the emperor. After their defeat, the supreme empress dowager was demoted to a commoner, and the title of Yong Ning was stripped from her family.

In the 10th year of Wansheng, His Majesty died without an heir. The grand empress dowager renamed Prince Ping, the youngest son, as the new emperor. The name of the imperial reign was then changed to Changning. The grand empress dowager wore imperial clothes and held court. The power was in the hands of the people. The entire country was shocked and there were all sorts of comments.

The grand empress dowager changed her previous manner towards Emperor Wansheng. She brought Emperor Changning with her and taught him carefully. After Changning became an adult, he carefully selected the granddaughter from Yong An Mansion to be the empress.

After Emperor Changning got married, the grand empress dowager still did not yield her power to Emperor Changning. She remained dressed in imperial clothes and went to Taimiao Temple to make offerings. The officials opposed her, but the grand empress dowager insisted on doing her own thing and demoted many of the officials who opposed her. Even Yong An mansion was reprimanded.

At that time, the officials were very worried about the grand empress dowager seizing the throne. There were also documents sent to the grand empress dowager, asking her to become the emperor. But, the grand empress dowager tore them up.

In the 15th year of Changning, the grand empress dowager died of an illness and returned her power to Emperor Changning before she died. Emperor Changning felt her kindness and gave her a posthumous title of Empress Mingsu. He built a separate mausoleum for her on a similar scale to the emperor's mausoleum.

According to historical records from later generations, Empress Mingsu had gone through 3 dynasties in her life and assisted 3 emperors. She was well known for the flourishing age of Changning. She was smart when she was young. She had entered the palace and accompanied the emperor. After Emperor Jianyuan took office, she was the Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine who he doted on. After, she was named the Grand Highest-Ranking Imperial Concubine. In the same year after the empress had been stripped of her rank, the emperor raised her to be empress. After that, Empress Mingsu took charge over the officials for 31 years, creating a prosperous age in the Changning dynasty.

Chapter 126 – Wealthy Bastard (part 1)

Li Su needed to go to the bathroom when she awoke. She tried to sit up, but felt that something was holding her down. She touched a smooth, towering belly.

Li Su suddenly became sober. All the other times, she had already had a child. Now she could experience the pain of pregnancy and childbirth in October.

This felt a bit strange. Li Su touched her stomach and her eyes widened in surprise. She pressed her hands against her stomach and felt the movement of the foetus.

Li Su suddenly felt like crying. It felt really wonderful.

Li Su lowered her head to encourage the child in her stomach. "Baby, move again! Would you like to move again?"

Li Su happily played for half an hour. Suddenly she felt a wetness under her body and remembered that she originally wanted to go to the bathroom.

The auntie came in. When she saw Li Su's embarrassment, she smiled and said, "It is the same for everyone who is pregnant. As the pregnancy progresses, this often happens. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Li Su watched awkwardly as an auntie cleaned the sheets.

In fact, when she was first introduced by the housekeeping company to work at Miss Li's house, she was very unhappy. Although she wasn't a fan of celebrities, she had a daughter who was and had watched the show a few times. This Miss Li was a member of a popular TV series. Although she was female number 3, the show had a good set of characters. Therefore, she was a small celebrity in the entertainment circle.

Li Su, who just got popular, was reported to have gone to study abroad; however, it was just her hiding to raise a baby.

The child was more than 6 months pregnant. The father of the child had never shown up. Only her agent came once in a while to give her something.

The auntie looked down at Li Su at first since she thought Li Su was vain. When the housekeeping company had asked her to come, she had been very unhappy. But, after spending some time together, she found that Li Su was actually not that bad. Both of Li Su's parents had died when she was young, so Li Su grew up in an orphanage. Later, because of Li Su's beauty, she was discovered by talent scouts and became a star.

Without a normal family atmosphere and no parental education, a person ending up greedy, vain, or hungry for power would be understandable. The auntie saw that Li Su didn't know anything about being pregnant, had not prepared anything, and had nobody to help her. Her friends and classmates weren't around. The agent was pretty good, but was busy and rarely showed up. The auntie had to accompany Li Su to several prenatal check-ups, so the auntie had increased sympathy for Li Su.

"The weather is good today. Do you want to go for a walk and bask in the sun? I will clean up the house later. There must be a lot of dust." The auntie prepared something quickly and handed it to Li Su. Although it was phrased as a question, the intent was clear.

Li Su nodded and took the bag. It was a little heavy.

She then went out.

She looked down at the bag full of fruit, biscuits, bread, milk, and a thermos.

This auntie was very careful.

Li Su began to consider whether to cooperate with her.

In Li Su's last life, she had suffered a bit in the first half of her life. But, she was very happy in the second half. Whether she was in Yong An Mansion or later travelling with Li Qi Cheng, she was well taken care of. Later, her daughter became the empress dowager and she herself gained high status. She had even more people waiting on her. She was even able to eat grapes that someone had peeled and deseeded.

However, in this life, she had nobody to rely on. She had to do it all herself.

Li Su silently calculated the money the original owner had. The original owner grew up in an orphanage, so she attached great importance to money. The reason why she went against her financial backer and secretly got pregnant was for money. The original owner was only 24 this year and already had 7-8 million in the bank. In addition to the remuneration for filming and advertising, the rest of the money was given by her financial backer.

Li Su had figured it out. If she could invest well, then it should be enough for the two of them to live. She could buy a house! It was the 2000s. She could take advantage of the low prices now, buy a few apartments, then rent them out. Rent is also income. When the child goes to school, she will be able to make money and get a job again. There was no need to worry about her life.

Coincidentally, the contract between the original owner and her managing company had expired. The agent only came to see her occasionally due to their previous good relationship.

Later, the original owner successfully gave birth to a boy and called her financial backer to tell him that he should divorce and marry her. She didn't expect that the child was taken away by her financial backer just after a month. Someone left behind a paper bag that contained documents of Li Su's immigration status as well as a bank card containing $10 million USD and a house abroad.

The financial backer had clearly told Li Su that it was impossible to get married. Either the two would continue their previous relationship, or they would send her out of the country! The original owner hesitated after and didn't dare to offend the financial backer, so she went abroad happily. She found true love overseas, got married and had children, and lived a happy life. The original owner completely forgot about this son.

But the son left behind by the original owner was not so lucky.

