TELErnONE MADISON 2345 OCf PEER 9. 1931.TPART II.I 1 7 FRIDAY MORNING. RANCHES AND CR0VES 155 RANTED TO RENT i 199 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES APARTMENTS FOR RENT 207 fa Furn ihed ESTATE EXCHANCES MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANCES 181 (1.) SYNDICATE tntereit in close-in 'business corner. (2.) Fine apartment location in WiL 'shiro district pear Ambassador i Bullock a. presents improvement brings in $250 per month.
(3.1 Active business corner In sonth west section. Income from 8 stores and 15 apartments $450 to $50( per mo. 'lhese may be exchanged either separately or together. WHAT HAVE YOU? H. F.
ETC ALF CO. 115 St. TRinitv 6711. 560 FEET Business frontage nn 100 ft. boule vard at Beverly Hills, the growing city in population today.
Price $225,000. Will exchange all or part for local or clear Eastern real estate Agents please co-operate. 3057 W. 6th Room. 303.
Fl. 3318, DR. 2056 TWO TRADES FOR REAL EQUITIES No. 1, 6 acres, good buildings. In Fontana.
equipment for 3(100 chickens- want house or good auto. No. 2. One acre on 5-room stucco house, iu Van Nuys. and a good corner lot in Pacific Palisades, Santa Mobica.
2 blks. ocean: want 6 or 10 acres oranges near Pomona or Riverside. Call evenings. DR. 2056 Hendncksen.
3057 W. 6 st. Room 2(2 LARGE HOME WANTED In Beverly Hills, Bel-Air or Hanco*ck Park. Wo offer in exchange a fully improved Vine st. corner located in the heart of activity.
An excellent opportunity to convert your residential property into income. For full particulars, call Mr. Peek hum with THOMAS J. DUN NIG AN CO. f)26 Vine Hollywood.
GL. 1168 DON'T LOSE. YOUR EQUITY! Change it inlo cash by trading for fine lots with fruit trees in fast-growing part of L.A.. in San Fernando Valley, near business center, schools and car line. 7650 Melrose ave.
WY. 7102. Evenings. OX. 4053.
TRADING IS NOT AN ART It Is retting something you want for something you don't want. 40,000 nation-wide listings. PHILLIPS REAM 600 S. Western Ave. WA.
1171 SALE OR TRADE WESTWOOD HILLS 8-room English, 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. Incumbrance $16,000 at $150 per mo. Want local or Eastern for equity, 721 THAYER N. OF Wilshire.
WALKING distance WH.lSfill EXCHANGES EVERYWHERE to match your equities. Let us have all the details. W. PATTERSON LTD. 558 S.
Western at 6th. DR. 1115. WANT Calif, for Indiana. Ford agency is tenant in line brick garage building near Indianapolis.
Will give a gooi deal to some one going back east. Call owner. Dlnkirk 6121. WE want groves high-class resi- deuces in exchange. Bring your listings to liv wires for results.
C. A Peterson, Vermont at 10th. FINE AUTO COURT, home, store, 6-putnp station, making money, equity 1100. submit grove, income, suburban. Owl Court, Ventura Blvd.
near Oxnard EXCHANGES EVERYWHERE to match your property. Call or write us about them. KOiifcllT MAKSH INC. 231 Rives-Strong Bldg. TRinity 1131 WANT Santa Crus Mtn.
ranch for acre, 6- room modern house, double garage fruit stand, blvd. Box 218 Moncta. Cal. MAGAZINE established here many years (valuable plant, to trade for good really. $25.000.
V. box 518. Tines ALL kinds of property and California for Eastern. TATUM tc TATUM. 361 Wilshire Blvd.
FItzroy 2506. EXCHANGES. ALL KINDS. Write or phone GEORGK HOLMES. 351 N.
Western Ave. HE, 3084. Evenings, OR. 7623 OFFER $25,000 clear lots for apis. Want lot for 6-room home.
Carpenter, 3o4 S. Spring, VAndike 8732. WANT N.W. L.A. for 4-rooni.
near 00th Main. $3500. WY.7303. 834 N. Stanley BLVD front, A other lots for income.
er, 2616 Kcdnndo Blvd. WY. 4S76 REAL ESTATE WANTED 185 WASTED CLEAR HOME or DUPLEX FOR CLEAR 10-ACRE RANCH Improved Near Riverside. Apricots, walnuts. 10 shares water.
4-rnom hnuse near schools and P.O. Value $7 500. Address P. box 283. Times, IMMEDIATE ACTION 1 OWNERS OF APARTMENTS, BUSINESS INCOME OR HOMES Have CASH and CLEAR VACANT to offer lor properties priced today market, OWNERS ONLY! Address box 285, Times.
BUNGALOW, double, wanted. Give choice clear Hollywood lot for equity. Own ers only. P.O. box 158, Station C.
CABIN, Big Bear Lake. 5 or rooms. Honita Glendale. Calif. HOME, 5-7 rooms, new.
West side, giv cash clear lot. Mr. 1'etersen, NI2 tt. 8th. Til.
3001. HOME, clear, furn. or wanted for $32,000 mtg. S. box 301).
Times. noUSE. business st. Pay cash, close in give rone, price, hex 260, Times HOUSE in colored have new 6 or room stucco. VE.
0533. TW. 4062 LOT WANTED. West Side, bv builder, cash oown naiance 1 yr. Must be well located GKamte 2655.
LOT PART PAYMENT. 7-ROOM BEAU $5500. BUILDER, TH. 7036. $25,000 CLEAR improved.
Want 16 to 20-unlt Wilshire apt. Will assume. REYNOLDS. DKexei 2370. WE SELL IF PRICE IS RIGHT SEE US FIRST.
OUR NEW method. CASH. NO TRADE. NO AUCTION. IMPROVED unimproved property.
IN THE CITY OR ELSEWHERE, CALL BE CONVINCED. 226 W. UTH ST. AT WANT clear lot to $2000 part paymt. 0 room mingatow.
Alhambra. Clear lot to $5000, part paymt, 20 room flat 2316 Clyde ave. Nearly clear local income for equity K.C., clear nearly clear See Homer for a home. KM. 0350 HAVE 20 lots Mt.
Washington L.A. clear except assessments. All Improvements. Will exchange for agricultural land wilh water capable of growing oranges. Might assume small amount WEstmore 8030.
BUSINESS properly wanted, West Side im proved anil leased. Have clear West Side vacant anil San rernando acre age, assume conservative mtg. OX lord 18U8. MODERN Duplex, 14 rooms, west of West' ern. Have beautiful 12-room home, 2(10 feel from Wilshire near La Hrea Will assume.
Give location, details 1217 Gartii'ld Building. BUILDER will pay uo to $4000 for bar gain Income, lot in Beverly or wilshire district, nuar Wilshire Blvd. Will pay half cash with balance T.D. basis. due 1 year.
OKegon U708. HAVE clear lot in Highland Park to ex change tor bungalow, flats or nnart- $3 mcot-house equities. Call 814 QU1N- IIY HI. DO. -VAtldlkr) 1822.
WANT business property up to $25,000 Mustjbe located N. of Pico A W. of Fairfax. Must show 10 net. Prinei- pals only address P.
box 280, Times WILL PAY $5000 CASH FOR BUNGALOW S. of Snnta Monica, N. of Beverly, of Western and E. of Fairfax. Fr'nzer Realty ORegon 6700, ALL CASH FROM PRIVATE PARTY for $6 ZONE LOT, north ol Pico, west of La Brea commissions.
1100 8. OLIVE ST. WILL accept your vacant lot in exchange lor a beautiful home or duplex in Moreno Highlands, Owner. OL. 4410 IF Y'OU WANT CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY CALL ALBI.
706 8, HILL TRinity 6451. CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY. 0642 SUNSET BLVD OR. 2351 CASH lor your apt. house equity, 2iiOS W.
