Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (2024)

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Play Mario Kart wherever you go!

Enjoy the biggest Mario Kart yet and race anytime, anywhere, with anyone in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, only on Nintendo Switch!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (1)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (2)

Whether you’re racing your family on the big screen in your living room, playing in the park, or visiting a friend’s place, Nintendo Switch lets you play Mario Kart any way you like!

Up to eight players can connect for local multiplayer fun via Wireless Play. If you're playing in TV mode or tabletop mode, up to four players can enjoy split-screen multiplayer!*

You can also challenge racers from around the world! Up to 12 players can take part in online races**, and two local players can even play online together from the same Nintendo Switch.

Find out more

It’s the biggest Mario Kart yet!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (3)

Mario, Luigi, Peach and other favourites from the Super Mario series are joined by new and returning drivers like King Boo, Dry Bones and Bowser. Jr. Even the Inklings from Splatoon are joining in the racing fun!

Once you’ve picked a racer, choose a vehicle and customise it with different tyres, chassis and gliders before taking them for a spin.

Find out more

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (4)

A record-breaking 48 courses to race on!

Race head-to-head on land, underwater, through the skies and even on walls and ceilings in a whopping 48 courses. All the tracks (and characters!) from Mario Kart 8 on Wii U return in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, including previously-released downloadable courses inspired by The Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Excitebike and more.

You can choose from five different speed classes, such as the expertly challenging 150cc Mirror Grand Prix and ultra-fast 200cc Grand Prix. New to Mario Kart? Activate Smart Steering to help you get to grips with the game and prevent you from going off course.

Find out more

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (5)

Turn the tables with items!

You can now carry up to two items at once, allowing for new strategies in both races and battles! As well as the mainstays like Bananas, Dash Mushrooms and the notorious Spiny Shell, there are two items returning from previous Mario Kart games – use Boo to turn invisible and maybe steal another player’s item, or jump to dodge incoming attacks with the Feather***.

Find out more

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (6)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (7)

Battle mode is bigger than ever!

There are loads of different ways to face off against rivals in the newly-revamped Battle mode. Cause chaos in classic Balloon Battle, Bob-omb Blast, Coin Runners and Shine Thief modes, or jump into all-new cops and robbers-style carnage in Renegade Roundup.

However you choose to do battle, there are eight dedicated courses for you to settle scores on. Blast your mates sky-high on classic courses like (GCN) Luigi’s Mansion or avoid getting caught as you careen around Urchin Underpass from Splatoon.

Find out more

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (8)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (9)

You can unlock more with amiibo

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (10)

If you tap a compatible amiibo (sold separately), including Super Mario, Splatoon and Animal Crossing amiibo, Mii characters can wear all sorts of character-themed outfits! You can use amiibo on Nintendo Switch by tapping them to the NFC touchpoint on the right Joy-Con or the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (sold separately).

See compatible amiibo

Looking for the Wii U version of Mario Kart 8?

*Multiplayer requires one compatible controller per player. Additional controllers (sold separately) may be required. Wireless Play requires one copy of the software per player.

**This software includes modes or features for which an internet connection and a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online are required. Any online play modes require a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Find out more about paid Nintendo Switch Online memberships.

***Only available during Battle mode.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (11)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (12)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (13)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (14)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (15)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (16)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (17)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (18)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (19)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (20)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (21)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (22)

Tanooki Mario


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (23)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (24)

Cat Peach


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (25)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (26)



Yoshi comes in eight different colours!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (27)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (28)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (29)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (30)

Koopa Troopa


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (31)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (32)

Shy Guy


Shy Guy comes in eight different colours!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (33)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (34)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (35)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (36)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (37)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (38)

King Boo


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (39)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (40)

Baby Mario


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (41)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (42)

Baby Luigi


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (43)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (44)

Baby Peach


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (45)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (46)

Baby Daisy


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (47)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (48)

Baby Rosalina


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (49)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (50)

Metal Mario


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (51)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (52)

Pink Gold Peach


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (53)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (54)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (55)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (56)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (57)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (58)

Donkey Kong


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (59)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (60)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (61)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (62)

Dry Bones


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (63)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (64)

Bowser Jr.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (65)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (66)

Dry Bowser


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (67)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (68)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (69)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (70)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (71)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (72)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (73)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (74)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (75)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (76)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (77)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (78)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (79)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (80)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (81)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (82)

Inkling Girl


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (83)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (84)

Inkling Boy


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (85)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (86)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (87)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (88)



You can choose the boy or girl Villager.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (89)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (90)



You can choose the boy or girl Villager.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (91)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (92)



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (93)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (94)


If you tap a compatible amiibo (sold separately), including Super Mario, Splatoon and Animal Crossing amiibo, Mii characters can wear all sorts of character-themed outfits! You can use amiibo on Nintendo Switch by tapping them to the NFC touchpoint on the right Joy-Con or the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (sold separately). See compatible amiibo


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (95)

Send opponents sliding with a well-placed banana skin.

