Scottish Werebear: Books 1-3 (Scottish Werebear, #1-3) (2024)


2,224 reviews509 followers

July 19, 2016

Full rating will come when I'm finished with the whole book

*I was gifted a copy of the audible book in exchange for an honest review*

An Unexpected Affair: ★★★★☆

*may have some spoilers*

I found this to be an enjoyable story. As with most paranormal stories, the attraction was immediate but in this case, Clarice and Derek feel that attraction but they also avoid each other (for different reasons). Since I got both POVs, I knew what the other didn’t know, so I enjoyed the avoidance immensely. Especially when Derek kept dropping off food and goodies for Clarice and she thought it was his “wife”.

Even though I enjoyed the avoidance, I kept wondering how and when Derek and Clarice would finally get together. One of the things that I think helped develop their connection was that they were able to sense each other and later each other’s thoughts. I loved that Derek knew when Clarice was in an accident and rode to the rescue.

A Dangerous Business ★★★☆☆

This book didn’t work as well for me as the first one. I don’t know if it’s because Aiden and I didn’t click, or because I didn’t click with Heidi or if it was because I didn’t feel the connection between Aiden and Heidi…maybe all of the above?

I enjoyed the suspense part of the story, but felt like the beginning dragged a little for me. But at the same time, I wish there had been more time together for Aiden and Heidi. Even though Derek and Clarice didn’t spend a lot of time together, they were in close proximity so that their bond grew when they weren’t looking, leading to more of a connection between them…that was absent here for Aiden and Heidi. There should have been more time working together before he had to leave and the suspense aspect kicked in, or it should have had more before he had to leave to run his errand.

It was still good, but not great.

A Forbidden Love (Scottish Werebear #3) ★★★★★

This book is definitely my favorite of the first three books. This is what I wanted in the other 2…Jamie and Alison actually spent time together and you could feel an immediate connection between them. It didn’t hurt that there was also a small past between them, and that Jamie had been dreaming of her since he was 12 years old. So the connection was there for me.

Plus, the suspense part of the story was extremely well done, keeping me on the edge of my seat as to how things would go down since Alison was torn between the two sides.

And I’m looking forward to reading the next book about Jamie’s brother!

Dana Busenbark

2,531 reviews29 followers

July 18, 2016

An Unexpected Affair - Clarice is on her way to Scotland. Getting away from her life in London, away from Allen her ex who cheated on her, allows her to learn to live. What does she do for work, that she wants to unplug, and get away from everyday life? I grinned when I listened to what she does. When she gets to the Isle of Skye, intent on finding a way to work on what she needs to do for work and herself, she meets Derek, the man who owns and rents her the cottage. What happens between them that she suddenly has the inspiration that she needs to complete her work? Derek seems like a smart, intelligent man. What happens when he sees Clarice? What does he regret? While Clarice finds herself attracted to Derek, she stays away from him or tries to. Why? When Derek's brother comes to his home, what does Derek get told? What happens after a particularly bad storm in the area with Derek and Clarice? As I listened to this book, I could picture the scenery in my mind as it was described by the narrator. There is an HEA to the book, but at the same time, you get the sense that there is more to come in the next book.

A Dangerous Business - Aiden, Derek's brother, has been out traveling and has now returned home, talking about a myth of a secret group and his involvement in 'The Alliance'. What happened to Aiden's mate, that he asks for Derek's help? What happened to Heidi? Who exactly is Heidi? Why does her father send her to join the Alliance? What flavor of animal is Heidi? When Aiden is forced to mentor Heidi by the leader of the Alliance, what happens? How does Aiden feel? What does he 'think' Heidi is going to look like and be like? When Aiden asks Heidi to go out to dinner since she was new, what does she do, think, and feel about that? When Aiden is going home, to Derek's farm, the description we hear about what Aiden sees is vivid. What happens when he sees a car off on the side of the road when he comes up to Derek's home? We see Aiden's take on his showing up in bear form at Derek's home. It was funny the first time around and even funnier seeing Aiden's side of things. When Heidi realizes that Aiden is a bear, what happens to her? What has she heard about bears as she was growing up? When the men get nowhere on the message board for the secret human group, what happens when Heidi starts posting? What does she say to Jaime? When Aiden starts looking over all the news clippings of their parent's death, what does he find? When Heidi goes to have coffee with the secret group, she's taken. Where is she taken to? Who has her? What do they want? Who is Lee Campbell? Who is Kyle? After the boys rescue Heidi, what does Aiden find out about Lee? What is he told about the death of his parents? Will Aiden and Heidi make it as a couple? You're going to have to listen to find out. Can Heidi and Aiden fight their attraction to one another? It was a fun book to listen to.