The financial backer, Su Wanzhe, was married. He and his wife, An Wei, had a business marriage. Although they didn't have feelings for each other, they could not separate. An Wei had one daughter. When she gave birth, she had an amniotic embolism and her uterus had to be removed. She could no longer get pregnant. Therefore, An Wei had always turned a blind eye to Su Wanzhe raising the celebrity abroad. She just had one condition: no children. Even if he wanted to have a child, he had to find a good mother. He couldn't go around and get any old woman pregnant.

Su Wanzhe also thought of finding someone to give birth to a child, so he was still looking for someone suitable. He didn't expect that Li Su would call him and tell him that she gave birth to a boy.

Although Su Wanzhe was angry, he felt a little reluctant when he heard he had a son. He went back to discuss things with An Wei and then decided to take the child back first. They just didn't want their child to have a celebrity for a mother, so after discussing things, they decided to spend some money to buy the mother-child relationship.

In the future, if the child was smart, then he would be trained as an heir. If he wasn't, then they would just give him things and let him eat and drink without worry.

The child named Su Qinglin was smart. Not only did Su Wanzhe like him, but Su Wanzhe's parents also liked him a lot. The Su family began to train Su Qinglin as the heir. Everyone was happy, except for An Wei and her family.

The Su family's heir wasn't from An Wei, so this was unacceptable to both An Wei and her family. If Su Qinglin was mediocre, then it would be fine, but he just had to be smart.

An Wei didn't pay much attention to the issue of heirs at first. After all, she already had a smart and lovely daughter. With her and her family, the share that should belong to her daughter won't ever be lost. Although she could get her eggs and find a surrogate, she was unwilling to endure the painful process.

But, watching that illegitimate child take away the love and attention that originally belonged to her daughter bit by bit made An Wei feel unhappy.

The An family felt the same.

With the support of the An family, An Wei took her daughter with her to the US for medical treatment.

A year later, An Wei announced that she was pregnant and was expecting to give birth in the US. Eight months later, An Wei returned to China with a lovely, healthy boy named Su Anhe.

At that time, the attitude of the Su family towards Su Qinglin was the same as before. Although An Wei gave birth to a son who was more qualified to inherit the family business than Su Qinglin, the child was still young and they did not know if he was qualified yet. So, they still valued Su Qinglin more.

But, as Su Anhe grew up, he was no less intelligent than Su Qinglin. As Su Anhe had the support of the Su family, he was naturally incomparable to Su Qinglin.

Slowly, the hearts of Su Wanzhe and the Su family's second elder turned towards Su Anhe. After all, Su Qinglin was just an illegitimate child. Su Anhe was the rightful grandson of the Su family.

Su Qinglin didn't know his birth origins. He thought that An Wei was his biological mother, so he couldn't accept this. They had the same parents, so why did his mother only like his sister and didn't like him since he was young? Now, he even had a younger brother and people didn't pay attention to him anymore. Even his father and grandparents liked his younger brother more than him.

Therefore, Su Qinglin began to subconsciously make trouble just to try and attract attention. He was like a brother who had younger siblings.

Su Qinglin's troublemaking worked a bit at first, but after a while, everyone lost their patience with him, especially Su Wanzhe's parents. When Su Qinglin first arrived, everyone paid attention to him and Su Anyi, An He's daughter, didn't make any trouble. On the contrary, she was very sensible and looked after him.

Qinglin was so noisy! The way the mother treated this new child was very different.

After he realised that causing a fuss was fruitless, Su Qinglin began to give up on himself. He thought that the elders would pay more attention to him this way. Nobody cared about his fall since they had a better candidate for a successor.

Many years later, Su Anhe had graduated from Harvard University's School of Business. He joined the company and began to participate in the company's management. He successfully completed several large-scale projects and was a well-known business elite.

On the other hand, Su Qinglin graduated from a second-rate college with nothing to do after graduation. Su Wanzhe gave him a company with good profits; however, he liked to take care of small celebrities and college students, so he often made the headlines of entertainment news.

In the circles, the assessment of Su Anhe and him were very different.

Later, Su Qinglin fell in love with a young female star called Xiao Mei. She was smart and kind with good acting ability. Su Qinglin really liked her. He spent a lot of money to invest in filming for her and helped her get connections. He also helped her get her first role as an actress.

In order to give Xiao Mei the best and to prove himself, Su Qinglin changed from being useless in the past and started to improve himself. In just 1 year, the company's profits increased ten-fold and was successfully listed.

The board of directors saw Su Qinglin's ability and suggested that Su Qinglin should be added to the Su clan.

For a time, Su Qinglin was energetic.

Su Qinglin carefully prepared a banquet. When he was about to propose to Xiao Mei, she rejected him and suggested breaking up. It was unexpected. She said that the person she actually liked was Su Anhe and the reason she associated with Su Qinglin was to get closer to Su Anhe. She worked hard in order to be worthy of Su Anhe.

Su Qinglin couldn't accept this blow. He felt that Xiao Mei had played with his feelings. In a rage, he fumbled and pushed Xiao Mei off a high platform. She fell to her death.

It just so happened that this was captured by a gossip reporter.

Su Qinglin was arrested and imprisoned, but the Su clan issued a statement saying that he was willing to accept the legal punishment and would never abuse his power again.

In the end, Su Qinglin was convicted of intentional homicide and sentenced to 20 years in jail.

When the verdict was announced, Su Anyi visited Su Qinglin in jail and said to him disdainfully, "You are just a bastard born from an actress. Your mother abandoned you for money. If you had stayed quiet and kept to yourself, the Su family would make sure you had food and accommodation. But, you just had to fight with my younger brother. You deserve what you got today!"

It was only then Su Qinglin understood the truth. He was sad, angry, regretful, and disgusted. He was hit with so many emotions and finally couldn't bear it. He desperately committed suicide.

On the day Su Qinglin committed suicide, Su Anhe announced his engagement. He was marrying the Duke of England's daughter. The two had met and fell in love during his study abroad at Harvard. They were a match made in heaven and everyone admired them.

Chapter 127 – Wealthy Bastard (part 2)

Li Su sighed at Si Qinglin's misfortune and suddenly felt a little pain in her stomach. She lowered her head and touched her stomach, knowing that it was her son who was protesting.