Triple Banana

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (96)

What’s better than one slippy banana skin? Three slippy banana skins!

Green Shell

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (97)

Lob this tough shell to smash rival racers.

Triple Green Shell

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (98)

Dole out three times the damage with three tough shells.

Red Shell

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (99)

Home in on the rival right in front of you with this driver-seeking shell.

Triple Red Shell

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (100)

Cause triple the trouble with three driver-seeking shells.

Spiny Shell

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (101)

Watch out in front! This menace zooms up to the track to attack the driver currently in first place.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (102)

Blast any driver nearby with this explosive item.

Dash Mushroom

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (103)

Get a quick burst of speed with this tasty treat.

Triple Dash Mushroom

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (104)

Three speed bursts to use just when you need them.

Golden Dash Mushroom

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (105)

Boost as much as you like for a limited time.

Bullet Bill

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (106)

Crash through other drivers with this foe-turned-friend.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (107)

Splash ink all over other drivers’ windscreens to obscure their view.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (108)

You’ll be everybody’s worst enemy after a blast of this speed and size-reducing lightning.

Super Star

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (109)

Become unstoppable for a limited time! Unless you fall off the edge…

Fire Flower

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (110)

Fling flames at anybody in your way.

Boomerang Flower

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (111)

Throw this boomerang up to three times to send drivers spinning.

Piranha Plant

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (112)

Attach this to the front of your vehicle and let it chomp away at items and drivers.

Super Horn

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (113)

Send items and vehicles flying with a high-volume honk.

Crazy Eight

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (114)

Get eight items at once with this chaotic game-changer.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (115)

Get two extra coins – remember, the more you have, the faster you’ll move.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (116)

Do a high jump to dodge bananas or shells.

Only available during battle mode.


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (117)

Turn temporarily invisible to dodge bananas or shells. You might even be able to steal an item from a rival!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (118)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (119)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (120)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (121)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (122)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (123)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (124)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (125)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (126)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (127)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (128)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (129)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (130)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (131)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (132)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (133)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (134)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (135)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (136)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (137)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (138)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (139)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (140)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (141)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (142)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (143)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (144)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (145)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (146)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (147)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (148)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (149)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (150)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (151)

This description was provided by the publisher.

What you need to know

This content is sold by Nintendo of Europe AG. The payment will be made with Nintendo eShop funds usable through the Nintendo Account used to complete the purchase.

This content is sold by Nintendo of Europe AG, payable with Nintendo eShop funds usable through your Nintendo Account. The Nintendo Account Agreement applies to the purchase of this content.

This content may be purchased by users who have registered a Nintendo Account and accepted the respective legal terms. To be able to purchase content for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS family systems, a Nintendo Network ID is also required and your funds usable through the Nintendo Account must be merged with the funds tied to your Nintendo Network ID. If the funds have not yet been merged, you will have the option to do so during the purchase process. To start the purchasing process, it is necessary to sign in with the Nintendo Account and the Nintendo Network ID. After signing in it will be possible to review the details and complete the purchase.

To be able to purchase content for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS family systems, your funds usable through the Nintendo Account must be merged with the funds tied to your Nintendo Network ID. If the funds have not yet been merged, you will have the option to do so during the purchase process. You will be able to review the details and complete the purchase on the next screen.

The details of this offer apply to users who sign in using a Nintendo Account with the country setting corresponding to the country setting of this website. If the country setting of a Nintendo Account is different, the details of this offer may be adjusted (for example, the price will be displayed in the respective local currency).

After your payment has been processed, the content will be downloaded to the applicable system linked to the respective Nintendo Account, or respective Nintendo Network ID in the case of Wii U and Nintendo 3DS family systems. This system must be updated to the latest system software and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. Depending on the system/console/hardware model you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download software from Nintendo eShop. Please visit our Support section for more information.

In the case of games that use cloud streaming technology, only the free launcher application can be downloaded.

Please make sure you have enough storage to complete the download.