7th St Houm "3, Call slternonn BUY or lease hotel and stores, east ol Main. Stiitirv. VAndike 0761. WANT Alluimbiu or Pasadena tor 7 mom. near 4 I ti Boon" 7.1'in Vermunt ANTED TO RENT 199 DESIRE furnished 3 or 4-bedroom.
3-bsih house, Wil.hlre or Beverly Hills sec- tion. Immediately. 1 yr. lease, to exceed $1511. Ureter OR.
1241 BfcNT 4 -room furn. holise. Traits Anew- nesn ird. y.iim. venire ptvd REAL $3 $3 $3 $4 $4 $4 $4 $1 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $16 $20 $20 $25 $35 $5 $18 $25 $8 INDEX TO THIS PAGE CLASSIFICATION' 'NUMBER Beverly Hills Houwt 148 Clendale Houses 149 Suburban Houses (or Sale 150 Ranches.
Groves 1 55 to 158 Beach. Mountain Property ....164 to 165 Acreage and Land 167 to 169 Eastern and Northern 170 ivcji tiuie iniiic iijiu ioi Real Estate Wanted 185 Wanted to Rent 199 Hotel Rooms 200 Rooms tor Rent 201 to 203 Rooms and Board 204 to 205 Apartments tor Rent .207 to 209 JEVERLY HI Lib HOUSES 148 It For Salt 150 SOUTH Maple Drive. Beverly Hills. California, acquired through toreclos lire unit must mell. 7 rooms.
3 large bedrooms. 2 til baths, unit neat, electric refrigeration Spanish design outside and inside Large living room with wood ceiling enclosed front patio, house only 1 yrs okl um In bock! condition. Open (or lupscetion daily: look it over and make me a reasonable offer with cah down payment, balance to iu purchaser. Owner at 338 S. Maple Dr Phone Kent wood 5430 ESTATE Beautiful Italian home having 13 rooms.
5 master bedrooms, 4 baths. iiii il i on one ante, finest site in Bel Air. giving' view of ocean, mountains and cily. win compare with any es tnlo of Owner going east Our price Terms onered RICKARD-SCUIRMER. LTD.
0401 W-ilshire Blvd. OXford 1404 -1EAUTIFUL SPANISH HOME 11 rooms. 4 sleeping rooms. 4 baths Also servant quarters. Nearly new Built for a home and to be told FAR BELOW ACTUAL VALVE.
See 702 NO. LINDEN DRIVE. Open 1 to 5 until fold. WAS $20600. NOW $16,600, Super artistic Spanish home; B27b Olympic Blvd.
on 60' corner, worth 510.UO0. Excellent neighborhood, clow: to chool, transportation and chop- pine center. Dickason Building to owner. S. Fairfax.
OR. 1377. MOST EXCEPTIONAL VALUE In history Corner 100x203, marvelous shrubs charming home, 4 beds, 3 batln worth $30,000, tor price of lot. Op portiinlty unusual. 7O0 blk.
north Must sell. Mrs. Leonard. OXford 6108 $12,600 REDUCED from $20,000. Lot alone worth $12,000.
Bnna-ttde bar gain at 530 N. Crescent near school. Studio. 1 1 i nif room, solarium library. 3 liedrooms.
3 baths. Lot 80x158. Owner. OXford 11 It. COST $15,000, SACK1F1CK $8750 7 rooms.
2 baths, coiner. 1 block of Wilshire. Nice yard tc playhouse for children, near school. S. STANLEY IR.
OXford 7771 'LENDALE HOUSES 149 V-IS-T-A YE-R-D-U-G-0 HERE IS A BARGAIN OWNER SAYS SELL FOR 50050 ONLY $6950 $760 cash and S75 Per month including interest, Strictly up to date. 3 good bedrooms. tile baths, walled patio, unit heat, double garage, dandy lot with large oak trees, sprinkling sv'iem, shrubs and lawn. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN A TERMS. Se at once.
Open every day. W. L. TWINING. MANAGER North Verdugo Rd.
Don. 6060, BIGGEST BARGAIN IN CALIFORNIA 1410 MOUNTAIN STREET I ROSSMOYNE. I GLEN DALE Excellent Spanish bungalow of flnesl construction, finest section Glendale amid beautiful homes. 7 rooms. 3 bed rooms.
2 tile baths. 1 patios, tile roof. double cement Karaite, compelled to sacrifice tor quick sale. Open all day For evening inspection phone NOr-mandie 68.V-5. KS.
JOINER. EE THIS TODAY 1104 HOWARD TWO-STORY STUCCO, E. corner Stoeker and Howard: all-tile roof. 4 fw-drooms, sun room. .1 tile baths Glendale 's greatest bargain at $10,600 easy terms.
GREENLAW REALTY CO. 51s No Brand. Douglas. 0201. FOR SALE at a real bargain by owner.
all newly decorated, ready to move in. Open all day Sunday or phone DR 3703, L.A., any day after, ask for Mrs. McCullum; terms and real price on this place. 1140 N. Howard Glemlale.
OUTSTANDING BARGAINS In choice Glendale homes at the prlef you want to pay. Douglas 3025. CAp-ltol flfit(4. RICHARDS-OLSON LTD. West Broadway.
Glendale. NEW Spanish. 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, unit heat.
elec. reins. Near high and grammar schools. $6850 SI 000 down. SHOOK As STRUBLE.
4 10 So. Brand. ROOM stucco in Oakridge tract. Delightful home and exquisite view at a price far below actual value. Lenient terms.
Attractive 6-rooni home near partt. cacit yard fenced. RACE. 2UHS S. Brand.
CUBURBAN HOUSES 150 PICTURESQUE! Foothill F.staie Site! One ami one-half acres. Forty-live minutes from Hroadway! Elevation 17no feet. ABOVE THE FOG Privacy with Accessibility! 25 miles from the. seal Wonderful "view of cily and ocean! This is a corner prmierty, improved won beautiful shade trees, family Orchard, swimming pool, etc And last but not least, a dandy R-room colonial bungalow, not new but, cosy and clean. Easily worlh $20.000 even on this market, but owner Is leaving California, and will sell for $12,000 terms.
He is ready to go. wants action and this is going to be sold Shown by appointment only. Call rewrite C. W. Strayer, Realtor.
724 W. Vernon Los Angeles. AX. 2508 ENTLEM AN'S ESTATE Altitude 1800 It. See these gorgeous grounds.
4840 Alt Canyada, La Canada. Alhambra BOOM English, 3 bedrooms, c'ose to business center. $5000. 113 E. Valley Alhambra.
Phone 1186. VETERANS! Foreclosure Buyers! 1423 Palm Alhambra. 7 rooms. 33r, Whittier Blvd. AN.
8274 or GR. 8061 Baldwin Park S0RE ENOUGH BARGAIN, $3600 6-room modern house, easy terms. On 1 acre cheap water, gas, elec, trees, in Baldwin Park. Reynolds It Sax MI 8284. Bellman 4th tt Spring.
Burbank ACRIFICE B-room Spanish slncco house it garage, only $3100. Small pymt down hnl, like rent. HE Ollll. Eagle Rock ROOM stucco on large lot. Complele-ly furnished.
Price $31100. terms Would consider car or small lot as part payment. Ask Ward Jensen, 4623 Eagle Rock Blvd. ALbnny 1614. ACKIFH ll-room modern, hillside, Eng lish stucco.
Excellent view, very ac-cessible, exclusive. ALbany 2230. inglewood ROOM stucco, modern, tile bath sink, lawn. flh pond, salaries, shrubs trees Total $2600. $13 mn.
carries. Owner 4112 McDonald near Prairie. La Crescents ELEVATION 2800 5-ronm stucco double garagv. sale or ti-Hile. Price Owner, 633 Aidcn, Glendale.
Douglas 51135. NortK Hollywood M500 MODERN B-room stucco. Lot 127. double garsire, chicken equip-ment, Owner.AL.0S2t. nights AL.1438 Pacific Pallaadea BUNGALOW.