"Okay, don't worry. Mum is here. I will definitely not let you become that stupid!"

Jiang Xue stood by and watched for a while. "You really look like a mother!"

"Older sister Jiang, you are here!" Li Su looked up and recognised the original owner's agent.

"Here are the diapers that I bought for the baby, and some clothes. I will bring them up later!" Jiang Xue said with a smile as she sat down next to Li Su. She was 35 this year. But, because of a medical condition, she was unable to give birth. In this life, she planned to concentrate on her career and not get married.

But, when she learned that Li Su was pregnant, she was shocked and knew that Li Su was taking a risk. After hesitating, she chose to help Li Su. The first reason was because she brought Li Su into the circle. She knew that, while the child had a questionable background, it was not his fault. The second reason was that she was reluctant to give up the child.

"Okay, don't be polite. How's the baby? Is it rambunctious?" asked Jiang Xue as she touched Li Su's stomach.

"The baby is well behaved." Li Su began to think about how she would explain her change to Jiang Xue. "Sister Jiang, I don't want Su Qanzhe to know about this child's existence."

Jiang Xue was surprised. "What? You don't…" Then, she realised that they were in a garden with a lot of people around. She then spoke in a low voice, "Aren't you planning on using this child to get a higher position?"

"Sister Jiang, I have come to an understanding these past few days. It is impossible between Su Wanzhe and I. Just like you said, I can't offend the Su or the An family. It is impossible for Su Wanzhe to marry me. I was thinking that if it wasn't possible, I could trade the child for money and go far away since I would be scrutinised in the entertainment circle in the future. But, as I feel my baby grow day-by-day and feel it moving, I… I can't bear it!" Li Su choked out as she touched her stomach.

Jiang Xue was also silent.

"Sister Jiang, I have thought about it. I have saved a lot of money in the past few years. It should be enough to feed both the baby and I. Sister Jiang, you are the only one who knows I am pregnant. Will you help me keep this secret?"

Li Su had thought about hiding from Jiang Xue in a different place in order to keep the secret, but she was pregnant and that would be inconvenient. Jiang Xue also knew too much about the original owner. Jiang Xue knew about how many bank cards and deposits the original owner had. It wouldn't be easy to avoid Jiang Xue. She didn't want to try and outsmart her.

Li Su didn't want to take risks.

Besides, the original owner didn't have a single friend. Jiang Xue could barely be regarded as her friend. Maybe she could work for it! If it didn't work, then she could think of something later.

"If you think about it, you can't live in this place anymore," Jiang Xue said after a while. "You haven't shown up for so long. President Su is suspicious. His assistant has looked for me several times, but I haven't replied. I'm not sure how long I can hide this for. I also come here often during this time to check on you. They will find you!"

Li Su didn't expect this to happen again. Sister Jiang never reminded the original owner of this. "Sister Jiang, what do I do?"

"Don't worry. Maybe I'm just worrying too much. President Su might be fine. I'll make the arrangements," said Jiang Xue after she thought about it for a while.

Li Su nodded. "Sister Jiang, you must help me. I really don't want to be separated from the baby."

Jiang Xue patted Li Su's hand and nodded.

Li Su pulled on Jiang Xue's hand. "Sister Jiang, for the sake of the baby, I won't act in the future. Although I have a bit of savings, I can't sit back and eat nothing. I was thinking about making some investments. Sister Jiang, what do you think about buying a house?"

When Jiang Xue saw that Li Su was seriously thinking about her future, she felt relieved. "Buying a house is a good idea. If you rent it out, then there will be monthly income. It is more suitable for your current situation. If you trust me, I will help you."

Li Su smiled. "Sister Jiang, I will have to trouble you. Would you also let the Su family know?"

"Don't worry, I still have this ability." Jiang Xue smiled. She didn't agree with Li Su getting involved with these wealthy and powerful families. Female celebrities and people from wealthy and powerful families could have relationships, but few had good endings. She saw many examples of this. But, Li Su hadn't listened and Jiang Xue didn't try to persuade her much.

Now, Li Su had woken up in time. It was very good.

Jiang Xue was still very efficient. A week later, she had found a place for Li Su and had organised for a moving company to help Li Su move.

In the evening, 2 months later, Jiang Xue quietly came by and handed Li Su a few real estate certificates and a few lease contracts. "Here, I bought you seven houses in City C. Four of them are in school districts and rented them out for you for three years. Here are the contracts. The rest for one year has been paid. It is on the new card."

"Thank you, Sister Jiang!" Li Su looked at the certificates and smiled. In a few years, these would all be worth a lot of money!

Jiang Xue smiled when she saw her appearance.

"Sister Jiang, will the Su family find it?" Li Su asked when she suddenly remembered this.

"Probably not. Since the last time I met with President Su, President Su only asked me once. We have met several times in the past few months and President Su can't recognise me. I heard that President Su has been visiting a young model from the harbour city. As long as you don't go near him, he has probably forgotten who you are," said Jiang Xue. How could these people from wealthy and powerful families be sincere?

Li Su was relieved. "That's good."

"It's been more than eight months. When is the due date?" Jiang Xue asked as she touched Li Su's stomach.

"The due date is around the eighth of October. Sister Jiang, will you come?" Li Su smiled. "You are my son's godmother, so you must be there!"

Jiang Xue's eyes were hot. "Seriously… Do you really want me to be your son's godmother?"

"Of course! Why would I lie to you?" Li Su asked.

Jiang Xue smiled. "The eighth of October…" She thought of the itinerary for those few days. She should be able to make time. "Okay, I will definitely come. As for the confinement period, have you thought about it? Will you do it at home or go to a confinement centre? This place is too small. I suppose if you go to a confinement centre, it probably won't be very good. I can let my parents come and help with your confinement. I will invite my sister-in-law and a nanny. You don't have to worry about this. I'll deal with it. You just raise your baby with peace of mind!"

Li Su smiled and took Jiang Xue's hand. "Sister Jiang, what would I do without you!" Jiang Xue had helped her a lot. Without Jiang Xue, she would have to do so many things in person and it would have been troublesome.

Jiang Xue groaned. "You just take care of my godson!" As she said this, she couldn't help but touch Li Su's stomach again.

Three days later, Jiang Xue's parents came with many bags. Jiang Xue was going to have her sister-in-law and hire a nanny to help, so she feared that the place would be too small to live in. She bought the house opposite and let her parents live there.

