Millenia Chiropractic LLC Plaintiff vs. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Defendant, COSO17002584, 10-23-2017_Motion (Fla. Broward Cty. Ct. Oct. 23, 2017) (2024)

Filing # 63173756 E-Filed 10/23/2017 12:08:33 PM
`CASE NO. COSO 17-002584 {61)
`COMPANY (hereinafter “STATE FARM”), by and through its undersigned counsel, and
`pursuant to the Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.510(0), hereby files its Motion for Fina}
`Summary Judgment against MILLENIA CHIROPRACTIC, LLC (hereinafter “‘Plaintift”), as the
`assignee of JULITA CHERRY (hereinafter “Claimant”), and in support thereof states as foilows:
`1. On or about February 20, 2017, Plaintiff filed its Complaint, alleging an action for
`Breach of Contract and seeking the recovery of personal injury protection benefits.
`2. Prior to filing its Complaint, on or about August 5, 20 I 6, Plaintiff sent Defendant a
`Demand Letter, wherein Plaintiff alleged the amount charged by Plaintiff as $8,270.00,
`the amount due at 80% as $6,616.00, and the amount paid by Defendant as $6,415.20.
`3. Defendant concurs that the amount charged by Plaintiff was $8,270.00; however,
`Defendant avers $6,604.00 was paid to Plaintiff. Please see Explanations ofReview
`attached to Pfaintt'fl’s Complaint and attached hereto as Exhibit “A. ”
`Page 1 of 5
`*** FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL BRENDA D. FORMAN, CLERK 10/23/2017 12:08:32 PM.****


`4. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the subject insurance policy, Defendant is
`responsible for “80% of all reasonable [medical expenses].” Please see subject insurance
`poiiey attached hereto as Exhibit “B. ”
`5. All bills were properly paid at 80% of their billed amount, with the exception of CPT
`Code A4556, which was billed on the initial date of service, March 20, 2013.
`6. The sole charge that was not paidat 80% is CPT Code A4556, which was denied
`payment. This CPT Code for $15.00 electrodes was not approved based on Reason Code
`SF01 l, which states that the CPT/HCPCS code is included in another procedure reported
`on the hill.
`7. Defendant avers that payment was properly denied for CPT Code A4556 on March 20,
`2013, that all other charges from Plaintiff were reimbursed at 80% of their billed amount,
`and there are no genuine issues of material fact.
`1. Legal Standard for Summam Judgment
`8. The entry of summary judgment under Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.510 is proper if
`there are no genuine issues of material fact in dispute and the moving party demonstrates
`its entitlement to judgment as a matter of law. The non-moving party, in meeting its
`burden, cannot merely assert that a genuine issue of material fact exists, but must come
`forward with competent evidence to support that position. Fiesel V. Wynns, 661 So.2d
`761 (Fla. 1996); Carboneil v. BelZSouth Telecommunications} Inc, 675 80.2d705 (Fla. 3d
`DCA 1996).
`9. The moving party must conclusively ShOW the absence of any genuine issue of material
`fact and the court must draw every possible inference in favor of the party against whom
`summary judgment is sought. Hodge V. Xtra Super Food Centers, 677 So.2d 405 (Fla. 3d
`DCA 1996).
`Page 2 of 5


`10. When the moving party shows that no material fact on any issue is disputed, the burden
`shifts to the non—moving party to demonstrate that a material fact is in dispute. People
`Gas System v. Acme Gas Corp, 689 So.2d 292 (Fla. 3d DCA 1997). If the party opposing
`summary judgment cannot show the existence of a genuine issue of material fact, then the
`moving party should be entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Martin County v,
`Edenfleio’, 609 So.2d 27 (Fla. 1992).
`II. The State Farm Policy
`The terms of the policy at issue in this action are unambiguous and must be applied as
`written. The Florida No-Fault ("PIP") provisions include the following provisions:
`What We Pay
`We will pay in accordance with the N0~Fault Act for bodily injury to an
`insured, caused by an accident resulting from the ownership, maintenance
`or use of a motor vehicle:
`(Ex. B, Policy Booklet, Form 8107, at 12).
`While the policy booklet contains additional provisions regarding PIP coverage,
`these provisions are substantially revised by Amendatory Endorsem*nt 6910.3,
`which is also part of the policy. As set forth in the Amendatory Endorsem*nt,
`State Farm’s payment obligations are further defined as follows:
`b. Item 1. Of What We Pay is changed to read:
`1. Medical Expenses. 80% of all reasonable expenses incurred for:
`a. medicaib: necessary medical, surgical, X—ray, dental, ambulance, hospital,
`professional nursing and rehabilitative services, eyeglasses, hearing aids and
`prosthetic devices; and
`=5< * >§<
`. To determine Whether a charge is reasonable we may consider usual and
`customary charges and payments accepted by the provider, reimbursem*nt levels
`in the community and various federal and state medical fee schedules applicable
`to automobile and other insurance coverages, and other information relevant to
`the reasonableness of the reimbursem*nt for the service, treatment or supply. We
`will not pay any charge that the No-Fault Act does not require us to pay, or the
`Page 3 of5


