Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (2024)

Table of Contents


Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (1)[...]23

Message from the Vice-Chancellor


New Technology

Research Income


Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (2)M ES S$ A GE F R OM T HE




In my comments in the 1990 Research Report I noted thar at a time o[...]l restructuring of Government
science and changes in the support of University research. Major alternatives to
University fee levels in 1992 which look set to disadvantage those seeking graduate
qualifications in science and technology have also been announced.[...]eaders and most thinking people are calling for a New Zealand version of
Australia’s “smart country”, ver[...]nals are being given to the research com-
munity. In the end, of course, the best researchers pack up[...]t of a Government Minister that he met expatriate New Zealand sci-
entists wherever he went overseas will not s[...]presents its
1991 Research Report. It shows that in all areas of its endeavours the University has
he[...]t of knowledge. It continues to
affirm its belief in scholarship, the free exchange of ideas and in rational enquiry. It
seeks to be judged by the in[...]actical matters
University staff have been acting in the best academic tradition and contributing to
the expansion of knowledge and the progress of New Zealand.

It should not be thought, however, that these virtues will always be present. In
the end the continuing uncertainties, the lack of resources and the sheer frustration
of working in a system increasingly alien to international acad[...]en the standards of our tertiary system have more in common with devel-
oping countries chan with the[...]My long held view that

there were two things in which we always excelled in New Zealand, namely in our
agricultural system and in our education system, is no longer as obviously t[...]mend the 1991 Report to you. For those interested in achieve-
ment and excellence in research it will, | believe, show that Mas[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (3)[...]ges are proposed
for funding postgraduate studies in the
university, It also coincides with the
first[...]d awareness of research, sci-
ence and technology in the community
at large. Several articles and stories have
appeared in the local press with one
writer going as far as t[...]e “sexy”. A well-known monthly
magazine based in Auckland has listed a

publication devoted to Science in New

Zealand in its “[ lot” rather than “Not”


Scientific and Technological Societies of
New Zealand; Professor PT Callaghan,
elected to the Council o[...]nor of two sub-committees of the
Royal Society of New Zealand, its
National Committee for Geological
Sciences,[...]l and Professor G L Robertson is
President of the New Zealand Institute
of Packaging.

A number of statf[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (4)[...]ty on that topic.
Four edited books on Aspects of New
Zealand Society were also produced.
Two of those, Berween the Lines:
Racism and the New Zealand Media,
and Unemployment in New Zealand,
aroused considerable interest and engen-[...]
Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (5)[...]focus on environmental and conserva-
tion issues. In the Department of
Agronomy for instance, the sustainabil-
ity theme is evident in several research
projects; the production and pro[...]management agriculture is a
major research theme in the
Department of Agricultural Economics
and Busi[...]caused by possums.
The department's expertise is in
demand by the Environment and
Conservation Minist[...], wool production, and sheep

Much research in the Veterinary
Faculty is directed at increasing[...]ies on mastitis,
tuberculosis and Johnes disease. In joint
work with the Pasteur Institute (France),
a[...]rated into other bacteria. This
promotes products in the new host cell
which may act as vaccines for both ani-
mals and humans. A storage disease in
Salers cattle has been identified as beta
husbandry practices. It is also interested

in the survival of native birds and is cur-
rently s[...]food
allergies on dogs and cats, Alleviating
pain in horses through a better under-
standing of tissue[...]on horticultural
products have increased ten-fold in the
last decade and Massey University
research has played a role in this expan-
sion. Currently, in conjunction with
DSIR (Fruit & ‘l'rees)[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (6)[...]ed to a better
understanding of disease processes in
red clover roots, kiwifruit and flowering
cherrie[...]Agricultural Economics and Business
has resulted in some future strategies for
the industry. A simila[...]Department of Agricultural
Engineering, sometimes in conjunction
with Production Technology, has been

active in devising aids for horticulture
production. They h[...]lysis, a means to
detect stem end and skin splits in
apples. The Fruit Crops Unit has
within its bound[...]ral research projects that include
vigour control in nashi and apricots,
bruise susceptibility in apples, colour in
Royal Gala apples, pesticide manage-

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (7)[...]ss extends to the
Department of Accounting where, in
addition to traditional studies of the
role of accounting in the primary indus-
tries and small businesses, th[...]onal strategy to
close it.