"Dad, mum, I have to fly to Modu1 now, so I can't say much. This is Li Su, my younger sister. She is the mother of my godson. She has your grand-godson. Please take care of her!" Jiang Xue left with a few words in a hurry.

Li Su, Father Jiang, and Mother Jiang were left staring at each other.

In the end, Li Su broke the awkward silence. "Uncle, Auntie, hello. I am Li Su."

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang were just ordinary, working-class workers who have been retired for many years. People who were usually the same age were at home with their grandchildren, enjoying being a happy family. But, because their daughter had a medical condition which made her infertile and that she even refused to get married, they could only worry secretly.

This time, they received a call from their daughter, asking them to come and take care of a pregnant woman. The old couple thought their daughter learnt from foreigners and had a surrogate mother. They did not know that was not the case, even until now.

The other party was a celebrity. How could a person with such status be a surrogate for their daughter?

"Are you a star? I have seen you on TV. You play as the third princess. She is so cute," Mother Jiang said with a smile.

The third princess was a character Li Su played in a previous popular TV series.

"When did you get pregnant? Who is the father?" Mother Jiang asked.

Father Jiang coughed a few times, then glared at Mother Jiang.

Li Su lowered her head and chuckled. "It's nothing. I met a scumbag! I am an orphan. My parents didn't want me. I was left on the side of the road and was sent to an orphanage. I know what it is like to not have parents, so I can't bear to let my child be like me. I want to have a home!" The original owner's acting skills were good. This was the first time she had tried to use these acting skills.

Mother and Father Jiang saw her distress. Mother Jiang patted Li Su's thigh. "That is good. You don't need such scum. The child is the most important thing!" She then sat next to Li Su. "Don't worry. Auntie will take care of you and your child."

Then, they asked about the expected delivery date, if the check-ups had been done, and how the child was developing.

Li Su patiently answered all the questions. Mother and Father Jiang had a better impression of Li Su. Li Su's character when she acted was a character with a design of a good girl. This kind of person was the most popular among middle-aged and elderly audiences. In addition, Li Su had travelled many times so she had already figured out how to get along with the elders. So, it was easy for her to win Mother and Father Jiang's favour.

People didn't give chances to women who weren't virtuous. Wasn't it just getting pregnant when one was unmarried? What was the big deal? It was the new century, so how could the thinking be so old? There were so many single mothers around. People also found divorce inappropriate. What was the big deal?

That is what Mother and Father Jiang thought.

1.(魔都) Modu – it is apparently a nickname for Shanghai. Since C-novels usually use generic names like C City, I wasn't sure if this is actually a reference to Shanghai. I've left it as Modu.↩

Chapter 128 – Wealthy Bastard (part 3)

On the 7th of October, the day before Li Su's expected due date, Jiang Xue finally hurried back. She managed to squeeze a week in her busy schedule to welcome the arrival of her godson.

Jiang Xue entered the room with a lot of bags. Mother Jiang opened the door and saw her daughter. She didn't care whether her daughter was tired. "Have you bought everything I asked for?"

Jiang Xue was stunned. "I bought it all. There are still some things in the car. I also bought a crib for the baby. It was imported. Dad, come and get it with me."

"Why are you buying that stuff?! What kind of crib? Of course the child needs to sleep with his mother so it is convenient to feed him at night! You really know how to spend money!" Mother Jiang murmured as she checked the things Jiang Xue brought back.

Jiang Xue rolled her eyes and ignored Mother Jiang.

In another room, sister-in-law Yue helped Li Su and slowly walked over. Sister-in-law Yue smiled and said, "Nowadays, it is popular to let children sleep in the crib alone and hold them again when you breastfeed. It is not a problem. I am afraid that there is a possibility of the parent rolling over in their sleep and squashing the child. There have been several such cases."

Mother Jiang's eyes widened when she heard that. "That has happened? Aiya, what a crime! When I had Xue'r, I did not dare to sleep well. I was afraid that the quilt would suffocate her or that I would roll over and squash her. I feel sorry for those parents and pity their children!"

"So, it is now encouraged to have the child sleep in the crib so the child is safe and the mother can rest well," said sister-in-law Yue. She had been with this family for some time. She knew Mother Jiang's temperament. While her thinking was a little old, as long as it was the sake of the pregnant woman and the child, then Mother Jiang would mostly agree.

"Su Su, you're so skinny, even when you're pregnant. I guess there won't be a lot of milk, so the baby may have to drink formula. That's fine. You'll be okay during confinement. Modern formula is also very nutritious. It is very good," Mother Jiang said to herself.

Li Su sat on the chair, smiling happily as she touched her stomach. After Mother and Father Jiang came, her life was very comfortable. Mother Jiang cooked well and spent a lot of time trying to make good food for her. Father Jiang took his fishing rod and rode a bus for more than an hour to catch some wild fish in a nearby rural pond. He then brought it back to stew into a fish soup. Although Li Su didn't really like eating fish, she ate everything knowing Mother and Father Jiang's good intentions.

Mother and Father Jiang were also happy to see her doing well.

Therefore, the 3 got along well. Li Su experienced the warmth of a family from Mother and Father Jiang, whereas Mother and Father Jiang experienced the long-lost joy of being a parent. God knew how many years it had been since Jiang Xue last ate at home.

Therefore, Li Su recognised Mother and Father Jiang as godparents!

Li Su was thinking that, then suddenly felt there was something wrong under her body. Was she incontinent again?


Li Su reacted. "Godmother! I think my water has broken!"

Mother Jiang and sister-in-law Yue were shocked. Mother Jiang immediately dropped the things in her hands and ran to Li Su. "Quickly, go to the hospital! It is good that Xue'r is back in time. Go, get the package!"

Sister-in-law Yue was more experienced. "Don't worry, there is still some time until the birth. Why don't you take a bath first?"

Li Su thought about not being able to bathe and wash her hair for at least half a month during confinement and found the thought unbearable. "Godmother, I want to take a bath."

Mother Jiang was convinced since sister-in-law Yue was more professional. "Okay, then go take a shower. I will pack. I'll call Xue'r. Take this if I haven't returned!"

As they were talking, Jiang Xue and Father Jiang came in carrying a big box. They were stunned when they saw this scene. "What's the matter?" Jiang Xue asked before she put down the box. She caught her breath.

