Cosa significa "A white lie "? - Domanda di Inglese (Regno Unito) (2024)


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Domande Inglese (Regno Unito)


Cosa significa "A white lie "? - Domanda di Inglese (Regno Unito) (2)

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  • Inglese (Regno Unito)
  • Spagnolo (Spagna)Quasi esperto

@Evelyne-P A "white lie" refers to a harmless or trivial lie that is told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to be polite, rather than to deceive for personal gain.The key characteristics of a white lie are:1. Harmlessness - A white lie does not cause any significant harm or damage. It is a minor untruth told with good intentions.2. Politeness - White lies are often used to be tactful, diplomatic, or avoid offending someone. For example, telling a friend their new haircut looks nice, even if you don't personally like it.3. Avoiding hurt feelings - The primary motivation behind a white lie is to spare someone's feelings from being hurt. It's a way to be kind and considerate.4. No malicious intent - White lies are not told with the aim of deceiving someone for personal benefit or to cause harm. The intent is benign.Examples of white lies include:- Telling a host the meal was delicious, even if you didn't enjoy it much.- Complimenting someone's appearance when you don't find it particularly attractive.- Saying you're "fine" when asked, even if you're feeling upset.White lies are generally seen as acceptable and even socially expected in many situations, as they help maintain social harmony and politeness. However, they should be used judiciously, as excessive white lies can erode trust over time.

@Evelyne-P A "white lie" refers to a harmless or trivial lie that is told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to be polite, rather than to deceive for personal gain.

The key characteristics of a white lie are:

1. Harmlessness - A white lie does not cause any significant harm or damage. It is a minor untruth told with good intentions.

2. Politeness - White lies are often used to be tactful, diplomatic, or avoid offending someone. For example, telling a friend their new haircut looks nice, even if you don't personally like it.

3. Avoiding hurt feelings - The primary motivation behind a white lie is to spare someone's feelings from being hurt. It's a way to be kind and considerate.

4. No malicious intent - White lies are not told with the aim of deceiving someone for personal benefit or to cause harm. The intent is benign.

Examples of white lies include:

- Telling a host the meal was delicious, even if you didn't enjoy it much.
- Complimenting someone's appearance when you don't find it particularly attractive.
- Saying you're "fine" when asked, even if you're feeling upset.

White lies are generally seen as acceptable and even socially expected in many situations, as they help maintain social harmony and politeness. However, they should be used judiciously, as excessive white lies can erode trust over time.


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Cosa significa "A white lie "? - Domanda di Inglese (Regno Unito) (4)

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  • Inglese (Regno Unito)
  • Arabo

it refers to a lie that does not harm anyone nor does it benefit anyone either


Cosa significa "A white lie "? - Domanda di Inglese (Regno Unito) (11)

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Cosa significa "A white lie "? - Domanda di Inglese (Regno Unito) (18)

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Cosa significa "A white lie "? - Domanda di Inglese (Regno Unito) (2024)
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