After your payment has been processed, the content will be downloaded to the applicable system linked to your Nintendo Account, or your Nintendo Network ID in the case of Wii U or Nintendo 3DS family systems. This system must be updated to the latest system software and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. Depending on the system/console/hardware model you own and your use of it, an additional storage device may be required to download software from Nintendo eShop. Please visit our Support section for more information.

In the case of games that use cloud streaming technology, only the free launcher application can be downloaded.

Please make sure you have enough storage to complete the download.

The details of the offer are displayed based on the country settings of your Nintendo Account.

The Nintendo Account Agreement applies to the purchase of this content.

About pre-ordering

The use of an unauthorised device or software that enables technical modification of the Nintendo console or software may render this game unplayable.

This product contains technological protection measures.

Content not playable before the release date: {{releaseDate}} . For pre-orders, payments will be taken automatically starting from 7 days before the release date. If you pre-order less than 7 days before the release date, payment will be taken immediately upon purchase.

To be able to purchase download games or download demos and free software from Nintendo eShop on the official website, you'll need to have a Nintendo Account which is linked to your Nintendo Switch console. You'll need to have your console registered as the active console for downloads for your Nintendo Account by visiting Nintendo eShop on the device you wish to download on at least once. For automatic download, your system must be updated and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. To find out more, visit our Support section. Purchases made or demo downloads activated through the Nintendo website are processed via Nintendo eShop.

This software includes modes or features for which an internet connection and a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online are required. Any online play modes require a paid membership to Nintendo Switch Online. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Find out more about paid Nintendo Switch Online memberships.

Broadband internet connection required. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries.

Multiplayer requires one compatible controller per player. Additional controllers (sold separately) may be required.

© 2017 Nintendo

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (152)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (153)

Expand the racing fun!

Subscribe to on


Race on 48 remastered courses from across the Mario Kart series with the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass! All courses from the 12 new cups can be played locally* and online**, and returning characters from the Mario Kart series have also been added. All content in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass is available now!

See purchase options

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (154)

Wave 1

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (155)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (156)

Wave 2

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (157)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (158)

Wave 3

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (159)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (160)

Wave 4

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (161)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (162)

Wave 5

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (163)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (164)

Wave 6

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (165)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (166)

Wave 1

Available now!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (167)

Golden Dash Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (168)

Paris Promenade

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (169)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (170)

Toad Circuit

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (171)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (172)

Choco Mountain

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (173)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (174)

Coconut Mall

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (175)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (176)

Lucky Cat Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (177)

Tokyo Blur

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (178)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (179)

Shroom Ridge

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (180)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (181)

Sky Garden

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (182)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (183)

Ninja Hideaway

Wave 2

Available now!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (184)

Turnip Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (185)

New York Minute

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (186)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (187)

Mario Circuit 3

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (188)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (189)

Kalimari Desert

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (190)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (191)

Waluigi Pinball

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (192)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (193)

Propeller Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (194)

Sydney Sprint

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (195)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (196)

Snow Land

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (197)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (198)

Mushroom Gorge

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (199)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (200)

Sky-High Sundae

Wave 3

Available now!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (201)

Rock Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (202)

London Loop

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (203)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (204)

Boo Lake

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (205)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (206)

Alpine Pass

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (207)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (208)

Maple Treeway

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (209)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (210)

Moon Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (211)

Berlin Byways

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (212)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (213)

Peach Gardens

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (214)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (215)

Merry Mountain

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (216)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (217)

Rainbow Road

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (218)

Wave 4

Available now!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (219)

Fruit Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (220)

Amsterdam Drift

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (221)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (222)

Riverside Park

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (223)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (224)

DK's Snowboard Cross

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (225)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (226)

Yoshi's Island

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (227)

Boomerang Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (228)

Bangkok Rush

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (229)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (230)

Mario Circuit

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (231)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (232)

Waluigi Stadium

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (233)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (234)

Singapore Speedway

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (235)

Wave 5

Available now!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (236)

Feather Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (237)

Athens Dash

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (238)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (239)

Daisy Cruiser

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (240)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (241)

Moonview Highway

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (242)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (243)

Squeaky Clean Sprint

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (244)

Cherry Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (245)

Los Angeles Laps

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (246)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (247)

Sunset Wilds

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (248)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (249)

Koopa Cape

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (250)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (251)

Vancouver Velocity

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (252)

Wave 6

Available now!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (253)

Acorn Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (254)

Rome Avanti

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (255)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (256)

DK Mountain

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (257)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (258)

Daisy Circuit

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (259)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (260)

Piranha Plant Cove

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (261)

Spiny Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (262)

Madrid Drive

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (263)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (264)

Rosalina's Ice World

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (265)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (266)

Bowser Castle 3

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (267)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (268)

Rainbow Road

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (269)

Look who's back!