"What is going on? Your godson is arriving since he knows his godmother has come back!" Mother Jiang said angrily. "What are you still doing? Old man, get the delivery package. I'll make something to eat. Having a baby is hard work. How can it be done without food?"

With that said, Mother Jiang went to the kitchen to work.

Jiang Xue asked, "What do I do?"

"You should go down and start the car and turn on the heating. We will go down later," Mother Jiang shouted from the kitchen.

Jiang Xue stood there for a moment. She heard the sound of water in the bathroom, and ran over. "Su Su, do you have any reaction now?"

Li Su was already in pain at this time. She endured while she washed her hair. "It's starting to hurt."

Starting to hurt? Jiang Xue's eyes widened. She had never given birth to a child before, she had also never eaten pork but had seen pigs run. She knew that once the pain began, it was not long until the child arrived. She quickly took out her mobile phone and called the hospital as she walked out. Fortunately, they had a booking from a month ago. Even if it didn't start today, they could go tomorrow.

Li Su took a shower, changed into clean clothes, dried her hair, and ate two bowls of Mother Jiang's wontons in chicken soup. The group then set off to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, the nurse examined Li Su and saw that she was already at 3 fingers. She immediately arranged for Li Su to go to the delivery room to await the delivery.

Because the current hospital did not allow people to go in during the labour, Mother and Father Jiang could only wait outside. Mother Jiang handed the delivery package to the nurse and explained it to Li Su for a while. "There is chocolate in the bag for if you are hungry later. Let the nurse give it to you! Follow the doctor's advice so you can have a smoother delivery. A smooth delivery means suffering at the time and recovering quickly, which is good for the baby. If it doesn't work, then go to a C-section immediately."

Li Su endured the pain for a while and nodded obediently. This was the first time she had a child by herself. She knew that it would be painful. She would be a ready-made mother from now on! With this feeling, she didn't want to go through this again.

When she was lying on the bed, Li Su suddenly remembered something and asked the nurse, "Is there a painless childbirth?"

The nurse was not expecting this. She knew that there was painless childbirth? "Yes, but the technology is not perfect yet and few people know of it. Nobody in our hospital has tried it yet, Would you like to try it?"

Li Su nodded firmly. "Yes!" If the pain continued, she would probably collapse. How could she have the strength to have a baby!

Painless childbirth was very popular abroad, but few people in China were willing to try it. The nurse immediately reported to her superior and her superior attached great importance to it. If it succeeded, then it would be the first case in City C! The superior allowed the head of the anaesthesiology department to perform the operation himself.

After an analgesic and anaesthesia, the pain eased a lot. Li Su felt better. The director of the anaesthesiology department stood by and watched closely to ensure it was safe. There were other doctors, nurses, and midwives in the delivery room.

The nurse came over to check the opening after a while.

Although Li Su felt a bit ashamed and embarrassed to be in this state, she knew that giving birth was like this. In order to distract herself, Li Su looked around.

In addition to Li Su, there were 2 other women in the delivery room. They didn't understand what painless delivery was, so they didn't dare to try it. The price of painless delivery was also more expensive, so except for Li Su, they chose natural childbirth.

At this time, one of them was crying and shouting that she didn't want to give birth, and the other was cursing.

Li Su felt a little funny inwardly. But, after a while, the nurse checked on her and said, "Okay!"

Li Su suddenly felt nervous. "Is it time to give birth? I… I'm not ready yet!"

The doctors and nurses all laughed. "Giving birth is just a matter of fact at this point. What else are you going to prepare? Later, you'll just need to listen to us and you will be fine."

Although Li Su had been a mother many times, this was the first time she would give birth. She felt a little at a loss. But, she knew that the doctors and nurses were professionals. It was right to listen to them.

Although she was given anaesthesia and an analgesic, the feeling still made Li Su feel a bit uncomfortable when she was about to give birth.

Li Su listened to the nurse, exerting force, then resting, then exerting again before resting again.

She didn't know how long had passed. Li Su felt a little weak. She wanted to sleep.

Suddenly, something slipped out and she relaxed. Then, the crying of a baby filled her ears. Li Su, who was drowsy, suddenly regained her energy. "Have I given birth?" She tried to look up to see the baby.

The nurse placed the child on Li Su's chest. "He is a handsome little boy!"

Li Su looked at the child. He was red and wrinkled, just like a little mouse. He lay down with his eyes closed and his mouth open as he wailed. She couldn't say, in good conscience, that this child was handsome!

He was so ugly!

"Why is he so ugly!" Li Su wailed.

The nurse smiled. "It is always like this when a child is born. After a few months, it will be fine."

The nurse then took the child to wash and weigh. Li Su felt sleepy, but didn't dare to sleep. She was afraid that the child would be dropped if she fell asleep.

It wasn't until she was pushed out of the delivery room with her child and she finally saw Jiang Xue, and Mother and Father Jiang did she feel relieved. She could finally sleep.

Li Su didn't know how long she slept for. When she woke up, the light was a bit dim. She blinked and remembered the child. She hurriedly searched for the child.

"Did you just wake? Are you hungry? Godmother made millet porridge for you. It's still hot. Eat a bit first," Mother Jiang said excitedly. She was sitting by the bed when she saw Li Su awake.

"Where is the child?" Li Su looked around.

"Your godfather and Xue'r took him to get an injection. The baby looks good. I saw that none of the babies in the obstetric department could compare to your baby. By the way, have you thought about the child's name? Ah, you need to get a birth certificate when you leave the hospital," Mother Jiang said.

The child's name… Li Su had already thought about it. She didn't want to name the child Su Qinglin. Qinglin and Qingling… She was unhappy when she heard these names. "I thought about it a while ago. The child will be named Li Jiangping, with my surname. I hope he will be safe for the rest of his life."

Li Jiangping? The Li was from Li Su's Li, and the Jiang was from Jiang Xue's Jiang. Mother Jiang smiled widely. "This name is good! This name is good!"

Chapter 129 – Wealthy Bastard (part 4)

Mother Jiang happily fed Li Su. Jiang Xue and Father Jiang returned with the child. "Su Su, are you awake?"

As soon as Li Su saw her son, her attention was immediately on him. "Is the injection done? Did he cry?"