`amount of any charge that exceeds the amount the No-Fault Act allows to be
`(Ex. 13, Amendatory Endorsem*nt 69103 at 3-4).
`13. The policy defines the "No~Fault Act" as "the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law and
`any amendments.”
`14. In compliance with the terms of said policy, Defendant paid 80% of all reasonable
`expenses submitted by Plaintiff, with the exception of CPT Code A4556, which was
`properly denied reimbursem*nt as being included in another procedure reported on the
`III. Unbundling
`IS. Pursuant to Florida Statute §627.736 (S)(B)1(E), an insurer is not required to pay a claim
`or charges “[t}or any treatment or service that is upcoded, or that is unbundled when such
`treatment or services should be bundled...”
`16. Defendant avers that the sole CPT Code that was not paid at 80% of its charge, A4556,
`was improperly unbundled from CPT Code (30283 on March 20, 2013. Please see
`Aflidavi: ofJessica Schmor attached hereto as Exhibit “C. ”
`17. Based on the expert opinion of Jessica Schmor, there is no genuine issue of material fact
`that CPT Code A4556 was improperly unbundled from CPT Code G0283, and that State
`Farm properly denied payment for this CPT Code.
`18. As all other bills were reimbursed at 80% of their charged amount, there remains no
`claim for personal injury protection benefits available to Plaintiff.
`COMPANY, respectfully request that the Court grant Defendant’s Motion for Final Summary
`Judgment, finding that CP'l‘ Code A4556 was improperly unbundled from CPT Code (30283, and
`for such other and further relief it deems just and proper.
`Page 4 of 5


`I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was electronically
`delivered on October 23 2017, Evan Brown, Esq, Reifkind; Thompson & Rudzinski, PL, 12545
`Orange Drive, Suite 503, Davie, FL 33330; gipoervicegzflrtrlawcom.
`Attorney/0r Defendant
`5821 Hollywood Boulevard,
`Hollywood, Florida 33021
`Tel: (954) 927-5330; Fax: (954) 927—5320
`Designated E-mail: pleading52@florida—
`/s/ CraigH. Shandler
`Florida Bar #: 104810
`Page 5 of S


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`I‘M;I2aofa bIII
`CIaImNumbe; 52226322225
`Axi‘kbate 22.2922: 034222:
`Office Name: State Perm MquaI Automobile
`Insurance», Company
`Pip M333 FIIoridafi,
`MIlicnIa Chitopractic LIc A
`ORLANOO FL 328395623
`Named Insured IAARCEL S XONEL
`P'oIicy Number:
`‘:‘ Payment Number
`Zip ofServIIce: 82832
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`:gaiion In Myers v McCarty,\
`ovisions of the NoFaut: statute are 1101
`(Case No 2013wCA~00?3) (F121. 2d.1116! 01:} the Emergency MediumICondIto
`__ being 313931581: Plé'aée 6911;211:1113 3111011 haw " 11')! questions
`DATE: awn-291:1"


`Claim‘Number: I§9~§53T3565
`L ”Sate chfiy‘ss‘: 03v“?
`ceFzNama 8:an 136er mgual Automo ‘V
`‘insurance Company
`Pipmxggs Fiorida
`himpraaéic: £15
`um Insured; QARCEL
`9niicy Summer:
`(Date af§§w§¢é
`503.255.2033 _:
`'- “034520332" ' “
`‘ 0345-2013 *
`,3 03-25-2013 ,
`‘K‘ss-zwma I
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`03-27.2813 *
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`‘ 7 .
`”151900 27