6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, tile 1 baths, living room 14x22, unit heat. Elec. stucco, full Spanish tile roof, 3-car garage, landscaped, automatic sprinklers, close to ocean. Paw lie Palisades. Priced right.
Phone owner. L. A. Hardie. ox lord 8803.
Rosemaad 5 A. cor rooms, waa $13,600, now 1055 Marshall, off Valley Blvd. Santa Monica 54250 7-ROOM modern stucco bungalow. I tV-diooins. 3 bslhs.
i nunie garage $10(81 cash ANDY INVESTMENT f.0.. 1510 Third Sinta Monica. South Pasadena 5-ROOM, 2-story stucco, $5850. Cost $10 2(10 $3850 cah. Assume $2000 70S HON IT A DRIVE.
ins. eay i terms. Himii lor rent. 52" Mission. SY.2U8 Verduoo Woodlands I1FAUTIFUL 7-ROOM VIEW HOME.
2 tile baths fireplace, every modem festur. Large lot In little Taller. New Metropolitan Life mtg 9(500. Close in. Easy scce rrire $7950 ey terms.
EXCELLENT DINING ROOM WITH HOME COOKING. WESTCHESTER APTS. 1275 Westchester Place. YOU'LL FIND THE DINSMORE The newest, and finest downtown Apt. ottering truly distinctive Apartments at amazingly low rates.
Every courtesy shown transients. 060 WILSHIRE HEART OF CITY (Wil-hire now open to Grand Ave 50 I P. SINGLES. BRITTANY ARMS $80 up. unusually attractive front double, beautifully furn.
i'igidau- garage. 427 Normainlie. DU. HUM SoO IP SINGLES-DOUBLES S70 Bachelor $35. Frigidaire.
A servie iNew 6c complete. jNear Westlake Par ATA LIN A ARMS, 1833 W. 5TH S1 DOU ISLES refrig. extras nea Wnshirc-La Brea 630 Cochran $50 INCLUDES all top floor double, elec retrig. 1.t3 N.
New Hampshire. $55 UNUSUAL doubles, yard. 1 hlk. car. adults, cor.
4o7 Rosewood av $00 WERE $75. Large cor. double. tras. Service incl blk.
Wilshire 114 N. Almoin Beverly Hills $00 NEW duuble upper front, extras Incl Blk. N. of Wilshire Blk. Kobert son 163 Clark Beverly $00 BEAUTIFUL front, double, lights, retrig.
130 N. Westmoreland $60 I11NTON ARMS. 3S07 OTH a Attractive 3 i-osms, Refrig Service $65 MY luxurious Wilshire double, tw beds 742 SpntiMing. WH. 4648 $7 0 NEW FRONT DOUBLE.
Refrig. tras incl. Ideally located 2 blks. Wilshire. 825 S.
WOOSTER. $70 NEW double, reins. all extras im Near school. 82o Woottcr. 1 bloc E.
of Robertson. 2 blks. S. Wil-hl- $150 5 looms lurn. Apt.
These exceptional apt. ho mis meet ev cry requirement of high-class apt seekers with their atmosphere of re fineiiKnt it artistic furnishing. hour switchboard, maid is janitor steam neat, son water. REASONABLE RENTALS 614 S. St.
Andrews, off Wilshire THE MARLINROX WESTLAKE PARK DISTRICT Large, ultra-modern apartments. Dou hies $010 up; singles $60 up: ba eiors you up Garage, soiuritira, com nnssary. 24-hr, switchboard. 038 S. LAKE DRexel 1133.
LA SEGOVIA Wilshire' exclusive home on to four-room suites; electric heat and vetiulatiou. Subterranean garage. Service de luxe. 840 9 GRAMERCY DRIVE COi; FIELD MANOR APARTMENTS Root apartment. Wonderful view bedrooms.
Attractive lease to respon sible tenants Also bachelor, singles doubles. Large, well furnished, ouiet convenient location. 2700 San Marine St. FItzroy 4510. SENATOR APARTMENTS 668 S.
VALENCIA Well-equipped modern singles and doubles. Close in location. 24-hr. swiii-hbnnrd service. EX.
1131. THE TRAY MOKE 623 S. Rampart Blvd. Roomy single ail modern conveniences. urivat park.
Reasonable rates. 3. 4 cars Hollywood bus DU 0560 BETH-EL LODGE 3857 BETH-EL PL Large sunny rooms, wide halls. parlors, community kitchens; amnl grounds; parking: rates reasonable Church A good music near. Take Tel low or red Garvanza car to door.
OLIVER CROMWELL NEAR AMBASSADOR HOTEL Singles, doubles, triple. $60 lo $150 Bachelors $40 S50. 24-hr. switehboar and commissary, unexcelled service 418 S. Normandie ave.
DRexel 5606 SUBLEASE my gorgeously furn. 3-room apt. in the town HOUSE. 3 mo. loug as you wish Grand Diano.
orient al tugs, sterling silver, real fireplace Call mornings. Miss Walters, EX. 1234 i HE BROWNLE1GH For those seeking a BETTER apt right in the heart of town ye quiet. Rates surprisingly reasonable 626 9. ST.
PAUL, oft W. 6. D-3 cars LA CRESCENT APTS. 1)30 S. GRAMERCY PL.
at SAN MA KINO. Artistio singles doubles, mod ern, elevator service all extras inc A selective aid. at reasonable rate- LAFAYETTE APTS Hoover at Wilshire, overlooking tw parks. Newly furnished singles and doubles now available. Reasonable MAYFLOWER $30 AND UP Lovely sunny single A doubles, large elevator, all extra Must be seen to appreciate.
singles A bachelors with garage. 814 8. HOHART. DUnklrk 8745 THE RICHMOND Large beautifully furnished singles One unfurnished double 2810 Leeward near Hoover A Sth HE VIRGINIAN Beverly Hills most adorable new apts, $70 up: 135 N. La Pere, 3 blks.
olf Robertson. OXford 7680. BEVERLY HILLS, new Mexican lurn doubles, stall showers, twin beds, serv ice. Adults. 1,12 S.
CANON DR. 'UFFORO ARMS New ullia.modern apts most reasonaote rates in this exclil sive Wilshire dist. 712 9. Wilton PI JUST OPENED, beautiluily furn. double apt.
Rare features. 144 N. Clark Dr Beverly Hills, near Wilshire. OX. 6083 BEVERLY HILLS 122 N.
LA PEER DR 7 ROOMS. 2 BATHS, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED OWNER. WY. 6521 EXCLUSIVE, 4 quiet rooms, near Lafay ette Park. BSIH Sunset PI.
GL. 6686 MODERN double furn. rent reason able. 136 Almont, Beverly Hills. Hollywood 20B TO $35.
Small furnished bungalow A apt. Fine district. 121(1 Laurel ave SINGLES, shower, extra incl. parking, near schools. Los rtit.
4453' Ftnley at Hillhurst. JO FRONT single. newly decorated home atmosphere. 1711 Alexandria so bachelor dor elaine Daily service. 1516 N.
NORMANDIE BACHELORS. singles doubles, extras, maid service incl. 1018 in. HOHART. S32.60-$35 SINGLES, near car.
bus. 1423 N. Martel, )ust of Sunset OL.S2n4 35 VILLA FAVOR1TA $ftl Attractive bachelors doubles, twu beds. Live in one ot Hollywood's nest B7) FRANKLIN AVE. HO.
854 IS SINGLE. $45 double, ovuistuffei rooms, cars M-E-F. 3800 S. Grand 15 DOUBLES, Opp. United Artists, ex tras; parking.
,211 Santa Monica Blv 117.60 LIVE IN HOLLYWOOD $50 AT 1TIE OSigUK NORMANDIE HALL Singles, doubles, Frigidaire, extra free 1343 N. CATALINA. CAR $37.60 UP. Beautiful singles A dnuhles shower, all extras. Best serv ice, 5407 Lemon Grove nearj western.