A Forbidden Love - In this third book of the series, we are at Apple Cross Bay, with two boys going out to play on the beach. Ah, we are learning about Jamie and his brother Matthew. What happens to Matthew when Jamie wanders off to climb the cliffs after what he thinks is a crab at first? What does he find when he gets half way there? Who is Allison? Why has she befriended Aiden? When he takes her to meet the others, what happens? When Jamie sees Allison, what does he realize? Who 'is' she? She sure isn't Allison Carter. After a date with Allison, where Jamie learns who she is, what happens at the office when he talks with Kyle? Who is in the office? When Allison's brother shows up, what happens? What happens when Kyle says that Allison Carter has few records? When Allison doesn't tell her brother Gareth about the location of the Alliance Offices, what happens? When she goes to find Jamie, she runs into Aiden outside the offices. What does she tell him? Allison comes partially clean to Aiden and then goes downstairs. When her brother asks what she's doing there, she lies. What does she tell him? How does she manage to keep them there, for the backup to arrive? What does Jamie worry about when he realizes that Allison is there? When Kyle is able to track down Matthew, given what Jamie learned from Allison as well as his own collection of information, what does Jamie do? You're going to have to wait to find out.


    alpha-male animal audiobook


50k reviews26 followers

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July 5, 2022

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The Book Junkie Reads . . .

4,968 reviews144 followers

July 18, 2016

Need a quickie but you are running about getting things done. The grab an audio copy of the Scottish Werebear novella series 1-3. I found it very easy to listen to and do my daily chores. The narrator had a smooth cadence that brought you into the story. Lorelei Moone give three interesting stories of werebear romance that in some way was forbidden/taboo for each in a different way.

An Unexpected Affair (Clarice & Derek)
One human romance author and one reclusive werebear male. Both finding more in one weekend than either could have ever imagined. One look changes the tides of their future. Add in an accident and then the fates open the doors to a lasting romance that only a mate could fulfill.

A Dangerous Business (Aidan & Heidi)
Two shifters with a similar agenda and two different background. Sourrounded by those that would cause harm and change the direction of their lives forever. How mating takes place when race/species is not the main priority in the equation. Heidi falls hard just from the initial encounter. Aidan has been struck dumb by a simple glance. All bets, doubt go out the window when danger strikes and changes the tides.

A Forbidden Love (Jamie & Alison)
When your world changes for the better or at least rights itself to the perception you had as a child. Alison finds that what has been instilled in her most of her life has been a skewed portion of the reality they lived in. Jamie life has been shaped by an event that occurred twenty years before. Fate intervenes and brings the two back together again with different outcome.

The narrator slipped many times with accents for this to be a series that takes place in Scotland. Not many of the voice held or even completely capture the Scottish brogue.
**This ARC was provided via IndieSage PR in exchange for an honest review.**

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Hazel *Craves the Angst Reviews*

770 reviews290 followers

July 21, 2016

Find This and Other Reviews At Craves The Angst.Scottish Werebear: Books 1-3 is an Adult, Paranormal Romance written by Lorelei Moone. I was gifted a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review through IndieSage Pr.

3.5 Stars!

The Review:
I absolutely LOVED Patrick Blackthorne as the narrator. I could listen to his pleasing narration all day. His hypnotic voice smoothly turns words into images and he adds just the right hint of excitement when needed and doesn’t change his voice for the female dialogue to a comical pitch like a lot of narrators do. He performs perfectly and makes listening to the book a true joy.

As for the book itself, I liked these quick, interesting and scenic stories. There are three novella length stories in total and though they were short and had limited detail and exposition, I was impressed with the amount of fun and imagination the author packs into each one. All three had sexy, engaging heroes with complicated pasts who were on exciting journeys to finding their true mates. There’s danger, excitement, rivals, mystery and villainous evildoers who don’t like the shifter clans. This was my first bear shifter read and I enjoyed each story. There wasn’t a whole lot of deep emotional romance and because they were novella in length, it was a quick jump to “love” and there wasn’t a lot of character development, but I still liked the setting, the mythology, the adventure and the characters.

