Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (2025)

Human Reproduction

A female bears a child. She gives birth to the child as well. So do you ever wonder what is the role of a male in this process? Why is he called the ‘Father’? Well, to understand the role of a male in human reproduction, we need to study the male reproductive system. Let’s study this system in detail that makes a man the ‘Father’.

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Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (4)

Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (5)

Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (6)Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (7)

Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (8)

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Importance of Male Reproductive System

Below mentioned are some of the prime functions of the male reproductive organs:

  • Produce, conserve, and transport sperm (male sex cells) as well as semen (protective fluid)
  • Discharge sperm in the female reproductive tract while having sex
  • Produce and discharge sex hormones (male) accountable for sustaining the male reproductive system

Unlike the female reproductive system, most of the male reproductive system is located outside of the body. These external structures include the penis, scrotum, and testicles.

Video on Human Reproduction

Parts of Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (10)

1) Penis

You can call it the male organ which is upfront during sexual intercourse. The penis consists of three parts; namely, the root, the body and the glans. It is important to note that, the glans or penis head is covered with a movable layer of skin. This is called the foreskin and is sometimes detached under a procedure termed as circumcision.

Further, the urethra opening, the semen and urine transport tube, is present at the penis tip. Also, the glans of the penis do comprise of several sensitive nerve endings.

The penis holds a cylindrical shape and includes three circular chambers. Each of these chambers is composed of distinctive, sponge-like tissue. Do note that, this tissue is made up of thousands of big spaces which are filled with blood whenever the male is sexually aroused.

Once the penis gets filled with blood, it grows erect and rigid; this allows or assists penetration while having a sexual intercourse. Since the penis skin is loose, it helps to accommodate variations in penis size in the course of an erection.

The sperm or reproductive cells are contained in the semen. It is ejaculated through the penis end when the male reaches orgasm or sexual climax. It is interesting to know that, the flow of urine tends to get blocked from the passage of urethra whenever the penis is erect. Hence, only semen is discharged at orgasm.

Learn about Fertilization and Post Fertilization Phase in Human.

2) Scrotum

The scrotum is the loose sac-like skin bag which hangs below the penis. This part of the male reproductive system holds the testes or testicles, along with many blood vessels and nerves. Scrotum behaves like a temperature control system in regard to the testes. In order to achieve normal sperm development, it is necessary that the temperature of the testes should be somewhat cooler than the body temperature.

3) Testes or Testicles

Testicles are oval organs which are almost the size of bigger olives which are present within the scrotum. These are secured at all ends by a structure termed as spermatic cord. Usually, most men have two tests.

The primary function of the testes is to make testosterone (chief male sex hormone) and generate sperm. In the interior of the testes you will find seminiferous tubules, which are coiled tube masses. The function of these tubes is to produce sperm cells.

4) Epididymis

It is a coiled tube which is long and is placed on the rear of each testicle. The function of Epididymis is to store and transport sperm cells which is created in the testes.

5) Ejaculatory Ducts

The ducts are formed due to the union of the seminal vesicles and vas deferens. Ejaculatory ducts gets unfilled into the urethra.

6) Seminal Vesicles

These are sac-like pouches which are linked to the vas deferens close to the bladder base. The fluid contained in the seminal vesicles are responsible for making up the maximum volume of a male’s ejaculatory fluid.

7) Prostate Gland

It is a walnut-sized assembly which is present under the urinary bladder. The function of the prostate gland is to contribute additional fluid for ejaculation.

8) Bulbourethral Gland

You can call them as pea-sized structures which are present on the edges of the urethra right beneath the prostate gland. Bulbourethral gland produces a slippery, clear fluid which empties into the urethra.

9) Urethra

It is a tube which carries urine starting from the bladder to travel outside the body. Considering males, the additional purpose of ejaculating semen at the time of orgasm is managed by urethra. Whenever the penis gets erect at the time of sex, the urine flow is blocked by the urethra.

10) Vas deferens

Vas deferens is basically a muscular, long tube which initiates from the epididymis and travels to the pelvic cavity. Transportation of mature sperm is managed by vas deferens that leads to the urethra.

Keep Learning: Female Reproductive System.

A Solved Question for You

Q: How are sperms activated and nourished?

Ans: The semen is the primary fluid which helps in the nourishment and activation of sperm. It also transports the sperms to the female reproductive organ.

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Male Reproductive System: Parts, Functions, Importance and Videos (2025)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.