$37.50 3 delightful airy room. 10 win aows. urns, near Hollywood High ana wvn, j.t,:;-i las palmas $45 UP LA PALM A $65 CP iMBUtiiui District Large unusual singles A doubles, at trnetively furn. Frigidaira. extras Incl 800 Lss Palmas tb off Melroe $45.
$50 BEAUTIFUL doubles. Frigidaire Los Fells dclrlrt. 4 128 PRICE ST. OnUBI.ES. Frigidaire, everything incl, N.
WILTON PL. GL. 25111 60 AND UP Beautiful doubles, extras every convenience, near studios walk Ing distance 731 ST. ANDREWS LA CASA NUEVA $65 II Recently completed, elegantly furn l-h(d, Srnuish doubles. Daily service weekly cl-linlnr.
All extras included 1334 GOWER. OS MORA DOS 1210 N. Vermont, MOrninaside J7663 Singles, $311 up: S(S5 up. All ex(ra incl. New management.
Additional' ml under this heading, will rnnnq pb wets p-s DOARD AND ROOM 204 KEF1NKD Imeiy rooms shower. Home atmosphere. radt arils. 3 meals, parking. 1250 Matnolia $8 NICE front room, home privtlei: rood meals.
Park. 2045 W. Wash burton. tS ONE or TWO to occupy LOVELY room. REAL HOME and Southern food.
1333 Detroit. Hollywood BEAUTIFULLY twin hods, best -meals. 015 S. Westlake. HOLLYWOOD, cor duuble.
alo single, park 1815 N. Gramerey Place MAGNOLIA LODGE, home cook ing 1101 Magnolia. nar Hoover. GARLAND HALL HOTEL SERVICE. HOSPITALITY, COMFORT 726 S.
Garland Ave. 3 blks. W. of Figueroa. TR 3528 50 FOR young man in private tarn ily.
3 meals, laundry and parking 1030 W. 20TH ST BEAUTIFUL furn new home sunny singles, doubles, home cooking garage, radio, imi S. Magnolia. $'J WK. Nice quiet home lor elderly peo pie.
Large rooms. A-l meals. 110 Parkview. DR. close in.
$8 BEAUTIFUL Wilshire home, piano radio. large rooms, unit heat, excel lent 667 S. hINGSLKY. $8 WILSHIRE home, meals optional shower. 826 S.
Fedora. Fltsroy 5157 $8 SINGLE double, twin beds, private bath, good meals. 675 S. HARVARD $8 WK. 3 meals, room for 2 or child 4151 Dcrtker ave.
UN. 8748. E-M cars $8 LARGE double, running water, tw beds, excellent meals. 620 S. Harvard BUSINESS people, first-class Wilshire home, garage.
550 S. Hohar $0.50 UP. Private home for men. garage 1726 S. Hronsnn.
KM pin- 58U4. $0 BEAUTIFUL home. So chef. Sun. din.
ner. garare park. 423 Hoover. $8 LARGE room for 3. twin beds, very best meals.
R-S ear. 218 S. Harvard $10 WEEK NEW GRAMERCY CLUB Cozy rooms, unusual meals. oiks of Western. 650 Gramerey.
3 car HOLLYWOOD, every comfort adimning tub. shower bath, nest meals Highland Hall. 83 1 N. Highland $10 2 suites for 6 students or business people. A-l meals.
car. Bus. Kel 4813 Gramerey PI. UN. 1003.
$10 UP. 045 S. WESTLAKE Lovely rooms, connecting baths, excel lent table, ideal home, garage. $10 STEAM heat, lame room, for two excellent food. 730 So.
Berendo. $10 DP. Attractive rooms, in lovely Wil shire home, privileges, f.liten $10 SINGLE or double, twin beds. South ern meals, tiiu ninsrsiey. $10 LOVELY front, a good variety whi some tood, parmng.
i.n vt, $10 Large room. A-l meals, music, bridne near Ambassador. 6lo Aiexanuria $10 PRIVATE bath, man, also large stu dio room, bath, tjsa wnsnire ri. $10.50 BEAUTIFUL home, excellent meals, twin beds, private untn, garage R-S-V-S-3 cars. C38 s.
N. Hampshire $40 UP. Single, double, privale bath, de licious meals. 3 til MAKirusA. $15, MO.
COLONIAL CLUB. Exclusive for young Dusmess people: excellent cnei Dancing, music, cards. 1 block to Ambassador 600 S. BERENDO, WANT board at winter resort or con gema family for mother and Syr old boy. F'ull particulars.
box 303 Times Branch. TOWERS HOTEL. American plan, 2 exi-el lent meals daily. Garage, wonderful location, moderate rates. Private bath shower.
553 S. St. Andrews. FI 27) ROOM, board and care for invalids, con vulescents or children, quiet home, 2300 ft. elevation.
THornwall 833) CHARMING Euest home, singles doubles Sp endid table. 620 S. Gramerey. blks. Western.
nr.Wilshlre. EX 0243 ATTRACTIVE accommodations for 1 or young men with privileges or loveiy borne, ideal fable. DKexei tqiuw. IN La Canada, room fur 2 nople with board, quiet, high elevation, phone, VAndike 0376. PALM SPRINGS LOCALITY Room and board in private home $6(1 per month.
K. box 234 Times UP-TO-DATE hom*o lor middle-aged anil elderly people. Nurse. UN. 8414.
316 N. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Large room adjoins bath, fine meals, garage. ear PRACTICAL nurse care for elderly or con vitleseent, individual care. CL, 03U14 WILL care for 1 or 2 elderly people ii my home.
535 W. 55 st. TW, 3084 NICK rooms for husiuss People, home coo ing. 62S S. Ardmore.
Exposition 1034 IDEAL surroundings, youinr people. A-l meals, reasonable. 633 S. Serrano. ROOM in pleasant home al very reasonable price.
Ph. Santa Monica 24066 CHEERY' room, elderly Christian Scieiitis preferred. 224 W. 102d St. TH, 0104 BOARD FOR CHILDREN 205 WEEK, children 3 to 7.
yard, near town schools. car. 323 N. Wei come St. Michigan 1)087, $1 DAY.
Kindergarten off Exposition Park PRIVATE TEACHER every morning Yard. Room parent. Richmond 1523 $30 COMPLETE care for your kiddies WILSHIRE HOME. 1 Mt, to school room for mothers, REpublie 3710 COMPLETE charge oi 1 or 2 children in haimonious home, loving care, substantial food. large yard.
HEpuhlic 70(10 KIDDIES GARDEN SCHOOL Kindergarten to Jr. High 1003 S. HARVARD. EM. 0381.
$35 COMPLETE care of child, nice home. Includes room lor parent, lily HIGH-class home for couple infant, not cheap but good Exposition S42U BEST care fur children, room parent, -blocks school, fenced yard. M0.12515 HOLLYWOOD home, day or In closed yard, large room parent 1251) CULTURED HOME lor children, room parent, near school. car. 0L.3046 BEAUTIFUL hom*o.
Ix-st board A care for 1-3 little girls, near school. SY. .162.1 CHRISTIAN Science loving care, day or permanent, mom parent. NICE clean home for 2 small boys. Good ref.
1018 W. 88th St. THornwall 6340 MOTHER CARE. SCIENTIFIC FEEDIM Private Home. Room Parent.
DR .4060 NICE home lor child, good care, room for mother. UNiversity 0852. WILSHIRE HOME FOR KIDDIES, room for parents. 615S. benmore.
E. .88 LOVELY home lor boys. Good cure, near schools playground. CL. IU7U.I NURSE, best care of child, board for par- ent, near school, OLympta APARTMENTS FOR RENT 207 Furnished $1 DAY.
$20 TO $350 PER MONTH Free iniormalion ana transporiaiioti to courts, flats, houses, rooms ROYER RENTAL SERVICE 2412 W. 7th at Parkview, EX. 0711 4413 S. Broadway at Vernon. AD.6880 6353 Hollywood SI Vine.