I’ll definitely be back for more.

    audio contemporary-romance paranormal

•Cici• Theory of A Dreamer Book Blog♥

3,016 reviews146 followers

October 6, 2016

*I received an Audio copy from Indie Sage PR in exchange for an honest review*

Thank you so very much Indie Sage PR for sending me an Audio version of Scottish Were bear : Books 1-3!! I'm honored and grateful!! :)

5 Shifter Loving Stars!!

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to listen to an Audiobook and I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for finally getting the chance to!! Along with this being my first time listening to stories instead of reading them it was my first time reading Ms.Moone's work as well!! At first I had no clue what to expect besides the fact that the stories features shifters but boy was I in for treat!! It's been a long time since I've read a shifter romance and I could not contain my excitement for this one! All three of the stories were equally entertaining as well as addictive! I couldn't stop listening!

The further I got into the stories the more I fell in love with the world as it all unfolded in my mind as if it were a movie. I swear I could smell the fresh air, feel the fear of coming face to face with an animal, and the unconventional yet such beautiful love shared between the couples. Nothing's ever easy and you can't always expect life's surprises which I adored the fact that within all of the stories those two things were featured because it made it more realistic. Ms.Moone creates a fantastic world were paranormal isn't far fetched and fighting attraction is easier said than done! The Narrator Patrick Blackthorne has such a soothing voice and brought everything to life for me. I am looking forward to reading more of her work in the future!! :)

An Unexpected Affair -

Clarice Adler was a character that was a romance novelist. After a breakup that left her heart in a mess and a looming deadline seeking solitude in Scotland seemed like the perfect solution. Writing was all that she was focused on until inspiration struck her in the most unlikely form of a farmer. She was sweet and I really enjoyed how she got lost in the worlds that she created. I connected with her from the beginning and even though it frustrated me a bit I understood her hesitancy towards certain situations.

Derek McMillian was a character who ran a cottage and took care of his family farm that had been in his family for generations. Being born and raised there made it easy to get lost in the wonderment of nature. Having tourists come through wasn't something new to him and being a bear shifter he knew how to keep his distance when others were around until one woman changed everything. He was a bit shy yet became brazen as things progressed. His kindness really warmed my heart. He also had a sexiness to him that was effortless.

I hoped in the end they would both be able to overcome all of their obstacles and take a chance on each other even though they were from very different worlds.

A Dangerous Business -

Aidan McMillian was a character that was a bear shifter that was part of The Alliance. Uncovering a society called The Sons of Domnall that to put it lightly despised any kind of shapeshifter and trying to find out if there was more behind his parents death than was let on the last thing he needed was to get distracted by a woman. During the beginning I didn't really like him and wanted to smack him a few times. Thankfully I started to like him more as I got to the root of him as a character. My heart felt for him a couple of times as well.

Heidi Blackwood was a character that was a daughter of an alpha. Working alongside the Alliance to destroy the society of The Sons of Domnall before they harm any shapeshifter's was the only thing on her mind until it wasn't. Fighting the the attraction she had for a stubborn man should be easy. . . right? She was kind yet was quite the spit fire when need be. I enjoyed her determination and how she fought for what she believed in. I liked the fact that she was a wolf and how different she was from bears yet similar.

I crossed my fingers that even though things were a bit forbidden between the two of them that they'd fight for one another and achieve their missions.

A Forbidden Love -

Alison Campbell was a character whose job was to protect humanity from shapeshifter's. Lying to get close to them seemed simple at first until she realizes that not everything is what it seems. Protecting her heart is the last thing on her mind only the mission is until a shifter comes along that changes her mind. I really disliked her and the hatred she had for the shifters even though I understood why overtime. She was ruthless yet had a heart even though hidden at times.

Jamie Abbott was a character that was the leader of The Alliance. Trying his best to take down those that are bound and determined to take down not only his kind but all shifters alike was what drove him daily. When a mysterious woman captures his interest he throws caution to the wind and takes chances he never thought he would before even though he still had his doubts that didn't need to be his mind. . . Right? He really knew how to stand his ground and was quite intimidating at times. The risks he took shocked me.

In the end I wanted nothing more than for them to be together despite how dangerous it was and create a kind of peace among both of their worlds.