A significant project in the same
department is the development ofa
management accounting strategy for
Health Boards. Now in its third year,
the work has progressed to a poin[...]ther topics
include the study of entrepreneurship in
migrant groups, the development of
government sci[...]nd the
powers and functions of customs offi-
cers in New Zealand.

The Department of Human
Resource Management has a number of
more generic studies under way in per-
sonnel management, industrial rela~
tions, o[...]ic projects include the reporting
of Maori issues in the media, industrial
relations at Nissan Motor C[...]inance is investigating
GST and its impact on the New
Zealand economy and its potential
impact on the Canadian[...]evaluation of marketing practice
and methods used in market research.
The latter has led to a thorough[...]uestions on survey
response and the devising of a new
method for predicting voting behaviour.
Specific work includes an investigation
of New Zealanders’ attitudes to televi-
sion ad[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (8)[...]‘lhe
Department of Economics is participat-
ing in an international study on the eco-
nomics of maki[...]market failure.

The market theme is also present in
studies carried out in the Social Policy
Rescarch Centre where an interdisci-
plinary team published a major report on
unemployment in New Zealand. The
200 page report examined the causes of
unemp[...]f consumer-based
taxes on the living standards of New
Zealanders, and devised a methodology
for measuri[...]ociology has
research embracing all three themes. In
Health, for instance, there are projects
investig[...]plified by a
sociological study on sustainability in
Asian countries for which major funding
has become available. The market theme
is reflected in a project designed to study
recent changes in the labour market and
the implications of such for Maori in
New Zealand.

A study on the effect of economic
deregulation[...]licy since 1984 on farm level changes is
underway in the Department of

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (9)Geography, Similar studies have been
carried out in the same department for the
meat industry, food p[...]section of the same department is investigat-
ing New Zealand’s national coastal policy,
the implication of t[...]ing approach for ecologi-
cally sensitive areas,

In the general area of geomorphology,
research conti[...]dies Department has
begun a number of initiatives in Maori
social and cultural development. ‘These
papa (genealogical recording) and its utility
in devising a Maori model for the under-
standing an[...]rong health
theme runs through research conducted in
the Department of Nursing Studies. Topics
include treatment-related pain in cancer and
burns, care and control in acute psychiatric
settings, health-care choices o[...]he needs of
Thailand. They include infant feeding in
rural areas and perceptions of illness.

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (10)[...]Plan.

Tio major research projects were
completed in the Department of History
this vear. The first as[...]rger
study. deals with the changing nature of
the New Zealand Welfare State, and the
distribution of social wel[...]a biographical study:
of Edward Tregear - one of New
Zealand's most prominent intellectuals.
He was a social c[...]abour from 1891 to
1910. He was also a kev player in
attempts to form a political labour move-

There was also an initiative in the
field of carly modern British history wich
the department's involvement in an inter-
national project to edit the “Entring[...]es
continues its research on the theme,
Religions in New Zealand. with a study
on religious prejudice. Other studi[...]n
Languages has established research direc-
tions in Chinese phonology and the
methodology of teaching[...]n language
learning strategies,

Literary studies in the department
include work on Dermont d'Urville[...].

Not surprisingly, literature is a strong
theme in scholarship in the Department
of English. It includes Victorian poetry,
New Zealand books, streams of con-
sciousness writing and orn[...]el
“Grievous Bodily” written by an aca-
demic in this department. ‘The
Philosophy Departm[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (11)[...]mall sand-
stone sphinx from Sinat (above ) reads in
Egyptian hieroglyphs "beloved of Hathar" w[...]
Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (12)[...]HNOLOGY

Health and environment themes con-
tinue in the Science Faculty. In the
Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry for[...]cnergy and nutrient intake and energy
expenditure in pregnant women and
young mothers. Another group, in col-
laboration with the World Health
Organisatio[...]al explanation of
the removal of toxic substances in the
liver by the enzyme aldehyde dehydroge-
nase.[...]is was also the
theme of two groups of scientists in the
same department. The first made some
of the d[...]mectin, an antiparasite agent. The sec-
ond made new compounds of osmium
which displayed unusually reactive prop-
erties when exposed to light.

Recent advances in protein engineer-
ing focusing on the human milk[...]ir crystallographic work was recently
highlighted in a prestigious scientific pub-

The anal[...]ed metal-tolerant
plants from nickel mining areas in Brazil
and copper mining areas in Zaire.