GR. 1715 OPEN 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. DAILY. $4 W'K.
OR $10 TO $27 MO. 1 A 2 rooms Free parking, w. yrttr-r-i LOVELY simile, new gas light, garage. 604 E. 35th St.
car SINGLES with bath. Mo. rales. Doubles, $30. Newly painted.
Sleeping $3. Elevator. Close In. 336 S. Flower $8 STEAM HEAT, single, tile $0 Frigidaire, extras.
711 9. Westlake. $8.50 TO $0 EXTRA large brand new singles, complete. 1410 nonius nine A or cars, off Venice Blvd. DR.Q842 $20 MO.
Y'oung business girl to share my beautiful home wilh same, meal L.W CATION. OL. 8230 or DR. 4447. $20 SINGLE; $37.50, double.
Newly furn HOGERS PARK APTS. TW. 2735. 7130 S. Vermont at Florence Ave.
$20 LARGE SUNNY SINGLE. EXTRAS PARKING. 1234 K. 60TH STREET $20 SINGLE, West Adams district, Tib sink. nt-iiri7 MeillO.
$30 SINGLE, $30 double, overstuffed, ser vice, close in. car, 1507 n. Pico. $23.60 SAVE CAR FARE $35 Singles, doubles, quiet-ft comfortable WEEKLY RATES 344 S. OLIVE ST 721'9.
Westlake, single, steam heat. FXtras Incl, tirly Apts. $23-925 BATH, extras incl. Clean, airy. quiet, sunny, In.
621 4th si $25 Bachelors. $35 $55 doubles STUDIO ARMS Refrig. and extras. 5462 Marathon. 1 blk.
N. Melrose off Bronson. HO. 8778 $25 SELWYN APTS. $27.50 Large, modern double apartments, overstuffed steam heat.
1521 Shat-to st. near 8th A Union. 3-4 cars. 525 FRANK APTS. $27.60 Large, comfortable, nicely close in.
parking. 461 S. Winner, off 6 st. $25 COZY single. FRIGIDAIRE.
conffn oo not water, ii i 0. $25 2 ROOMS. Oarage. Adults. 15: WH.
4558. WEST 20TH STREET. $25 TO $35. Carol Anns. Very attractive "inirlcs.
Refrig. 355 FLOWER LAi-ME- and couples, private pleutc fas. Iit-hls 25f, CATALINA ST'. It 3-room. bath, ovcrstulfcd, 2 Ix-'K Patio.
133(1 M'Milo car. $25 WESTLAKE dist. 2-room corner ant Everything furn. 1217 ARAPAHOE $25 MARIPOSA, steam boat, (el service, pk. 1.14.'i' Shatto st.
P-3 esr. $36 433 HOPE S3T) Sunny onistds. Iirrs and cheerful. I NORTH Whittier Heicbts. For sale cheap About 4 A.
Finite avocados, beanit trees, fine condition, beautiful home sue. OHO ft. blvd. fmruage. $5001 cash, bal.
mortgage. No exchange Owner. II R. 3, box 230. Puente.
rtW- AI RES, 4. acres Valencia oranges excellent condition With laree croi now on trees. Room lor additions commercial planting Magnificent building site bordering and overlook ing all gras golf course Underground utilities, paved roads. Finest environment -Attractive price. libera terms, l'hnne VA.
0187. Room ool 650 SO. GRAND AVE. COUNTRY ESTATE lor profit or pleas ure possible under our plan, so mou ey lor one year, then monthly pay nienta only for any improving small farms of one acre or more. Water piped to every farm.
Prices from SHOO up per farm. Schools, stores, etc. convenient. Properly located in Riv erside county within three miles of irood town. hue Amci leans only Write lor particulars.
box 315 Times. OWN a week-end home at Carlsbad, Enci- nitas or South Coast Park, where you can grow your own avocados: one or more acres, improved or vacant, ocean C. HITCHING 9 TI. 1361. 3576 Wilshire Blvd.
(at Kingsley.) Carlsbad, phone Oceanside A35-J. FORECLOSED ALFALFA RANCH Close to L.A. $350 an acre. Easy terms. 5 acres up.
Ideal for turkeys chickens, cows, hogs, garden. 43d Citizens' Nat. Bank Bide. VA. 4735 MILLER AND LUX IRRIGATED FARM LANDS 215 W.
(JTH ST. PH. MU. 7347 L.A. AND ACRE.
Independence! Try it before you buy it at sunland. Near enough. Rest rience free. Circular free. Brumruell W.
0th: TRinily 24H4. FINE 3-acre home, city water, gas. elec. 800 Kadota fig trees. Small down pay ment, balance like rent.
Owner, UJ Western. GLadstone 2744. FOR SALE 3 acres young oranges, good modern house, also 3 A. vacant land Own water, must sell. Owner.
J. S. Crane. 3053 W. Wh.
Santa Ana. Arcadia BEAUTIFUL chicken ranch: consider it Arcadia's best buy. Sold SUT50. now $3050. Your lernia, K.Aher 4SU7.
Palm Springs OWNER offers the first chance for the- modest investor a winter home estate near Palm Springs. 6 acres or more as low as $80 per acre. 1-5 down, balance to suit buyer. Enjoy the winter sun. the cactus the mountains while your investment grows.
Also frontage on new aque duct road survey. Across mam high way from Palm Springs. As low a 5200 P'-r acre. By letter only. Owner 1 1)1 N.
Argyle Hollywood. POULTRY RABBIT RANCHES 157 BEST BUY IN L. A. COUNTY. Cozy 3- room house on fi acre.
Good lor poultry and, rabbits. Only $875: $od down, mo. inquire at uarvej Acres Tract Office, 1000 East GarveJ El Monte. SSiHiO CHICKEN ranch for J800. Alu-I sacrifice.
Sloiiu casn or win lease in reliable party. Ashby, 635 6th St. NORCO. CALIF. ACRE rent or lease.
3 rooms, furn. or un- furn. Bath. elec. gas garage.
Equipment for 1500. Weeks Community. 2Q111 Satieny Canoga Park ACRES, 6-ioom stucco, hue graft nil. j.ots oi cnicKen nouses, VAN NUYS MTG. VAN NUYS.
1-ACRE poultry ranch, address 2015U Ac nntita st. Box 340, Kt, 1. canoga i DAYS only. acres, 2 Iiours out $25 cah. 345 Hill.
MU. 1133, Crow 0RANCE, LEMON, AVOCADO 158 WalnutjCwOjneyajs SOME ONE of taste and discrimination wi 1 appreciate this charmingly an pointed tract of 7.31 acres as a rare Income and plaything opportunny Unusual scenic knoll with a lew enor mous boulders strategically placed above sightly terraces and partly fringed with stately oaks and syca mnrra: coninletelv surrounded by avo cado orchards and homes owned by worth-while neighbors. Specially priced at $0500 with abundant water. See RAYMOND WAYMAN. Own er.
Fallbronk. VIST PRODUCTS SHOW only oenionstraiea wnat nas i-en done, but what you can do with few acres ol good land in mis la vored section. Have 2 tolVj acres red soil, $1150 up. on very easy yearly payments. Ride down with me Sun day.
Call or write Room 319, 630 W. 7TH ST. TRinily 6336. INCOME Lemons, avocados pay best. 1 to 50 acres: surplus pressure water: no smudmng: wholesale price.
Excellent soil, climate, location, If you investigate you will buy. Drive 4 mi. R. of Orange on Chapman to K. u.
Box 315. Orange. Cai. Mead, owner VISTA DISTRICT. 50 acres, center of most active development.
Avocado, citrus ft vegetable ranch with water 3c cement pipe lines installed, no buildings. $400 per acre, liberal terms. on.R, M. TRENT. SAN MARCOS.
GOOD PROFITABLE GROVES. Buildini sites, country estates. GORDON BLACKWOOD. Realtor. Office on Blackwood Ranch, 2 miles soutbea-l Glendora.