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`4 Q3"28*293_3¢
`$5030 737
`$<(38400 7’
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`p orSecvige: 32233
`_- ‘
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`\ 33.23.2313
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`' action mechai‘zi
`tapsigment (sinking. ComgressiKm ‘
`9894‘: Chgrassacéw mampx: 13(in
`~ 63?-585 " .,


`bffice N51254:
`81535 37mm M5255! Auiozmhiia
`insurance Cbmpany
`3"“ M54: Flcréd5 "
`555545555, 5
`IORLANBQ E5132839—5023
`545 nsumd: 5445425555 45551.
`Poélcy Number
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`rocefcgure Guidg
`__§Any {seam whoKnawmg12am 11881 State
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`ador fizzceive any Insarance companyififies astetemwho?Qiaim
`‘ h requires at £éast
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`of mesa 3 key bompmegzts: Aprobiem focused history; Aprobxem focused examination: Straightforward medical dadson
`“maxing Counsei‘mg andfoi’caommatsonof cam: Wmother physigfians.{Ether {weWed been::1 careprofessionafza ‘-
`{:9 probéel“{8}am saéf limited or thins: Typicaly, 16 minutas are 5pm}:face{04808 {$111the pakienland/or {amity
`{E283 Siesmcaz $133115?atim {mattensiea},t{1 am: or mom areas .ormdzcatzcmis; wound Care as part ofa
`being aggmd fleas? {mm 126 if you have {my qaesiiohs


`This is r:
`a bill
`SANA Nambe}; _
`Office Nam LELALA Farm MuLNai AutamoblA ,
`naurapce {Mammy
`., p0 Ftoraga
` RaLiénL:
`JLLILL23 Cherry \_
`hiropra'w .v
`Proyideri .
`_,5178 8 JQNN YOUNG FLO/W
`GRLANDO FL {328339021
`A ARLANAA 2;. 32am;322::
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`; Florida
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`L Qiagngsis CALL
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`229211 NALNL
`333223 1 - CLERVI{CALLS
`7Namedmsumd: MARC" us YONEL
`. Policy Number: S32?~54‘2’ '99.
`923.2:an Number:
`, “Zip ALSewiee: 32839
`Data of‘éewice...
`$732291?) \
`W 2 023% SNNLALLLAA Charges
`7“TeLaLAApmveé AmAunt:
`AmountNQL Payable,
`Appomcnmemf P20 Reta
`~ Paid Amau
`‘ .
`‘ La acmditionbccurfirag as ALAN”: A? thmo‘ior vefgiciexaécidem or
`“2’ TBA diagnosisrefitted bythé pmaidermay re
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`..;; 13:066er Garcia
`1:3 loader; Qfa (11111181111610 1 or more aréaé; hot or cold packs
`9:1012 Appication 018 modat11y10 1 :21? more areas; traQtion mechas’xiéal
`ioa of :1 {1101311}: to 1 or mow} areas; whiriripoel
`3139:1111Thempezstsc pscéédure 1 armore araaseach 15 111
`en<1wm<xararzgeof motion and fié‘xébiiétg -
`111915;; therapeutic exam e310 éewl
`éé’zersgtfi and,
` 5 ”23311515 715113: 811011113
`Ergre‘észona: .


`71331333 339: a 3m
`.988: 034732?” -
`.~;Of¥ice Name: Riate warmMutua! 333330333313
`{333333363132 3330331933333
`P MpC Fiorida
`' 33333313333533333033-333333333333333
`Address: 90383333336334
`9333533333 {33% 39333
`"Phone (333$3333332335 ,
`Bduristii$33033; F rida ‘
`, BEReferengf:
`3333333333333,MARCELUS YONEL
`C “2.333 of 3a ""f'i'ée; 32338 ' i
`31233 3333383330
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`J 3333339“
`~ 5
`‘ j
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`m “' [bate of Service
`‘ {235—0332613
`336-33323333- “
`3,; 95-032333;
`“ 05306323353"