Threats to flora and fauna in New
Zealand forests from wasps have caused a
group in the Department of Botany 8
Zoology to analyse 20[...]s can now be contemplated.
The seed research team in the same
department has in collaboration with
overseas workers and the Seed[...]eeds, the molecular
basis of reserve mobilisation in grass
seeds, and physiological control mech:
nisms in seed development and germina-

The theme of pasture production is
present in studies of genetic relationships
between species of legume root module
bacteria studies being carried out in the
Department of Microbiology and
Genetics in conjunction with the John
Innes Institute at Norw[...]s, and elucidating
the role of exopolysaccharides in infection

The department has a gro[...]duction from
fructose, and ammonia from arginine. In
addition, the molecular and genetic basis
of mali[...]udy of the epidemiology of
Giardia and giardiasis in the
Manawatu/Wanganui Arca Health

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (13)[...]s a wasp nest dug out of the
ground near Ashhurst in September 1991

revealing layers or combs.


Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (14)[...]t. Initial work has shown the
organism is present in a range of wild,
domestic, and farm animals. Commercial
water testing for Giardia is also expand-

In molecular biophysics research
being carried out w[...]h of bronchial walls
and appears to be implicated in asthma.

‘The research programme in the same
department in nuclear magnetic reson-
ance spectroscopy has resulted in a mea-
surement of high polymer conforma-
tional[...]as also
obtained evidence for diffractive effects in
a new form of microscopy which can
image the morphology[...]-
als through restrictions on molecular

In further experimental research, the
electrical imp[...]acteristics of
yeast cells have been investigated in col-
laboration with the University of
Warwick, w[...]computer simulation.

Much of the research effort in the
Department of Production Technology
has gone[...]hard-
ware and softwar .

The refrigeration group in the
Department of Biotechnology, in con-
junction with the Departments of
Agricultura[...]tion models and analysing water vapour
transport in refrigerated facilities. In the
same department, a novel lectin from
tamarill[...]pression can also be carried out on
these hosts.

In a joint project with the
Department of Food Techn[...]t of Biotechnology has made
considerable progress in elucidating the
biochemical mechanisms by which yeasts
produce citric acid. Other research in the
Department of Food Technology associa
ted wit[...]re on the whitening
power of UHT-processed milk.

New projects begun in the
Department of Food Technology include
the inv[...]or whey
demineralising the use of ultrafiltration in
the manufacture of yoghurt and, in a
cooperative project with the University of
Wisconsin, new methods of fractionating
and re-combining[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (15)16


Massey University’s New Technology
Funding Programme supports commer-
cial developments in research areas.
Eight new projects were initiated during
the year and recei[...]otection.

Licensing income of $1,010,380
accrued in 1990. This figure represents
a 63% increase over the previous years’

The success of the new technology
commercialisation epitomises the poten[...]d
and commercialised via the Rescarch
Office. The New Technology
Consultant (see Directory) is forming
new alliances in the technology transfer
arena. A number of projec[...]es - to
make technology available for wider use.

New project releases were:

+ Agricultural Financial[...]ftware

+ Natural Family Planning

+ New Fertiliser Application

+ NZ Pharmaceuticals Lice[...]rains

The following updates provide a
summary of new technology activity at
the University:


Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (16)* BIOBLADE/NO TILL
The bioblade technology is a new

tem of conservation planting which

reduces erosion and fertiliser run-off.
The machine uses a “I” shaped cross
slot method of planting into unculti-

vated ground.

‘The Agricultural[...]icultural Machinery Research


The Massey University Scho[...]esearch
Development Centre has generated
$650,000 in sales. A suite of pro-
grammes has been firmly established in
the New Zealand schools’ market and
overseas opportunities are[...]versity has licensed the
software exclusively for New Zealand
to the Livestock Improvement

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (17)[...]losis causes Johne's dis-
ease (paratuberculosis) in ruminants.
Johne’s disease occurs worldwide and[...]s no commercial diag-
nostic test for the disease in its preclin-
ical form.

The disease has an insid[...]efore a herd is recognised as
infected, resulting in increased envi-
ronmental contamination. The ident-
fication of animals in the preclinical
stages must therefore be a major goal
in any future eradication programme.

Commercial interests are being
reviewed to establish a partner to assist
in the development of a commercial
test-kit. Collabo[...]pment of a vaccine.