On V. S. Highway 66 Member Pomona Valley Realty Board. ACRES navels, Valencia lemons: Charier Oak district, small down payment will handle. 508 W.
Foothill Monrovia. YEARS selling select orchards through the Citrus Belt. BRADLEY HAM ILTON. Pomona. Cal BARGAIN Vista '0-yr.
avocado grove A crop. Must sell, M. box 503, Times. COUNTRY ESTATES 159 FINEST 130-acre estate In 8. Calif.
Overlooks lake. L.A. city water, nas, elec. live oaks: 45 min. from Hollywood, Cut from $1000 to $000 acre.
Courtesy acents. Owner, GL. 27-14, gEACH LOTS, COTTAGES 164 COST $13,800. SELL FOR $8000 Furnished beach home de luxe. 60-ft frontage Depth to ocean.
30-ft. living room. 3 bedrooms, shower, dressing room, double garage, elec. range, re. unit beat.
1820 S. Pacific. Open this week. Later call owner. Hollywood 4025.
HERMOSA Beach best buy. 2 lots, 2 blks from ocean. No end. $1100 cash. Nelson Realty 2624 Hermosa Ave.
MAL1BU home, uruished. 6 rooms, shower, elec. refrig. Bargain at $4500. No trade.
VErmont 7336. BUY at Vj price $150 up. Large, sunny-slope, seavlew lot: rood water Easy pymta. Box 53. Beverly Hills NEED cash.
My $18,000 beach froutage at Mallbu for $7500. box 202. Times Ottlce. EASTERN, NORTHERN 170 and Other State HAVE beautiful 10-apt. completely worth $25,000.
3 blks. business center, El Paso, Texas. Small due 6 yrs. Will trade tor duplex or home or acreage near L.A. 882t; HORNER ST.
OXford 5485. ACRES fruit, oranges. Paso Roblcs for L. A. income.
5137 Whittier Blvd ACHES near Wichita. Kan. Want L. A. home.
5137 WHITTIER BLVD. ROOM stucco home, Kansas City, for what? 617 S. Fairfax. Oltegon 2673, SAN Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley homes for I Angeles. ALbany OdOO REAL ESTATE EXCHANCES LOTS FOR EXCHANCE 175 close in, Santa Monica, improved with 8 houses 13 rentals.) Trade equity for clear bungalow or vacant lot.
tiwner. ALbany 3267. MONTANA. Wyoming. Oregon land want ed lor 4 clear lots, business corner and hunirnlow, 1450 Shenandoah St.
BUSINESS PROPERTY EXCHANCES 177 CLEAR improved business, clear houses also apt. lots. mtg. $22,000. Want 1 property, income or business, assume 1 mtg.
Value $110,000. HO. 3255. BEAUTIFUL Country Estate, price 000. Want business income to Taluo.
Phil Fimell Riverside. WILSHIRE STORES. LEASED TO CHAIN FOR CLEAR PROPERTY. GL 057. WILL pay cash for store buildings.
HARRY GROSSMAN gQ4 Haas Bldg. TUcker 2471. INCOME PROPERTY EXCHANCES 171 APARTMENT house. nicely furn Always rented, close to all business exchange for ranch, western or cast ern preferred. Owner, CEnluiy 2047 4 1813 E.
Vernon. APARTMENT house. 23 units, modern beautifully furnished. $12,000 income clear Will take back up to $25 000 MR. BERKLEY.
TRinltv 0424 APT. 8-unit double, eii-hanse equity tor clear home or lot. 5517 Monroe nve N. of Melrose near Van Nes, GR.R5.T! APy. stores near Woolworth 6 A lOo.
Ne brick, nets 17. 1 lnq. 7. Want 7. hi? ot.
elesr hom*o, lots or wh OX S776 INCOME PROPERTY EXCHANCES 1781 APT. NEW doubles, finest in Bevcrl Hills, con-idi some trad OX. fi BEVERLY HILLS. Owner sacrifice beaiill fill 8-unit turn. Income $500( nr.
net 1 naner $12,750 blk Wilshire. 114 Almont Dr. OX.85S3 BU1CK DUPLEX. 14 rooms, near Wilaliirr La Brta. Small bank mortgage Want lot worth $15,000.
WH. 0272. DUPLEX, 14 rooms, corner, 10011 N. Do heny Dr. 1 blk.
S. of Sunset in Bever ly. Unit heat, umtsuaj colored aii-im kitchen. 4 baths, for clear house oi lot. Call owner.
GKamte H307. DUPLEX 12. Olyniiic-Fairtax $13,600. paper. $0500.
7 Si. New. A-l construc tion, equipment Best aeaj tor your clear. Piatt. 8H78 W.
Pico. OX. 1116 DUPLEX, near Wilshire. Income $1700, 1 incumbrance. What for $0000 equity ORegon 123S.
DUPLEX, 14 rooms. Beverly, rented. Cos' $10,000: mtg. $uinio, a yrs. vrt Saerifiee for cash.
Ph. owner. KI 501 FLAT. 20 rooms. Income.
$1080. Mtg $10,000. Price Want home Leroy Ackley. C) Regno boQ4, FLAT. 20 ROOMS.
GOOD LOCATION Income $200. For clear lot and some cash. OR-gon 7313. RO. 0315.
GROCERY coniplete. 2 residences, cleaning shop, cor, income want court or small apt. 75(12 State Huntington Pk. LA. Htl7.
2UO MONTH from my 6-tamily: all rented. Liberal trade tor good nome or ioi against ni equity. 4204 Degnan Blvd. IMione Er-mont 3150: evenings VErmont 2518 INCOME $7200 ANNUALLY. 25 net on investment.
Owner will trade Tor Clea properly. Inquire 1500 N. Vermont Ave. OLympia 0073. INCOME property, well rented, to exchange lor local or r.air-rii.
r. i -iuvw RISON. 433 S. SPRING. -Ml.
TRADE 4-familv clear Pasadena lor 2 family Los Angeles (west.i Assume to $2000. J. box 136. Times. TRIPLEX.
LARGE BEAUTIFUL CORNER 5 rooms each, tun colored me mien en and baths. U4 Doneny ur, near Sunset in Beverly. For clea house or lot. Call owner. GR.
6307 WI1.STIIRK.I.A HUE A 8-FLAT Brand new, 7 garages, income otiu yr priced low. $30,500. 1 mig Want char city property. See this 300 S. Cloverdale.
Owner, WH. 50i3 3-STOUY modern brick. 2 stores. 8 single 8 double npts. Income $7500.
ro brokers. Flshninn or Rose. OR. 3HIH FOUR-story brick building. 32 Wil ah irs.I.a Hrea section, mortgage oti.
000. Want large home for $50,000 eouity or submit. MR. KAHN, 455 8. La Rrca.
WYoming 2345 4 FAMILY Hal. 0217 De Longpre. lies location Hollywood, lot 6oxl4(i. 000 loan. 3 years, want cieu properly or submit.
Owner, 101 La Bre. Oltegon 11001. SlX-family studio. 30 rooms, well located Two duplexes, wioming iim EIGHT unit furnished apartment one-hall block off wilshire. Beverly niiis.
une loan. Shows 30'A net on equity, mrs Rankin. FItzroy 1201. 16-ROOM, 4 baths, elaborate duplex for triulc. New.
gorgeous, spanisn. shire district. Income $165 per mo Only one paper. Will trade. Fred Kl-in.
ORegon 1241. $14,000. PART OR ALL CASH, or near clear property, win get 9o.vvv equuj in 22-unit apt house, close in. nest Side. Income $7800 year, straight loan $20,000.
no brokers. u.MUMf.AU, 404. 350 So. Hroadway. VA.
not- KV.W 14.num rllililes. Beverlv-Wils lire rils trict. Open lor inspection at mo Wooster st. Unit heal. elec.
full nle kitchen, colored tile baths etc. Consider good exeh. t'all OWNER. OXford 4235, W1I.1. mv eouilv in new 13-ianiily Hat on large cor.
lot. All rented anu shows income of StvtoO y- see it. sis 42nd. PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER TENANTS. Phone VErmont 3140: evenings, MOrningside Jtn.ii BUILDER WANTS TRADE Have brand new 4-family flat on cor ner Bevcrlv Hills.