I highly recommend these three Novellas to anyone looking for reads that are quick and an absolute great escape from reality! In my opinion listening to the Audio Version is the perfect way to go because it takes things to a completely different level in the way of seeing the story play out in your mind. I really want to buy all three of them now as well to see which version I love the most! These stories don't contain your everyday romances and supernatural becomes the norm. It was a very fun experience for me and I definitely will be listening to it again! I'm looking forward to picking up the next two in the series A New Beginning and A Painful Dilemma!! If you haven't already One-Clicked this Boxset Buy it Today!! You won't regret reading these unique and wonderful shifter stories!! I hope you love them as much as I did!! 5 Stars all around!! :)


2,104 reviews20 followers

February 16, 2017

Scottish Werebears: An Unexpected Affair
This was a short story that sets up the rest of the series. The author bring a very interesting plot which goes back many years from the day Derek parents were killed could it have been an accident as they believed or could it have been more. The store moves around Derek and Clarice meeting with a strong pull from the start. There is a little misunderstanding or maybe confusion that the two will have to overcome before even thinking about a relationship plus she must find out what he truly is, understand it and expect it. There is danger near which will come to play in the future books in this series. It was an interesting plot that held your attention with a little mystery.

Scottish Werebears: A Dangerous Business
This was a cute read with danger, a little mystery, love story that is a little different but blends very well. The characters were interesting with cross breeding and how they deal with it. We learn more about Aidan and what happened to his parents. Here is where The Sons of Domnall, come into the story they are a secret society of humans sworn to destroy all shapeshifters.

Heidi is a very sweet wonderful character that won’t back down from a fight. When she and Aidan first me sparks fly. The pull is strong but neither is willing to give an inch. Both are very surprised to find they are not the same kind of shifter. This is a nice romance but pretty clean and very sexy. I enjoyed it.

We meet Jamie he is the star in the next book. We learn a little about him with is a great starting to the next book in the series. It is a short sweet read the author does a wonderful job of keeping your attention with a very good story line. The ending was good and leads right into the next book in this series.

Scottish Werebears: A Forbidden Love
This part of the series fills in a few blanks from Jamie past with a lead to his long lost family member. Things come to a head with The Sons of Domnall and Alliance as they go head to head bring back one of their own. Way more is lost then lives leave family torn in to. Alison is about to get some home truths that won’t settle to well with a few and leaves her life up in the air pulled in to different direction she is going to have to make some very tough decisions. In this book you find out what Jamie is hiding from his fellow Alliance’s. He has had some trying times which leave him with many sleepless nights. He Knows Alison is hiding something as well as who she really is but it seem he is hiding something as well.

I enjoyed getting to know past characters better and seeing how things were going for them. Alison and Jamie’s story is very touching and at the same time heartbreaking. I am looking forward to the next book in this series to find out just how Mattie turned out. Even though so much as been gained so much has been lost. So many people pulling on wives tales no one knowing just what the truth is makes you wonder just what The Sons of Domnall is basing their information on.

This was another very fast listen with some great story lines and plot. The characters you can relate to with a believable story line. There is a little mystery and a little action as the two groups go head to head more than once making you hold your breath wondering who will end up on top if any of them will. The ending is very touching but at the same time very heartbreaking.

Mr. Blackthorne’s narration was very good with interesting character voices that blends well with the story. His male voices are just as good as his female’s one. You always know who is talking and what their emotions are. There was one place that I could tell the volume changed just enough that you could tell if you were listening. I am guessing this is when a break was taken. Other than that the volume was very even throughout the audio. There are no background noises this is a very clear and clean audio. Mr. Blackthorne has a very nice voice his normal voice is just as great as his characters ones. I have to say for a man he does a very lovely female voice. His voice did pull me in making me feel comfortable and right at home. I had no trouble picturing when Clarice first sees the bear and feeling her emotions. The author does an outstanding job with the passionate scenes really giving the first night of love true emotions. I haven’t had the pleasure of listening to his work but to look forward to listening to more of it.

For a short story the author put a lot in a little. There are not many fillers with each word having a place in the story giving it a very believable plot with wonderful characters. I love the mystery and how she deliverers the back ground and the history of the werebears. There were some very intense passionate scenes that could give you hot flashes. However I did think a few sexual words did take away from the story in book one which put it a little on the erotica side the other books are not like that but very enjoyable with passionate and lots of chemistry. The author does a wonderful job of keeping your attention with a very good story line. The ending was good and leads right into the next book in this series.



1,767 reviews10 followers

July 24, 2022


I titled my review of this box set Anchors because all the stories featured shifters who found their mates and the bond anchored them both. First a lonely , solitary bear found his anchor in a human who was also drifting after heartbreak. Then that solitary bear’s brother who was chasing shifter hunters and trying to solve a 15 year old possible murder, finds his anchor in a female wolf shifter. The female wolf finally has a taste of freedom from a rigidly rippled pack and her bear shifter offered her individuality.And last but not least, a bear shifter living with years of guilt finds his anchor in the female that was the cause of his greatest regret. One of the couples ended up with acceptable mates but you can’t fight fate!