Returning characters from the Mario Kart series are also joining the line-up with the Booster Course Pass. Jump in with these familiar faces and get ready to race!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (270)

Diddy Kong

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (271)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (272)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (273)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (274)

Funky Kong

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (275)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (276)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (277)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (278)


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (279)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (280)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (281)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (282)


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (283)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (284)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (285)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (286)


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (287)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (288)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (289)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (290)

Petey Piranha

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (291)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (292)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (293)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (294)


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (295)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (296)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (297)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (298)


Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (299)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (300)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (301)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (302)

What's more, the Booster Course Pass also adds over 15 new Mii Racing Suits to the mix! Select a Mii of your own creation, then dress up with the Dry Bowser Suit, Goomba Suit, Toadette Suit and more.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (303)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (304)

You can also use a Daisy amiibo from the Super Mario or Super Smash Bros. Collection (sold separately) to unlock the Daisy Suit!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (305)

Two ways to access

The Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass can be accessed in two different ways***:

Purchased as paid downloadable content****

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (306)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (307)

Booster Course Pass

DLC available now

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (308)

You can find the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass available on Nintendo eShop or on My Nintendo Store as a separate purchase.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (309)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (310)

Booster Course Pass

Bundle available now

You can also buy a downloadable software bundle containing both Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass from Nintendo eShop or this website.

Included with Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack

Anyone with a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership (either Individual or Family) can access each wave of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass for no additional cost as they are released.

Already got a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership? Log in now to access the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass!

For more information on the different ways to access the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass, please see our customer support page.

*Multiplayer requires one compatible controller per player. Additional controllers (sold separately) may be required.

**Internet connection required during online play. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Online play requires paid online membership. Find out more about the paid membership subscription.

***Please note: waves of courses and characters cannot be purchased individually. A copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (European version) for Nintendo Switch is required to use the contents of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Booster Course Pass. Free software update required. Broadband internet connection required to download software updates. The registration and linkage of a Nintendo Account and acceptance of the Nintendo Account Agreement and Privacy Policy are required. Find out more about how to update games on Nintendo Switch.

****To be able to purchase download games or download demos and free software from Nintendo eShop on the official website, you'll need to have a Nintendo Account which is linked to your Nintendo Switch console. You'll need to have your console registered as the active console for downloads for your Nintendo Account by visiting Nintendo eShop on the device you wish to download on at least once. For automatic download, your system must be updated and connected to the internet with automatic downloads enabled, and it must have enough storage to complete the download. To find out more, visit our Support section. Purchases made or demo downloads activated through the Nintendo website are processed via Nintendo eShop.

Play Mario Kart wherever you go!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (311)

TV mode

Whether you’re racing your family on the big screen in your living room, playing in the park, or visiting a friend’s place, Nintendo Switch lets you play Mario Kart your way: anytime, anywhere, with anyone!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (312)

Tabletop mode

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (313)

Handheld mode

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (314)

Up to eight players can connect for local multiplayer fun via Wireless Play. If you're playing offline in TV mode or tabletop mode, up to four players can enjoy split-screen multiplayer!

Offline play requires one compatible controller per player. Additional controllers (sold separately) may be required. Wireless Play requires one copy of the software per player.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (315)

Connect to the internet and take on players from around the world. Up to 12 players can take part in each online race, and two local players can even play online together from the same Nintendo Switch!

*Internet connection required during online play. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Online play requires paid online membership. Find out more about the paid membership subscription.

Compatible with

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (316)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (317)

After a free software update, you can race your way to victory using Toy-Con Motorbike!

Find out more

Available after a free software update. To find out more about software updates on Nintendo Switch, please visit our Support section. Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit, which contains Toy-Con Motorbike, sold separately.

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (318)

Joy-Con Wheel**

You can connect a Joy-Con to a Joy-Con Wheel for a more authentic driving experience.

**Sold separately.

The largest roster of drivers in Mario Kart to date!



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (319)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (320)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (321)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (322)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (323)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (324)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (325)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (326)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (327)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (328)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (329)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (330)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (331)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (332)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (333)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (334)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (335)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (336)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (337)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (338)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (339)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (340)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (341)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (342)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (343)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (344)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (345)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (346)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (347)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (348)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (349)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (350)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (351)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (352)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (353)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (354)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (355)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (356)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (357)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (358)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (359)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (360)

A record-breaking 48 courses to race on!