New Zealand and Australian Patent
Application (ONA Probe)


Falling film evaporators are extensively
used in New Zealand and overseas for
the concentration of milk, tomat[...]e of an

New Zealand provisional patent appli-

Mr RS[...]y Department


A new device for testing the properties
of fruit has be[...]operties such as maturity, ripeness.
texture, and quality. Fruit properties
can be measured at any chosen d[...]skin as

A New Zealand provisional patent has
been applied for.[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (18)[...]NTS

An ovarian monitor system has been
developed in conjunction with
Australian interests and the newly
established Health and Fertility
Foundation in Palmerston North.

The ovarian monitor and related
technology means for the first time
women can in the privacy of their
homes, determine their ferti[...]or L F Blackwell
Chemistry & Biochemistry



A simple low-cost process[...]Co-operative

A typical sample produced in the
pilot plant contained 10% N, 24% S
and 1% Ca[...]as the
standard ammonium sulphate gran-
ules. The quality of the granules when
stored for five months alone[...]is process of granulation could
easily be adopted in superphosphate
manufacturing plants. The project[...]-operative Limited.

New Zealand provisional patent appli-

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (19)[...]Mr SA Clark

Ravensdown Fertiliser Co-op Ltd.

A mutant strain of yeast has been dev[...]ns at
Distillers Company (Yeast) Limited.
Further in-house research has been

commissioned in the Department of
Biotechnology to determine the[...]ic acid.
The ester is then selectively hydrolysed
in ethanolic potassium carbonate to give

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (20)[...]icensed to the
Development Finance Corporation of
New Zealand Limited, now under
statutory management. Massey
U[...]established to receive the assignment
and assist in the onward commerciali-

sation of separation med[...]TION TECHNIQUES:
The licensing arrangement signed in
1986 with Genentech Inc. San
Francisco has contin[...]anisation to use. The technologies
have been used in-house by Genentech
and products emanating from th[...]resin technologies to Life

Technologies Inc, the New Zealand

subsidiary of the American company

based in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

New developments and an
improved resin for the separa[...]wed and analysed
through a joinc venture with the New
Zealand Dairy Research Institute. Life
Technologies will[...]the joint-venture.

Additionally the University, in con-
junction with Pharmol Limited, an
Australian[...]completed the preliminary
developmental work on a new cellulose
based anion exchanger (D-cellulo[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (21)[...]reabsorption from the gut.
The resulting increase in faecal excretion
of bile salts forces the body to[...]ATLAB is copyrighted to Massey
University and the New Zealand
Statistical Association.

Dr W D Stirlin[...]Inc is a Canadian based
company that specialises in the produc-
tion and marketing of wine yea[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (22)R E S EAR C H IN C OM E

Research income in 1990 totalled for New Zealand Universities with
$9,199,503 an actual increase of 11% decreased funding from the New

and a real increase on 4% when allow- Zealand Vice-Chancellors Committee.
ing for a discount factor. The rate of The trend in real and discounted

growth declined in 1990, partly due toa research income over a five[...]89 ~——-1990

(1989 figures in brackets)


Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (23)[...]989 levels
while there was a significant increase in
overseas funding. Local body funding,
while not l[...]e potential. ‘There was a signifi-
cant decline in support from the New
Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
while the Universit[...]llowships $313,000
Graduate Research Fund $66,472
New Technology Funding $172,630
All other fund[...]
Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (24)[...]nd
14 research centres* with departments
bringing in substantial funds from gov-
ernment sources and t[...]part-


ments and research centres.


New Technology



Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (25)[...]aria financial dealings and accounting practices. in: Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai, B. Y., eds. Proceedings se[...]c170-172.

Cameron, A. F. Advanced considerations in audit reporting. In: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing : theory and practice in
New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990; 751-764.

Ca[...]journal; 1990; 69(5): 37-42.

Cameron, A. F. The new development programme - much ado about nothing? A[...]eron, A. F, Professional organisation and ethics. In: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing : theory and practice in New
Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990: 90-101.