1,810 reviews7 followers

March 30, 2023


An Unexpected affair
This was a great read about blending different species together. Along with mated partners that feel that connection straight away.
Narration was awesome.

A dangerous business
She was sent to help out for a cause, what she found was her mate. They weren’t supposed to find that connection but fate had other ideas.
Then fighting a group out to destroy them becomes dangerous.
Narration was awesome.

A forbidden love

She was on the opposite side of the fight, till fate had other plans for these two. Her family were fighting a fight that was centuries old and didn’t have the correct facts.
Narration was awesome.


102 reviews

March 11, 2023

I love reading about shifters and this collection of Scotish Wearbears is great. The shifters have formed a group called the Alliance . This group protects shifters and is looking for the group called the Sons of Domnall. This Sons of Domnall are a group of radical humans out to destroy all shifters. I love the fact that this is a collection so I don't have to wait for the next book to come out. It takes you from one story to the next effortlessly.

I haven't read Lorelei Moone before but I'm really glad I was able to read this group of stories.


Tina J

1,255 reviews170 followers

January 31, 2016

Individual titles were provided by author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Box set includes:
Third person POV. Poor Derek, he's a bit clueless in what to do with himself in the beginning, but is such a softy sweetheart behind the gruff front he puts up. Clarice is a bit fanciful, but enjoyable. Both characters were absolutely wonderful. There really was not a lot in the way of secondary characters, allowing the main focus to remain on the lead couple. The chemistry, while progressing at a steadily aggressive rate, was something both denied until they just could not anymore, a refreshing change to other similar stories. Dialogue felt natural and appropriate. The plot was full and complete, for being a novella of this short length and it was written extremely well - so smooth and fluid. There really were not a lot of conflicts other than internal struggles, but they managed in efficient and mature ways. No predictability. The conclusion allows Derek and Clarice their HEA, but there's a nice big opening for A DANGEROUS BUSINESS to pick it right up at the end. Although not a *huge* fan of paranormal, I honestly would love to read the next book in this saga to see if my suspicions are correct. Thank you, Ms. Moone, for the opportunity to read your work.
Rating: R / Score: 4.3 / Stars: 4
Third person POV. Novella > under 100 pages. Can stand alone, but it would be better to read in order.
It's been 15 years since his parents died and Aiden is still searching for the answers that tie their death to the Sons of Domnall, now as a member of the Alliance. The Rannock Alpha has sent Heidi, his own daughter, to be the wolf representative for the Alliance, to watch and insure balance for all shifter species. Neither Aiden nor Heidi ever expected to find their mate in their Alliance partner. Both lead characters are strong and mostly smart. The secondary characters include Derek and Clarice (book 1) as well as a few new ones. The chemistry is instantaneous, although they both try to avoid it at first. Dialogue is very good, so it character interaction. The plot felt more like a serial episode that a complete story. There are many loose ends and open possibilities in every direction. Flow is very smooth and easy to read. The conflict is not easy to ignore, but somehow it is avoided as a non-issue. HEA is implied, but never seen through yet. Already, ADB is leading the reader into AFL. This one just did not feel as complete as AUA, and the serial aspect to the ending is much more pronounced in this one, leading to some disappointment. I'd recommend this series to those love smart and well thought out shifters, BUT I'd suggest you wait until the series is released in it's entirety to read as one full-length novel instead of several micro-novellas.
Rating: PG-13 / Score: 3.8 / Stars: 4
Third-person POV narrative. Jamie is a werebear and the Alliance leader in Edinburgh. Alison is the human "informant". Both have secrets. Secondary characters consist mostly of those we've met or have been told about in the previous two novellas.
The lead characters are only just strong enough to carry the novella. I'm not sure what it is about this installment of the "series", but it fell a bit flat for me. As with this series, the chemistry is magnetic and attraction is immediate. Maybe because a chunk of the plot was already preset in the last book? Maybe because we know almost all of the characters? I'm not sure. The secondary cast was supportive and provided crucial gap-fillers. The plot felt flat; without the dimension and dynamics one would hope for in a longer story, but it *is* a quick read and provided enough content to make it through. The first third of the book lagged, but the pace eventually picked up and finally provided a smooth ride. There were some conflicts, but there's really no going against the mating bond, so in actuality, the conflicts are rendered moot. A minor secondary story line is cast out and resolved within the primary story, also giving indication that it'll be the next book in the series. Predictability was moderate. The conclusion is passable. While giving Jamie and Alison their assumed happily ever after, we are left with many openings: Matty's reunion, the prisoners swearing vengeance upon both Alison and the Alliance, the Alliance's threat to the recent odd matings. Though this was not my favorite volume of the ongoing saga, I do look forward to learning more about Matty and what he's been up to in Glasgow. Overall, I think I'd only recommend this series to others once all volumes or installments are out. Ms. Moone states that it can be read as a stand-alone, but I truly feel that you'd lose a lot of the comprehension of the ongoing story if you picked it up half-way through.
Rating: PG-13+ / Score: 3.9 / Stars: 4