Jiang Xue carefully placed the child next to Li Su and whispered. "He had a slow reaction. He cried halfway through it. It was ridiculous."

Having said that, Jiang Xue looked at the child with warmth.

Father Jiang was not good with words. He was sitting far away at this time, but he kept looking at the child.

Mother Jiang smiled and said, "You know what? Little children are all like this. You were worse than our Jiang Ping!"

"Jiang Ping?" Jiang Xue asked in surprise.

"Yes. Li Jiangping is the baby's name. While you are here, quickly go and help get the birth certificate and household registration. It will save us trouble in the future. Su Su is going to confinement and your dad and I don't understand this," Mother Jiang said happily. She would not be able to hold her grandson for a while, but Su Su was a conscientious person and her grandson would be too.

Jiang Xue looked at Li Su and Li Su smiled back.

Jiang Xue muttered the name silently in her heart. Li Jiangping. Li Jiangping. She then smiled. "Yes, I will go now. I'll do it before I leave."

Jiang Xue walked out of the ward and laughed. She knew her parents' thoughts. Last year she went abroad for an egg freezing operation. She originally thought that, in a few years, she would find a surrogate to give birth to her child so her parents could care for a grandchild. Now, it seemed that there was no need to speak of this matter. Even if she had children, she couldn't guarantee that she would be a good mother. She still had to run around the world and couldn't always be with them. That would be irresponsible to the child. This outcome was pretty good.

Li Su recovered quickly after childbirth. But, as Mother Jiang mentioned, she did not produce much milk. The child had a large appetite and often cried out in hunger.

Li Su was also very anxious. She drank the nourishing soup, but there was still not much milk. Mother and Father Jiang felt distressed when they heard the child crying while they were busy preparing the milk powder.

Upon seeing this, sister-in-law Yue tried to persuade them. But, Li Su shook her head and motioned for sister-in-law Yue to not say more.

This was because the two generations had different thinking. There was no need to compare. Although breast milk was nutritious, the nutritional content of milk powder was not worse than breast milk. It wasn't bad to drink formula instead.

"Are you really not going to tell President Su?" Jiang Xue asked softly.

Jiang Xue could only sigh when she saw Li Su exude an aura of maternal love. Was being a mother that big of a difference? The former Li Su was a bit bitter, loved money, and was very competitive. As her agent, how much did she have to ass-kiss?

Li Su shook her head. "What will you tell him? What if he takes the baby from me? I hope he doesn't know about the baby's existence for his entire life. Will he look for you again?" Li Su asked nervously.

Jiang Xue shook her head. Even if Su Wanzhe stood in front of her in a meeting, she would not reveal a word. Even if she did, her parents would not. "No, I just…" She was just afraid that Li Su would suddenly change her mind. That was the Su family. Su Wanzhe didn't have a son. If he learned about the existence of the baby, he would likely give Li Su a lot of money even if he couldn't let Li Su into the family.

She was afraid that, now they had so much affection for this child, Li Su would be confused by money. If that happened, then how would her parents accept that?

Li Su knew what Jiang Xue was afraid of and that her ex-manager still didn't trust her that much, but it was understandable. One day, Jiang Xue would believe her.

"Don't worry. Even if Su Wanzhe was here right now and offered me ten million, no, a hundred million, I won't give him the baby. I believe that my son is smart and great. What I lose in terms of money now will be earned back by my son in the future, right, baby?" Li Su smiled and leaned over to Mother Jiang to tease the child.

Jiang Xue rolled her eyes. Ten million, no, a hundred million. Li Jiangping, with such a mother, you will have a hard time in the future! But, our baby is so cute. When he is full, he spits bubbles. Was he a fish?

The 7 days passed quickly. Jiang Xue's vacation was also over and it was time for her to go back. In fact, the company had already called, urging her to return. A young woman who was signed by the company and a man were caught by the paparazzi entering a hotel together. The paparazzi had picture evidence. This would normally be easy to deal with, but the other person was married and were a well-known loving husband-wife in the entertainment circle.

Jiang Xue wasn't willing to intervene in this matter. That young woman was originally an artist under her banner. But, because she had paid more attention to Li Su at the time, the young woman had applied for another agent in the company. Now that something happened, the young woman finally thought of her. How could there be such a good thing. Even if she had to make a move in the end, she would let it stretch out a bit, otherwise she may be too self-righteous.

Jiang Xue was leaving and she was reluctant to let go of the baby. Mother and Father Jiang knew that she was leaving and didn't know when she would come back, so they let this happen.

Li Su slowly walked in the house. She saw Jiang Xue and smiled. "If you are so reluctant to leave him, then take him along!"

Jiang Xue nodded excitedly. "That's a good idea."

Mother Jiang gave her a look. "You don't even take care of yourself and you want to take care of the baby? Leave!" Then, she reached out and took the child. "Come on, grandmother will hug you. Don't listen to your godmother's nonsense. We will stay here. You won't go anywhere."

Jiang Xue was a little reluctant. "Mum, let me hold him again."

"Oh, a hug? Our baby has a good temper and doesn't pick just anyone. You need more meat on your bones or it won't be comfortable for the baby to be hugged by you. You lose weight all the time and you're too thin. Su Su, the same goes for you. You are just fine now. There's no need to lose weight," Mother Jiang groaned.

Jiang Xue didn't give up the child and wanted to hold him for longer. Mother Jiang glared at her. "Isn't your plane at twelve? Hurry up and eat, then leave quickly. Don't spend so much time here and end up missing the plane. It is time for the baby to sleep." The child was then handed to sister-in-law Yue.

Li Su walked for a while and felt tired, so she leaned on the sofa to rest.

Jiang Xue sat down next to her. "My parents will probably be reluctant to leave now. I thought about letting them live here. What do you think?"

Li Su nodded. "That's fine. To be honest, having godmother and godfather here makes things much easier. I'm just afraid that godmother and godfather will miss being home."

Jiang Xue smiled. "Actually, they don't have anything to do in their hometown. Now that there is the baby, they can spend a lot of time with him. Besides, now that transport is so developed, they can easily go back."

Li Su said, "Okay, as long as godmother and godfather are happy." Many people love children. Li Su was happy.

At the dinner table, Jiang Xue discussed this, and asked for Mother and Father Jiang's opinions. "Mum, dad, what do you think?"