Includes courses inspired by Animal Crossing, Excitebike, The Legend of Zelda and more!



Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (361)

Mushroom Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (362)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (363)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (364)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (365)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (366)

Flower Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (367)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (368)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (369)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (370)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (371)

Star Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (372)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (373)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (374)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (375)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (376)

Special Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (377)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (378)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (379)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (380)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (381)

Shell Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (382)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (383)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (384)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (385)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (386)

Banana Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (387)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (388)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (389)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (390)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (391)

Leaf Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (392)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (393)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (394)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (395)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (396)

Lightning Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (397)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (398)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (399)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (400)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (401)

Egg Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (402)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (403)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (404)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (405)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (406)

Triforce Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (407)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (408)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (409)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (410)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (411)

Crossing Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (412)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (413)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (414)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (415)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (416)

Bell Cup

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (417)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (418)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (419)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (420)

Perfect for beginners!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (421)

Just activate the Smart Steering function to prevent you careering off the track!

Watch video

200cc Time Trials!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (422)

In addition to the familiar 150cc speed category, really rev things up and aim to smash records in 200cc!

Mario Kart Stadium

Water Park

Sweet Sweet Canyon

Thwomp Ruins

Mario Circuit

Toad Harbour

Twisted Mansion

Shy Guy Falls

Sunshine Airport

Dolphin Shoals


Mount Wario

Cloudtop Cruise

Bone Dry Dunes

Bowser’s Castle

Rainbow Road

Wii Moo Moo Meadows

GBA Mario Circuit

DS Cheep Cheep Beach

N64 Toad’s Turnpike

GCN Dry Dry Desert

SNES Donut Plains 3

N64 Royal Raceway

3DS DK Jungle

DS Wario Stadium

GCN Sherbert Land

3DS Melody Motorway

N64 Yoshi Valley

DS Tick-Tock Clock

3DS Piranha Plant Pipeway

Wii Grumble Volcano

N64 Rainbow Road

GCN Yoshi Circuit

Excitebike Arena

Dragon Driftway

Mute City

Wii Wario’s Gold Mine

SNES Rainbow Road

Ice Ice Outpost

Hyrule Circuit

GCN Baby Park

GBA Cheese Land

Wild Woods

Animal Crossing

3DS Koopa City

GBA Ribbon Road

Super Bell Subway

Big Blue

Turn the tables with items!

New items added!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (423)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (424)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (425)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (426)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (427)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (428)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (429)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (430)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (431)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (432)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (433)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (434)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (435)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (436)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (437)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (438)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (439)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (440)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (441)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (442)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (443)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (444)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (445)

You can carry two items at once!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (446)

Holding two items at once gives you completely new strategies in both races and battles!

Battle mode is bigger than ever!

5 types

of battle

Balloon Battle

Dodge items and protect yourself while trying to burst your rivals’ balloons.

Renegade Roundup

Catch players or avoid getting caught in a cops and robbers-style battle!

Bob-omb Blast

Blow up opponents’ balloons with Bob-ombs – and avoid explosions yourself, of course!

Coin Runners

Race to collect the most coins within the time limit!

Shine Thief

Steal the Shrine Sprite and try to keep hold of it until the countdown finishes!

Do battle on eight thrilling new dedicated courses!

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (447)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (448)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (449)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (450)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (451)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (452)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (453)

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (454)


Party, Racing

Multiplayer mode



Single System (1-4), Local Wireless (2-8), Online (1-12)




Downloadable content, amiibo, HD rumble, Internet, Mii, Nintendo Labo compatibility, Handheld mode, Tabletop mode, TV mode

Nintendo Switch Online features

Play online, enjoy a growing library of classic NES & Super NES games, and more with a Nintendo Switch Online membership. Find out more.

Online play, Save Data Cloud, Voice Chat

Age rating

  • In-game purchases

See compatible amiibo

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + Booster Course Pass


Nintendo Switch

Release date


Age rating


Compatible controllers

  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian

Booster Course Pass


Nintendo Switch

Release date


Age rating


Compatible controllers

  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian

Nintendo Switch Game Card


Nintendo Switch

Release date


Age rating


Compatible controllers

  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian

Standard edition


Nintendo Switch

Release date


Age rating


Compatible controllers

  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian

Download size

11522.00 MB

Mario Kart 8 anywhere, anytime! (2024)
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Article information

Author: Domingo Moore

Last Updated:

Views: 6299

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.