Carr, S. A. Company accounting : an introduction. In: Van Peursem, K.; Carr, S. A., eds. Financial accounting : New
Zealand issues. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press; 1990: 12[...]S. A.; Garner, R. M. Primary industry accounting. In: Van Peursem, K.; Carr, $. A., eds. Financial accounting :
New Zealand issues. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press; 1990: 18[...]hics, public confidence and accounting education. In: Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai,
B. Y., eds. Proceedings se[...]ports to employees and environmental information. in: Ryan, J. B., ed. New Zealand
company financial reporting. 4th ed. (Auckland, N[...]ion of academic staff salary expenditure within a New Zealand university : a variance analysis.
Discussion pape[...]es : a funding problem or a distribution problem? in: The Accounting Association of Australia
and New Zealand annual conference proceeding; Jul. 1990; Perth, W[...]th,
W.A.: Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1990: 401-410.

Coy, D. V.; Pract, M. A comparis[...].; Mancer, C. J. A recipe for further tax reform. New Zealand financial review; 1987; 6(21): 58-59.

Davey, H.[...]A. Investors should never overlook the accounts. New Zealand financial review; 1988; 7(5): 46-47.

Dixon, K. Accountants in the public sector : some current trends. Local au[...], K. Cost determination and cost recovery pricing in non-business situations : the case of university[...]989; 11: 174-189.

Dixon, K. The finance function in local councils in New Zealand :an exploratory study. Local authority management;
1990; 42(2): 58-64.

Dixon, K. The finance function in local councils in New Zealand :an exploratory study. Discussion paper / Departm[...]veness, organisational culture, and benefit-cost. New Zealand health and hospital; 1990; 42(2):
19, 21-2[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (26)[...](designing a course to
achieve this requirement). in: Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand annual conference; Jul.

1989; Melbourne, Australia. [Melbourne; Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1989];
1.12 p.

Guthrie, J.; Mathews, M. R., eds[...]).

Hamilton, F. $. The environment of accounting in New Zealand. in: Van Peursem, K.; Carr, S. A., eds. Financial
accounting : New Zealand issues. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press; 1990: 7-[...], F. S. The nature and development of accounting, in: Van Peursem, K.; Carr, S. A., eds. Financial accounting :
New Zealand issues. Palmerston North: Dunmore Press; 1990: 28[...]S.; Porter, B. A.; Pratt, M. J. Whar is an audit? in: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing : theory and practice in
New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990: 1-17.

Hamilton, F, §.; Pratt, M. J. The audit approach - an overview. in: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing : theory and practice
in New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990: 159-182. 27[...]89; (82).

Hooper, K. C. A case for taxing wealth in New Zealand. Discussion paper / Department of Accountancy, Ma[...]in-Fatt, C. Deliver us from (natural) temptation. New Zealand financial review; 1988; 7(16): 66-67.

Jackson, B[...]nting : perceived purpose and choice of approach. in: Accounting Association of
Australia and New Zealand annual conference; Jul. 1989; Melbourne, Australia. (Melbourne: Accounting
Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1989]; 2. 25 p.

Kelly, M.; Pratt, M. J. Societal changes : accounting and accountability. in: Accounting Association of Australia and New
Zealand annual conference proceedings; Jul. 1990; Perth,[...]h, W. A.:
Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1990: 714-725.

Kelly, M.; Tower, G. D. The place of agency theory in a management accounting perspective. Accounting f[...]01-203.

Mathews, M. R. The Future of accounting, in: Van Peursem, K Carr,$. A., eds. Financial accounting : New Zealand
issues. . Palmerston North: Dunmore Press; 1990:[...]athews, M. R. The Importance of social accounting in any complete accounting education system. in: Proceedings of
the sixth international conferenc[...]Accounting; 1988?]: 402-416.

Mathews, M. R. The New environment in international accounting by A. Belkaoui [B[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (27)[...]counting models - reformist proposals for changes in reporting and decision making. in:
Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai, B. Y., eds. First Asian-Pa[...]ting and the development of accounting education. in: Accounting Association of Australia
and New Zealand annual conference proceedings; ful. 1990; Perth,[...]th,
W.A.: Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1990: 208-220.

Mathews, M. R. A tentative teaching programme for social accounting. in: Proceedings of the 1987 annual conference of
the[...]Mathews, M. R.; Perera, M. H. A unique experience in combining academic and professional accounting education : the
New Zealand case. in: Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai, B. Y., eds. First Asian-Pa[...]g concern - a comparative study of the guidelines in Australia, Canada, United States, United Kingdom
and New Zealand with an emphasis on AG 13. Discussion paper / Dep[...]niversity; 1990; (101).