Overall - Not a bad series, thoughtful shifter process. Humor and adventure. Novellas are quick paced and not very complex. Character types are varied. Predictability is passable. I'd suggest reading the "series" as a whole rather than trying to read them as individual stories.

Overall rating: PG-13+ / Score: 4.0 / Stars: 4


K.M. Jenkins

Author22 books176 followers

November 21, 2018

Love this book. I read it in two sittings and had a hard time putting it down. Really enjoyed the character building and details put into the writing. Highly recommend this book to all werebear lovers.


Kim Stapleton joyce

72 reviews

November 12, 2020

Good series

This series popped up on sale on bookbub and I decided to check them out. I enjoyed the first three books though confused at the endings. I am hoping they all wrap up at some point. I have already downloaded the next part of the series and am excited to read those


1,614 reviews9 followers

March 17, 2021


I read 2 of the 3 stories and was so underwhelmed that I just couldn't read the last story. They were mundane and didn't keep my interest. This is not a series I would recommend.


603 reviews

July 2, 2022


I know that authors each have their own thoughts about how shifters are and how they survive. This set is definitely different. I am not sure if I like how the author has these shifters. It wasn't a bad series just different. Thank you

Julie Berwanger

50 reviews2 followers

July 4, 2022

Scottish Were bear by Lorelei Moone

If you are looking for stories that you can't stop until finished. I would say you should get this one. I so loved these stories. Thank you for the great story.

Juanita E. Arp

4,070 reviews20 followers

July 29, 2022

I enjoyed reading this box set of the three first books of this series. They are entertaining stories and the characters are wonderful. I can't wait to read more. I received this box set as a FREE copy to read and I voluntarily leave this review.

Nikki Lally

276 reviews

July 30, 2022


The story line was a good basis to build off of but the writing really detracted from it. It almost read like a first draft. Very dry. No descriptions to fill out the imaging. It could be so much better.


602 reviews

December 15, 2022

Great book!!

This was a really good book. You have three stories all in one book and they each have their own couples. If you love shifter romance then you will definitely want to read this book!!!

Lore Lipkvich

288 reviews

June 3, 2023

Scottish Werebear. books 1-3

Meh. It was ok. Characters seemed flat, but these were short stories so can’t really fault for lack of development. Each story was a HEA for each couple, but the story plot continues.

Debora Barnett

586 reviews1 follower

January 6, 2024

Finding Your Mate

The three romances have three different bears finding their mate. The first is a bear and a human. The second is a bear and a wolf. The last is also a bear and a human.


806 reviews5 followers

October 28, 2016

This was my first bear shifter book. I liked it but things happened very fast with Clarice and Derek.

Janice Steele

272 reviews

October 29, 2016


Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this amazing series and the characters were amazing. The manner in which each person met their mate and became one was amazing to read.


175 reviews15 followers

May 21, 2017

Nice quick reads. The mating call was on all couples, so they connected with each other's within days, or a month.

Sherry Vitaniemi

2,955 reviews10 followers

May 14, 2018

Here and there

The books seem to over lap in some places. What I read in one brothers story. The same shows up in the other brothers story. Just thought it was okay reading.

Elaine Gumbs

175 reviews1 follower

April 16, 2019

Great series

Really enjoyed the first three books. Can’t wait to read the next set. I love Scottish guys and were bears are even better.

Dayna Smith

3,078 reviews12 followers

April 25, 2019

Fun series.


Rebecca Perkinson

39 reviews

June 6, 2019

Good series! I didn’t want the story to end! Glad there is the second set to know the rest of the story

Julie Jackson

2,236 reviews10 followers

July 15, 2019

Excellent read

These three book were fabulous. I love that the storyline takes some curve balls and throws them at the characters. Excellent writing.


3,502 reviews53 followers

November 17, 2019

Exciting, action packed, sexy amd romantic. These were great books

Scottish Werebear: Books 1-3 (Scottish Werebear, #1-3) (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.