Want clear or near Iv clear lot or hnme. WHitney 2203 CLEAR 6-room bungalow and two B-aone lots, one clear, cither with small loan. Want duplex. Will assume. Bailey, ORegon 122S.
NEW income properties. Duplexes, flats aula one naoer. Want vacant or im proved. Preferably clear. Submit 301 S.
Fairfax. Wlhiney 23 JL iionhiM wtticcii. income $00. 2 gar ages, lawn. $8500.
clear, Santa Mon 'for comiiry. P. box 276. Times ica. WILL trade beautiful 4-llat for clear property.
GRaiute 4160. HOUSES FOR EXCHANCE 179 NmrTBMbjrrn 2-storv stucco, large lot, shrubbery, flowers, equity $15,000 un furnished. $25,000 furnished: want duplex, will assume. Owner. box 270.
Times. NEW 7 rooms, priced to sell, double plumbing, a bedrooms, near senoois churches street-car and bus. Will ac cept small down payment or will take clear property in city as oowp payment. 2156 West. Slauson.
SAN FRANCISCO. $10,500 WILSHIRE 2-atory. modern. 5 rooms. 4 bedrooms.
3 baths. Want small house or double bungalow in or near L.A. as part payment, uusino 6114 Barrows Carthay Cen ter. 5 MODERN HOMES in vellow car and market: some clear, soma mortgaged. Will Irade for clear lots.
4103 itamoua Phone ANgeltn 8725. VVII.I, ACCEPT HOUSE in Wilshire Dis trict on fine 2-story home near Sun set Blvd. in Beverly num. BEVERLY HILLS REALTY CO. 100 N.
Beverly Dr. OXford 01.13. 14-ROOM. new duplex, Hotiertson, Pico riist. Unit heat, tile Kiuncn, 4 nains.
refrig. $7750 mtg. Small clear house for equity. UN. 0871.
No agents. BRENTWOOD 2-STORV VIEW HOME. Secluded, near blvda. Want bungalow equity or clear lor equity, rvit. lie? WILL trade equity iu close-in property improved with houses, for a vacant lot.
Delpy, TRinily 8824. ROOMS, basem*nt, double garage, lot 60x155 on paved all clear. Want small chicken ranch. box 138, Times 8-UOOM house, lot 52x150. clear.
W. 28lh zone. For duplex. Will assume. ORanite 7503.
WILL trade large equity in 6-room stucco house, garage, lor lot, cafe or what? WEstmore 4056. 4010 W. 7TH ST. (Wilshire Wilton.) 2-storv stuceo house, ii rooms, a por ches, fine lot. E.
V. Franke. DU.3700. MONTROSE, 6-room stucco equity lor clear lot and cash. LAfayette 3050.
NEW 6-room stucco, furnace heat, tile bath. $6650. Want lot. WHitney 2404. 4-ROOM house, Sunland, $2000 tor equity borne near Hollywood.
GKanit UJbl RANCHES. GROVES. ETC. 180 REAL BARGAIN SOO-acre orange and lemon ranch sd ioiomc city of San Fernando, one of the oldest and best, free water, price $400,000, mortgage $200,000. Will exchange for L.A.
or San Francisco, income properly. C. F. De WITT Michigan 3101 70-ACRE peach orchard in Northern California for Southern Calif. Income property.
Ear' 8. Wiatt, P.O. 817. Wilmington, California. HOG ranch clear.
$33,000. 100 A. Willi 80 head, good house, barns. Want Clear home or income, S. II.
West, Y.I II 1 5 ORANGES. JtlO A. Also hog ranch. 5201 Mission, S. Pasadena.
SYcamore 21 18 SAN JOAyUIN VALLEY irrigated Produc ing farms. J. n. Mt.KO.fc.U; MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANCES 181 ACRES. 80, CLEAR.
CLOSE IN. for what? 017 S. FAIRFAX. ORegon 2073. AIT.
12 singles. 4 doubles. Miracle Mile Income $825 mo Want aone clear for equity. Seymour. CHcstvicw 0143, CLEAR income, price $20,000.
Want 8 or 12 unit, Beverly or wiismre. owners call Slates Inve-tment Co. WA. 7511). HOLLYWOOD subdivision, $150,000.
Sub ject to 7.250. Want oiler. JS. Clarke Comer. 5008 Hollywood Blvd.
GRan-ite 0506. LOS FELIZ HOME 8-story, 8-room. 3-bath, modern illusive home in Los Angeles' most exclusive district. Valued at $35,000. subject only to a $10,000 1st.
Want orange grove, small dude- ranch, mountain ranch or beach home for equity. Might assume on larger proposition. M. W. Taggart, Realtor, 1023 W.
M. Garland Bldg. TRinity 8860, TRintty 8BW i CLEAR LOUS IN EL PASO, FOR HOUSE EQUITY. TW. 8WI.
4-FLAT Southwest, $12,500. Loun $3500 want hom*o S.w. or submit. Wooflnrd. 5710 S.
Vermont. TW.2767 5-ROOM house am! 4 One parcel all clear, lor grocery stock. $3500, Leach 2610 Monlvose MonlroM- 20 ACKES near Indio clear, want equity L.A home or duplex, or (shntr Can arrange back payments 406 Kress Long Beach Phone 64403. SO FT. Improved business Hollywood.
100 rented, for clear or submit. Mr. GH.36.U. 200 ACRES, clear, cultivated. 65 miles fern U.A., real valUM $so per sere For rlty.
Will assume. Owner, 10788 Hohe.lor, Una A I.MAN with ear wants room private family lt Side. V. box limes. OR state Itnfui-n.
room or clean c.ha'k priee. y. hox 5.10. Times. JjQTELS 200 $1 DAY EL KEY HOTEL 54-510 week.
New 10-story fireproof 511 6 1 11 STKKr.T. MA. 15'U $1 DAY. Light airy roouie. oil WiUhire 1 blk.
west WVstlalie Park. Distinc tive family hotel. Meals if desired Shoreham. Cfl'l Carondolet St. $1 DAY wilh bath up Weekly rates.
WESLEY TERRACE. 18(H) W. 7TH Steam heat, quiet, near Westlake Pk UP ARMONDALE $5 WK. UP Downtown home, lobby. Cafe.
24-houi phone service. 746 S. Flower St. $1.50 DAY with BATH. LOW RATES FOR Hl.M KK, STfc.
A.M AT. fcvery Com fort. PARKWAY HOTEL. DU. 1174 $3 WITHOUT, $4 WITH BATH.
Close in. Autora Hotel, 717 S. Whit tier in 14U0 blk. off W. 7th- DR.
811511 Si WEEK UP. NEW GRAUMAN HOTEL. Garden, outside rooms, free purklng 675 N. KENMORE. car.
OL. 21111 $5 WEEK. WITH BATH $7 CONGRESS HOTEL. 720 W. 8th st $7 WEEK.
RADIO EVERY ROOM. NEW PROCTOR. 100 BATHS 1413 W. Hth St. Free Parking $8 WK.
CALIFORN1AN at Westlake Pk Dances. 1007 W. Oth. Hilda Ffiote.mgr $19 LIVE AT THE SAHARA $25 Richly lurnisbed. maid service, free auto park.
FIRE PROOF. HOTEL STOWELL. 416 SPRING ST. TP.imty 8011. POST Hotel, 728 S.
Bonnie Brae. 3 blocks from Westlake Park, 100 rooms, every room with tile bath. Rates So. $6, week. Steam heat.
Dunkirk 7161. WANTf.l): 7 or 8-room unfurnished house double garage, for nursery school of Slausou. W. of crmont. Phone OR.