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`05003200 3
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`00-1 0000‘ 3
`5-30-2023 5:;
` ‘ 0000:2003
`. TotaiSubmiaed Charges:
`" ’{otaiApprbved Amgauni:
`Amc*nt N03; Wyabze
`f $443E26
`‘ Oeductibie: \
`poriimmerxtf Pro R000:
` :Exp!anations I
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`‘ATATSApp!Ecaié:AA ofAmAdLA!iii}: to
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`‘ AHAwing faisA:iLAAArAAEAEA ArmzslAaA
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`ALA AA AAAEAATAAnLg AenAfit Ara er theQATDA Aslicy TomiDue to ongoing Titégafion in MyerLsL v McCarty
`No 2013~CAAE>O?3} {FA 26 Jud? CE1.
`Abs, Fn‘ergnnny Medimi SemiH3239 prevs:AAAA: the NAFa
`"gimme Are my
`AA A 39938::PJAAAA cAAéActusifyou hav‘






`We define some words to shorten the polio . This
`makes it easier to read and understand. gefined
`words are printed in boldface italics. You can pick
`them out easily.
`daddy Iejsgry - means bodily injury to a arson and
`sickness, disease or death which results tom it.
`Car - means a land motor vehicle with four or more
`wheels. which is deszgned for use mainly on public
`roads. It does not include:
`i. eny vehicle whilelocated for use as a dweil«
`mg or other premises; or
`2. a [rockfiractor designed to pull a trailer or
`Cor Business - means a business or job where the
`purpose IS to sell,
`lease, repair, service, transport.
`store or park land motor vehicles or trailers.
`Insured ~ means the person, persons or organization
`defined as insureds m the s ecific coverage. If the
`information you have provided State Farm is incor-
`rect or incomplete, or changes during the policy
`period, State
`arm ma. decrease or increase the
`premittm during the po icy
`riod as set out in the
`provision titled i’remmm o the Conditions section
`of this policy.
`toss - defined in Sections 1V and V.
`New} acquired Car ~ means a repfocement car or
`dream} car.
`Replacement Car — means a car purchased by or
`leased toyou orIvour sponse to replaceyour car.
`This policy wal only provide coverage for the
`repliecement car tfyou or your spouse:
`tell us about it within 30 days after its
`delivery to you or your spouse; and
`2‘ pay us any added amount due.
`Additiooat Car - means an added cariplurchased
`by or leased toawe oryour spouse.
`is poltcy
`ygill only provi e coverage for theadditional car
`it is a rivatepassenger car and we insure
`all ot er private passenger cars; or
`it is other than a private passenger car
`and we insure all cars
`owned by you or your spouse on the date of its
`delivery to you or your spouse.
`This policy provides coverage for the additional
`car only unttl the earlier of:
`12:01 AM. on the 3lst day after the de-
`livery of the car to you oryour spouse; or
`the effective date and time of a policy
`issued by us or anycther company that
`describes the car on its declarations page.
`You or your spouse may apglfi for a polic that
`W111 provide coverage beyon t ‘6: 30th day or the
`additional car. Such policy Will be issued only
`if both you and the vehicle are eligible for cover—
`age at the time of application.
`If a newly chuired car is not otherwise afforded
`comprehenswe or collision coverage by this or any
`other policy. this policy wtll provide the comprehen-
`sive or collision coverage not otherwise provndcd for
`the newly acquired car. If such coverage is provided
`by this paragraph, it will apply only until 12:01 AM.
`Standard Time at the address shown on the declara-
`tions page on the sixth day after the delivery of the
`car to you or your spouse. Any comprehensive or
`collision coverage provided by this paragraph IS sub-
`ject to a dcducti
`le of $500.
`NomOwned Car - means acar not owned, registered
`or leased by:
`1. you, your spouse;
`any reiativehnless the car meets the require-
`ments described below;
`3. any otherperson residing in the same‘housen
`be d as you, your spouse or any ”have: or
`an employer ofyou, your spouse or any rela-
`A car owned. registered or leased b arelative is
`considered a aon-owued car that t e time‘ofnhe
`accrdent or loss, the car has been insured for liability