Mother and Father Jiang looked at each other. What were their thoughts? Of course it was to stay where the baby was. Su Su didn't dislike them, so they were willing to live here. Although they were reluctant to leave their hometown as they had lived there for many years and were used to it, their hometown was small and the level of medical services was low. They were also afraid that Su Su would not be willing to take the baby out to see them. The older people had to accommodate the younger generation.

"If Su Su doesn't dislike us, then we want to stay here. If we want to go back to our hometown, we can easily go back and have a look," said Mother Jiang.

Li Su smiled and said, "How can I dislike you? I would like it if you stayed! I am an orphan with no relatives. As for the baby's dad… Just pretend that he is dead. Perhaps I am too selfish. I want to give my baby a relatively normal family with a mother, godmother, grandparents, and a lot of relatives." As she spoke, her eyes reddened and her voice sounded like she was choking up a little.

Mother and Father Jiang looked at her in distress. Father Jiang was not good with words. Although he was anxious, he didn't know how to comfort her. Mother Jiang patted her on the shoulder. "You can't cry during confinement. Don't cry! We will be a family in the future. You are my daughter! There is no need to cry."

Father Jiang filled up a bowl of chicken soup. "Drink this!"

Li Su held the bowl and smiled with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Xue believed that Li Su was being sincere. If her acting was so good, she wouldn't have been able to leave the entertainment circle and she would have been the female lead. She smiled and said, "Then that's that. I will call auntie in our hometown to visit the house occasionally. Auntie has the keys to our house anyway."

Mother and Father Jiang nodded. "Mm, okay!"

At this point, Jiang Xue was truly relieved. Li Su really liked this child and wanted to give this child a relatively normal life.

Before leaving, Jiang Xue chatted to Li Su. "Since you don't plan on letting this child meet the Su family, then you should prepare in advance for some things."

Li Su actually thought about this issue a while ago, but didn't mention it as the original owner's IQ meant that the original owner wouldn't have thought that much. She was also waiting for what Jiang Xue had to say. As Jiang Xue was one of the top five agents, she could definitely do things seamlessly if she wanted to.

"When I was applying for the baby's birth certificate and household registration, I found someone to do some tricks. I moved the baby's birth date back three months. I also found someone in the navy. There will soon be news on the internet that you met your true love abroad and fell in love quickly. To be safe, you must not show up with your child before your child turns two," said Jiang Xue.

Li Su admired Jiang Xue's work. "You are so thoughtful. That should be fine." For babies, three months was a large amount of time, but for children, three months was hardly noticeable.

"It was no problem," said Jiang Xue.

"What? Sister Jiang, thank you. Without you, I don't know what I would do!" Li Su said as she lay her head on Jiang Xue's shoulder.

Jiang Xue glanced at her. "You… Just do well in the future. Don't be so whimsical. Do people from wealthy and powerful families treat you nicely? There will be no issues feeding the baby with your savings and house, and me. I will help you see if there are any good investment projects. Don't worry. We are still young and can make money. Wealthy and powerful families may be able to give the baby a lot, but we will be able to afford it all sooner or later!"

"I know, sister!" said Li Su.

Chapter 130 – Wealthy Bastard (part 5)

Jiang Xue's ability to act fast was worth mentioning. It didn't take long for Li Su to see news on the internet about Li Su meeting her boyfriend in Country M, some of which were accompanied by photos. Of course, the photos that were taken were a bit blurry and neither of their faces were captured.

However, Li Su took a closer look. The girl in the photo had a very similar physique.

There were even a few photos with a bulge in the stomach area. Everyone left a message, guessing if she was pregnant.

Li Su had to admit that Jiang Xue was really good. Even the man in the photos looked Asian.

"Su Su, don't keep looking at your phone. You're still in the confinement period. Watch your eyes," Mother Jiang whispered at the door.

"I know, godmother." LI Su immediately put down her phone.

Mother Jiang liked Li Su even more. She was obedient, sensible, and well-behaved. The elders would like this girl.

In order not to scare Mother and Father Jiang, Jiang Xue had to watch what she said. If Mother and Father Jiang saw the news online, they would have misunderstood Li Su. She had already discussed the baby's biological father with Mother and Father Jiang, playing up the image of Li Su. In Jiang Xue's version, Li Su was just a simple and ignorant young girl who was confused by the words of a rich man and didn't know that the rich man was just playing with her and didn't intend to be responsible at all.

Li Su only found out she was pregnant after she broke up with the rich man. She was reluctant to give up the child and rather give up her career to become a single mother and keep the child.

But, Li Su was afraid that the rich man would compete over custody after he knew of the child's existence. The rich man was already married and slept with her so that she would give birth to a son. So, when Li Su was pregnant, she hid in City C and announced that she was studying abroad.

Mother and Father Jiang were naturally moved by this story and felt distressed. They thought Li Su was a pitiable child who was ignorant since she was young. Since it was like, this would be better for Li Su and the baby.

At this time, Su Wanzhe also saw the news online, but didn't take it to heart. He had played with many female stars, so what was Li Su? She coveted his money and power while he coveted her young body. Each took what they needed.

It was Su Wanzhe's wife, An Wei, who saw the news of Li Su's pregnancy. She was suspicious and called Su Wanzhe.

Su Wanzhe shook his head. "Absolutely impossible. I wouldn't let an actress get pregnant with my child."

Although An Wei was a little sceptical, she had no choice but to believe Su Wanzhe when she heard his decisive tone. Although Su Wanzhe liked to play around, he had never gotten anyone pregnant. An Wei chose to believe him. "If you really want a child, then pick a good one and take the child after it's born. I won't object."

Su Wanzhe was 30 this year, but he only had 1 daughter. He wasn't in a hurry. But, he also knew that An Wei's words weren't sincere. If he had another child, An Wei would definitely feel uncomfortable. The project between the Su and An families was in the critical stage, so it was best not to make any waves for the time being. Besides, he was still young and he did not have a strong obsession to have a son.

In a few years, if An Wei can't give birth to a son, then the An family would be embarrassed!

An Wei hung up the phone and her sister-in-law, who was next to her, asked, "What did Wanzhe say?"

An Wei shook her head. "Wanzhe definitively said no. He doesn't need to lie to me about this."