Perera, M. H. Accounting in developing countries : a case for localised unifo[...]h, M. A FIFO/LIFO model for inventory accounting. in: Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai, B. Y., eds. First
Asian-Pa[...]and international patterns of social accounting. in:
Most, K. S., ed. Advances in international accounting. New York: JAI Press; 1990; 3: 215-251.

Porter, B. A,[...]ion-performance gap - an empirical investigation. in: Accounting Association of Australia
and New Zealand annual conference proceedings; Jul. 1990; Perth,[...]th,
W.A.: Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1990: 143-159.

Porter, B, A. The auditor's reports to shareholders and management. in: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing : theory and
practice in New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990: 724-750.

Po[...]accountability and the role of external auditors in society. in: Accounting Association of Australia
and New Zealand annual conference; Jul. 1989; Melbourne, Australia. (Melbourne: Accounting Association of
Australia and New Zealand; 1989]; 2. 25p.

Porter, B. A. The development of[...]ountability and the role of independent auditors. in: Peyvandi, A. A.;
Tai, B.Y., eds. First As[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (28)[...]nalysis of the audit expectation-performance gap. in: Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai, B. Y., eds.
Proceedings second Asian-Pacific conference in international accounting issues; Oct. 10-13, 1990[...]B. A. Legal and professional duties of auditors. in: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing: theory and practice in New
Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990; 39-62.

Port[...]audit expectation gap - a contemporary approach. in: Peyvandi, A. A.; Tai, B. Y., eds. First
Asian-Pa[...]. Narrowing the audit expectation-performance gap in New Zealand. Auditorium; 1990; (29): 1-5.

Porter, B, A. NewNew duties for auditors - narrowing the expectation g[...]2-44.

Porter, B. A. The power of accountability. New Zealand financial review; 1988; 7(16): 74-75.

Porter, B. A. The role of the auditor in society and the development of auditing. in: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing :
theory and practice in New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990: 18-38.

Port[...]audit expectation gap - a contemporary analysis. in: Accounting Association of
Australia and New Zealand annual conference; Jul. 1989; Melbourne, Australia. (Melbourne: Accounting
Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1989]; 2. 28 p.

Porter, B. A. True and fair vie[...]ter, B. A.; Cameron, A. Contemporary developments in auditing, in: Pratt, M. J., ed. External auditing : theory and
practice in New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.: Longman Paul; 1990: 816-843.

Po[...]. J., ed. External auditing : theory and practice in New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z.; Longman Paul; 1990.

Pratt, M. J. The legal liability of auditors in New Zealand. Discussion paper! Department of Accountancy, Mas[...]Van Peursem, K. A. Sampling theory and practice. in: Pratt, M. J. External auditing : theory and practice in
New Zealand. Auckland: Longman Paul; 1990: 423-456.

Rahman,[...]r studying accounting - regulatory policy making. in: Accounting
Association of Australia and New Zealand conference proceedings; Jul. 1990; Perch, Western[...]th, W.A.; Accounting Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1990: 819-830.

Rahman, A. R. Theory closure in accounting revisited. Discussion paper / Departme[...]untant's journal:
1989; 69(9): 38-40.

Tan, L. M. New residence rules, The CCH journal of Asian Pacific taxation; 1990; 2(1): 33-36.

Tan, L. M. The New Zealand resident withholding tax. The CCH journal[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (29)30

Tower, G. D. Current costs. in: Garner, M. G., ed. Principles of accounting : New Zealand edition - addendum.
Palmerston North: Department[...]Tower, G. D. The function of corporate reports. in: Accqunting Association of Australia and New Zealand annual
conference proceedings; Jul. 1990; Perth,[...]th, W.A.: Accounting
Association of Australia and New Zealand; 1990: 506-519.

Tower, G. A new spin bowler for the team? : an analysis of a prop[...]er, G. D, Taxing capital gains is no casy matter. New Zealand financial review; 1988; 7(5): 50-51.

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Jones, B. R. Hemivertebra. New Zealand Kennel Club gazette; 1990; 30(5): 44-45.

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Wilson, P. R. Aspects of deer parasitology. In: Proceedings of the annual Game Farmers workshop[...]v. 1).