`covcra e within the last 30 do 3 and is driven by an
`rosette who does not own or case the cor.
`Narrowed cor does not include a:
`rented car while it is used in connection with
`the tnsured’s employment or busmess; or
`2. car which has been operated or rented by or
`in the possession of an insured during any
`part of each ofthe last 21 or more consecutive
`days. If the insured is an insured under one
`or more other car policies issued by us. the 2]
`day limit is increased by an additional 21 days
`for each such additional policy.
`A non-owned car must be a car in the lawful posses-
`Ston of the person operatmg tt.
`Occupying — means in, on, entering or alighting from.
`Person - means a human being.
`Private Passenger Car ... means a car:
`1, with four wheels;
`2. of the private passenger or station wagon
`type; and
`3. designed solely to carry persons and their
`Relative w as used in Sections 1. III. IV and V means
`:1 person related to you or your spouse by blood,
`marriage or adoption (including a ward or foster
`child) who resides frimarily With you. It includes
`year immanied an
`unemancipated child away at
`so 00 .
`As used in Section 11, relative means a relative ofany
`degree by blood or by marriage who usually makes
`his home in’the same family unit, whether or not
`temporarily living elsewhere.
`Sgouse .. means your husband or wife who resides
`primarily with you.
`Temporary Substitute Car - means acar not owned
`bar you or your spouse, if it replaces your car for a
`s on time. Its use has to be With the consent of the
`owner. Your car has to be out of use due to its
`breakdown, repair, servicingl damage or loss. A rem»
`porary substitute car is not consudered a non-owned
`Utility Vehicle — means a motor vehicle with:
`l. a pickup. panel or van body; and
`ftGross Vehicle Weight of l0,000 pounds or
`You or Your — means the named insured or named
`insureds shown on the declarations page.
`Your Car — means the car or the vehicle described on
`the declarations page.
`We, the State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
`Company.» agree to insure you according to the terms
`of this policy based:
`1. on your payment of premium for the cover-
`ages you chose; and
`in reliance on your statements in these decla-
`You agree, by acceptance of this policy that:
`the statements in these declarations are your
`statements and are true; and
`2. we Ensure you on the basis your statements
`are true; and
`this policy contains all of the agreements
`between you and us or any of our agents.
`Unless otherwise stated in the exceptions space on
`the declarations page, your statements are:
`1. Ownership. You are the sole owner of your
`Insurance and License Histo . Neither you
`nor any member ofyour house old wrthtn the
`past 3 years has had:
`a. vehicle insurance canceled by an insurer;
`a license to drive or vehicle registration
`suspended, revoked or refused.
`3. Use. Your car is used for pleasure and busi-


`When Coverage Applies
`The coverages you chose apply to accidents and
`losses that take place during t e policy period.
`licy period is shown under “Policy Period" on
`the eclarattons 83%: and is for successive periods of
`six months eac
`or which you pay the renewal
`premium. Payments must be made on or before the
`end of the current
`riod. The olicy
`be ins and ends at 2:0?!ECM. Standarg Timeprft the
`ad ress shown on the declarations page.
`Where Coverage applies
`1. The liability, medical ayments, uninsured motor
`vehicle and physiea damage coverages you
`chose apply:
`in the United States of America, its territories
`and possessions or Canada; or
`The liability. medical payments and physical
`dame e covera es aiso apply in Mexico within
`50 mi es of the
`nited States border. A physical
`damage coverage loss to Mexico is determined
`on‘the basns of cost at the nearest United States
`2. The rte-fault coverage you chose applies:
`in Florida, and
`outside Florida but:
`(1) within the United States of America. its
`territories or possesstons or Canada, or
`(2) in Mexico within 50 miles of the United
`States border
`to you or a relative, while occupyingdyaur
`car, a newly ac aired car, a «awesome car,
`a tem orary su stimte car or a trailer which
`be covered at no additional charge
`under the Trailer Coverage provision of
`either of the iiability coverages.
`1:). while the insured vehicle is being shipped
`between their ports
`3. The death, dismemberment and loss of sight cov-
`erage you chose applies anywhere 1n the world.
`Ifa creditor is shown in the declarations, we may pay
`any comprehenssve or collismn loss to:
`I. you and, if unpaid, the repairer; or
`2. you and such creditor,“ as its interest may
`appear, when we find it is n

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Millenia Chiropractic LLC Plaintiff vs. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Defendant, COSO17002584, 10-23-2017_Motion (Fla. Broward Cty. Ct. Oct. 23, 2017) (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.