Hearing this, she felt relieved. "That's good." Then, she remembered something and glanced at An Wei. "Wei Wei, your eldest brother asked me to persuade you to go to the United States to find a surrogate. You don't have to give birth yourself. Many rich ladies do this now. You must have a son. Wouldn't it be inconvenient to let the family's properties go to an outsider? I don't dislike Anyi, but people pay more attention to people like us."

An Wei was a little impatient. "Sister-in-law, don't talk about this. I don't want to listen." When she gave birth to Anyi, she suffered a complication which caused her uterus to be removed. She almost died. Since then, a shadow had been cast on the issue of her giving birth. She could get her eggs and find a surrogate. Sister-in-law had consulted with a doctor. The egg retrieval process was very painful.

Hearing this, she shook her head, helpless. "Since you don't want to listen, then just assume that I hadn't said anything!" Sooner or later, An Wei would regret it! As her sister-in-law, she had said what needed to be said. Whether An Wei listened was An Wei's problem.

In an instant, Chinese New Year was upon them. Mother and Father Jiang stayed here to celebrate the new year because they were reluctant to leave the children. It would be the same whether they went back and celebrated with their relatives or stayed here.

On New Year's Eve, Jiang Xue returned. She put down her things and went straight to hold the child, not letting go. "Our Jiangping has grown so much. Let godmother hug you so you don't think godmother is dead!"

"What are you saying? We are celebrating the new year, don't talk about death so casually!" Mother Jiang said angrily. She held a spatula in one hand and a pot lid in the other.

Li Su smiled and asked, "Sister, how many days do you have off this time?"

"Hehe, if there is nothing serious, then I get half a month. I will go back after the fifteenth." Jiang Xue smiled.

"Half a month! With that much time, you and your father can go back to our hometown and meet with the old aunt and uncle. I won't go back," said Mother Jiang. "It is Chinese New Year and the auntie will be on holiday too. There will only be Su Su and the baby in the house. I can't leave them here by themselves!"

Father Jiang poked his head out from the kitchen. "Let her go alone. I also don't want to worry about the baby!"

Jiang Xue's eyes widened. "You are with the baby every day. I only managed to take a few days off. Let me rest! Besides, if I go back, seventh and eighth aunt will bring their children to me again to try and get them to be big stars! I said that if they were ugly and weren't good enough to take with me to Korea to get plastic surgery, then their faces can be similar. I will offend all my relatives if you let me go back."

Mother Jiang glared at her irritably. "Fine, let your dad return alone!"

Father Jiang's eyes widened. Why was it him who had to go back every time? He also wanted to stay home and look after his grandson. He didn't want to go back.

But nobody listened to what Father Jiang said.

In the evening, everyone was lively. They watched the Spring Festival Gala Evening while they ate dinner. Li Su felt a bit emotional. The original owner had spent every New Year alone and huddled in her room and even watched the Spring Festival Gala Evening alone. It was so lively today.

Jiang Xue saw Li Su like this and guessed what she was feeling. Jiang Xue raised the cup. "Let's toast."

Li Su was still breastfeeding. Mother Jiang was carrying some orange juice. Just as Mother Jiang was about to serve it, she suddenly remembered something. "Wait a minute. I will heat up the milk for you and you can drink that. This is too cold for you. You need to be wary of ingesting too many cold things!"

Jiang Xue wailed. "Mom, this isn't necessary! The air conditioner is on since it is so warm. You can catch a cold from that."

"Look at you. We should be afraid of exposing the baby to the scent of wine! Mother Jiang took the red wine in front of Jiang Xue and the white wine in front of Father Jiang away. She then put the bottle of hot milk in front of the last person.

Father Jiang and Jiang Xue looked at each other.

Li Su smiled. "Godmother, let them drink some wine for the New Year celebrations! It is okay."

"No, I don't think that it is good!" Mother Jiang glared at Father Jiang and Jiang Xue. "If you want to drink, then drink outside. Anyway, you aren't allowed to drink in the house. Don't expose my grandson!"

Li Su was about to say something when the cry of a child came from the room. Just as Li Su was about to stand up, Mother Jiang ran over quickly. "Oh, my dear grandson. Don't cry. Don't cry. Grandma is here!"

Jiang Xue was a little surprised. "Su Su, has my mother always been like this? How do you bear it?"

Li Su smiled. "Godmother is doing this for the sake of the children. I can tell good from bad."

Jiang Xue shook her head. "It's crazy. Dad, don't be persuaded! It's the New Year. Don't you want to drink…"

Father Jiang had already poured milk into the glass. He took a sip, then said, "Mm, good wine!"

Jiang Xue's eyes widened. Li Su leaned on the table and smiled.

After a while, Mother Jiang brought Little Jiangping out. Little Jiangping was 3 months old. He was pink and cute. He had big eyes with double eyelids. When he looked at you, it was like he was looking at his world. Mother and Father Jiang loved him. Even the auntie loved him. He was a very obedient child."

Li Su often felt that the way their family was raising him, he would grow up spoiled. If he did, then he would have a similar ending.

Time flew, and in the blink of an eye, Li Jiangping was 4 years old. He was in kindergarten. Because he looked good and had a sweet mouth, he was very popular with the teachers and aunties. Of course, sometimes the children would fight and others would laugh at him for not having a father.

At this time, Li Jiangping was a little sad. He had asked many people why he didn't have a father. Godmother said that his father was dead. Grandpa said that his father was a bad guy. Grandma said that his dad was a huge liar who lied to his mother, then abandoned them. They all told him time and time again not to think about him.

When he asked his mother, his mother sighed and said that she and his father made a mistake. She found out in time and left. It was just that his father didn't know that he existed and his mother didn't tell him because she was afraid his father would take him away.

Li Jiangping sighed when he thought of this. He knew that his family couldn't do without him. If his father really snatched him away and he ended up not wanting his dad, what would he do?

Forget it. He didn't want to think about this anymore. It was almost time for the New Year's celebrations. Godmother would be coming back soon. He anticipated what good things his godmother would bring this time. Transformers? Racing cars? What if godmother brought him a Barbie doll? He didn't like those, but Miaomiao liked them. Girls liked those things. If he could send the doll to Miaomiao after school started, then Miaomiao would be very happy!

Li Jiangping went home and called his godmother!

Call Me the Mother of Quick Transmigration - Chapter 13 - UsuiTakumii (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.