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Chen, W/; Alley, M. R; Manktelow, B. W/; Slack, P. Mast cells in the bovine lower respiratory tract : morphology,[...]of lymphoid tissue and its associated epithelium
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Chen, W,; Alley, M. R.; Manktelow, B. W. Pneumonia in mice produced by cell-free extract of cultures of Bordetella
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Scherrer,[...]rvey of anthelmintic resistance on ten goat farms in the
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Thomps[...]d Boer goat imports - what do they have to offer? In: Goat health and production; 11-15
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Thompson, K. G. Nutritional diseases of goats. In: Goat health and production; 11-15 Jun. 1990; University of Sydney. Sydney
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Toumazos, P.; Alley, M. R. Scrapie in goats in Cyprus. New. Zealand veterinary journal; 1989; 37(4): 160-162.

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (75)[...]ens L.).

Holster, A.T. Time flow and probability in a probabilistic universe.

Love, Stephen George S[...]ep.

Nixon, Allan John Fur growth and replacement in the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula).

Se[...]tance studies of grain maturation and germination in three wheat

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (76)[...]rjee, Sandhya Factor content and the structure of New Zealand trade flows : an empirical

AGRONO[...]eferential browsing activities by goats and sheep in multi-species shrub/ pasture conditions.

Thuantavee, Muangthong Genotypic variability in Yorkshire for grass (Hodcus lanatus L.), 77

PLAN[...]ulian, Anthony Peter Flower and fruit development in processing tomatoes.


Kinder, Christopher Aural feedback in microteaching.


MICROBIOLOGY[...], Janet Loneliness, social support and lifestyles in gay and heterosexual women.

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (77)[...]Jones, Denise M. Some aspects of uterine motility in the mare as measured by myometrial
Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (78)[...]strar Research, extension 7991

Mr Peter Cleland, New Technology Consultant, extension 7713


Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (79)[...]Professor C J Baker, extension 7771

Established innew technology.

Director: Mr A M Alexander, extension 8100

Established in 1986, the Centre was set up to improve the animal[...]R Long, extension 8437
The Centre was established in 1987 to encourage and foster psychological resear[...]Monin, extension 8517

The Centre was established in 1975 to provide the essential link between busine[...]and private sector
organisations and specialises in the human aspects of introducing technology into[...]or A N Rae, extension 7557

The Centre was set up in 1981 to study issues affecting New Zealand agriculture in the setting of both the
national economy and the[...]’s newest research centre was formally launched in 1991. Its focus is research and
development which[...]e of areas - teaching methods, curriculum
design, new technologies, policy and equity issues and profes[...]age the skills of entrepreneurship and enterprise in New Zealand

and generally increase the public prof[...]

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (80)[...]or: Dr I L. Anderson, extension 8156

Established in 1986, che Centre is a combined venture involving Massey University and the New Zealand
Racing Conference. Its objectives are to develop[...]and to develop postgraduate training and research in areas related to
equine and other animal blood ty[...]White, extension 7736

The Centre was established in 1983 to promote research on the development and evaluation of new fertiliser
materials, the improvement of fertilis[...]derstanding of soil-plant-fertiliser interactions in agricultural and horticultural
systems. The Centr[...]students, particularly at the
postgraduate level, in soil fertility and fertiliser chemistry. The Cent[...]h projects involve collaborations with scientists in
other organisations such as MAF Tech and DSIR.

F[...]y on a fully commercial
basis. It was established in 1985 and is financed by grants and contracts, Sin[...]The Molecular Genetics Laboratory was established in 1987 to promote molecular genetics research. A
major function of the unit is to assist others on campus in acquiring skills in gene technology and to provide
a number of servic[...]689

The Monogastric Research Centre, established in 1989, conducts strategic and applied research related to
single stomach species. The Centre has units in pig, poultry, companion/laboratory animal, feed e[...]cts of nutrition and
include development projects in breeding, reproduction, carcass evaluation and meat quality.

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (81)[...]rector: Dr J Clemens, extension 7795

Established in 1976, the Centre is supported by grants fromi the[...]h likely to increase the efficiency of production in commercial nursery
practice, as in production of high-health stock and improved prop[...]e Professor M J Hill, extension 8476

Established in 1976 with funding from the then New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Seed
Technology[...]ties for postgraduate study for overseas students in all aspects of seed production, processing and
quality control. The Centre collaborates closely with all[...]t has as its objectives the fostering of research in separation science and the further development an[...]echnologies for the benefit of the
University and New Zealand. Set up 1985, the Unit has received fundin[...]


Palmerston North, New Zealand

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year]. Massey University Library, accessed 23/06/2024,

Research Report, 1991 [1990-1991 year] (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.