0181 or VE. 0378 after 5 p.m. MARGANN 735 S. Hartford, 4 blks. W.
Figueroa. $4 wk. up. BATHS, WK. up.
Modern. 24 hour phone service ROOMS AS LOW AS $25 I'ER MONTH ANGEf.US HOTEL Michigan 11241 ROOMS FOR RENT 201 $2 UP, Free information transportation To sleeping houw-Keeping rooms. See our ail in Class 207 today, Royei Ren'al Service. $2.50 WEEK Nice rooms. Men only j.w:',, ou sunset, nnri Large rooms, front, nicely furn Close in.
Garage, fill St. $2.50 NICE home. bath, quiet neighbor hood. ear. 673 jntman.
oarage. $3.50 UP. Nicely overlooking- Echo Park, fte fare, in.n N. nmtnie ma FRONT, off bath, mcely furn. Real home.
car. 3047 TRINITY EXTRA nice, private home con-veniencesi tree park. 310 W. 17 st. NICE front room, well furn, in.
car. 264 E. 30TH. close AND $4. ALSO PHONE AND GARAGE.
020 S. UNION AVE. WEEK, quiet room for lady. Call after 4 p.m. 1415 WT.
51 rear $3.50 SUNNY, running water, free park. lobby. The Sylvian. 1855 W. 10th st.
$3.75 LARGE double, dressing room, twin beds, adjoins bath. 146 Ardmore. 2 LARGE windows, floss mattress, adjoins bath, phone. MAO cars, private family. Gentlemen only.
147 W. 45th st. WK. Airy, sunny rooms near Ambassador A cars. Tile bath shower.
750 '4 S. New Hampshire. DU. 0053. ONE, $5 two large sunny, near parks.
61 Hi S. Coronadn. H-3 car. S. FRONT room, walnut guru optional.
1833 22. RE. 4238. FRONT cor. sleeping or housekeeping, free phone, park.
843 Grand view UP. Hollywood large tnry rooms with runnm? water. 1810 w. wiltupi fl BEAUTIFUL room In new private home adjoining bath, phone, radio. 445 N.
IRVING. WILSHIRE, largo cor. room, private bath. 5314 Edgewood. WYoming 5252.
CHARMING front, congenial borne, tree park. 1644 Wilshire. car, CORNER, bath, garauo extra. Private entrance. 144 S.
Kingsley Dr. WA.2340 ADJOINS hath, shower, private home garace incl. WILSHIHE dist. WY.0463 WK. Must see to appreciate.
Garage 1513 Crenshaw Blvd. RO. 8161. MONTH, large front room, garage. 1.137 Waterloo, a diks.
n. oi unnse. $12.50 WELL lurn. room, private home. Christian Science pld.
A $15 FRONT room, private home. Also room witn Kticneneue oaicony. Lady. 1206 W. 30th St.
3 cars. RE.4885 $15 ESPECIALLY attractive front, just like home. M. J. E.
cars. 403 w. 33 tt $15 MARVELOUS view, quiet home. close in, Dusmess woman. ui.
itiu $18 Beautiful room in my lovely home M. cars. 381 IV, S. Flower Dr LARGE cor. room private home, S-R ear.
steals optional, uarage. r.A. ho.q S18 BEAUTIFUL room, hnth class on Tate home, tree ph. fls panting, red car. 1511 S.
Manhattan Place. $20 TO $30 Beautiful spacious rooms. i-iarnioiiious aimospnere, oanis, snow- er, porches, exclusive quiet district Christian Scientist, Meals option al. Garages. 838 S.
WESTMORE- LAND. Exposition 6527. COZY room, adjoins bath, privcte home. 608 N. New Hnmpsire.
NO.0007 LOVELY room in house of lady alone. ltefs. 2007 5th Ave. EM. 6078 15 PRIVATE home.
3 expo-ure mahogany turn. W. Adams West ern bus. 2 cars. Lady.
Ref. RO. 405 PRIVATE balh, gentlemen employ- ed. private nome, SJ7 r. iionnie tirae CORNER room, private home.
ear Garage. 641. N. MARIPOSA. W'ELL furnished airy room.
Privale hoiw It entrance. Stall shower. Breakfast optional. Delightful for gentlemen. Hanco*ck Park.
ORegon 5615. DISCRIMINATING gentleman, beautiful master bedroom, private bath. Ex elusive home. Ref. RO.
4644. DELIGHTFUL, cool, artistic studio room, kitchen, lovely grounds, swings, real home. 717 S- Burlington. EX. 8266 LARGE, pleasant rooms, newly decorated, close in.
business men preferred. 1531 w. hth. WAshlngton 0385. NEWLY' furn.
attractive rooms, private home, bath shower, near Ambassa- ilor. 547 S. Alexandria. FItr.roy 3404 BEAUTIFUL rooms adjoining tile balh newly furn. home.
Garage. Reasonable to permanent guest. 437 S. Manhattan LARGE front room, nicely close in red A yellow cars. WAshlngton 1725 MODERN, well-kept home, private baths.
shower. 433 S. Normandle. 2830 GENTLEMEN, largo front, bath, shower. wilshire home.
DU. 2,14 LOEL front with dressing room, hot water. 672 S. Bonnie Brae. H-R car.
LADY will share beautiful home with re fined couple. Ref. Rochester 7613. BEAUTIFUL privale home. balh.
blk. vviisnire. Hanco*ck ParK. WH. 7143 ATTRACTIVE room.
Whitley hon private bath, entrance, garage. GR.17H6 PRIVATE ideal home, men only. funiHei heal. Ph. 3847 S.
Hroadway. AX. 7683 ROOM, upper, to business woman, home privileges, lady alone. HE. 8753.
HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 202 $2.60 ARTIST home. Also sunny front sleeping room. 1307 W. 12th st. $3.50 IN privale home, opposite FVIu: Park.
Close to city. 541 Glendale blvd HOUSEKEEPING, sleeping. adults, free light, gas, phone, 1012 41 st EXTRAS free. Also sleeping. $3 Light, quiet, close in.
1343 S. Olive. $3.50 SUNNY room, $5, 3-room ant. All extras. 1)38 S.
Bonnie llnie. car. $1.60 3 LARGE windows, new soft bed. phone, parking, car, 337 W. 50 st ALSO room $3.
Private home. 1135 LA VET A TERR. Michigan 1540. LARGE, any A kitchenette, privale bath. 1525 S.
Manhattan. RO. 2270, 18 ATTRACTIVE. 2 rooms. A cur, all extras paid.
1700 W. 24 RE.B430 LOVELY front tipper S. wilh kitch-en. gas, light pd, 1323 Arlington. Pear SUNNY.
Immaculate, private bath. Phono, kitchenette, charming Carthay district home. ORegon 340(1. gOARD AND ROOM 204 $3.60 UP. See.
our sd in Class 207 to day. ROYER RENTAL SERVICE. ATTRACTIVE room. 2 meals, service, Take F-M car. 4315 S.
Hoover $7.60 UP ATTRACTIVE rooms, caul, dancing, radio, congenial atmosphere. real meals. 1206 S. Alvnrado EX.xf)j8 $7.50 TO IM3.50. Reduced rates.
A real home, Delicious meals. Music, 1135 So. Alvanido, L-P cars. $7.60 PRIVATE- home, adjoins hath nice It furn Best of meals. AX.
2681. $7.50 LP. Hut A cold waler. Home took-Ing. 1340 Georgia.
WE 5527. $7.60 RADIO, library, twin beds, best meals. H46 Mairnolt. DRexel 8165. REAL boma tor men.
good food and beds. Ml famHT style. 154 W. 10 AT THE PICCADILLY JUST OPENED YOUR RENT INCLUDES: 1 Refrigeration 4 Recreation Room 21 oramissary 5 Laundry linen 3 Sun bath 0 24-hr. Switchboard 7 J-argo tasteful lobby.
8 Excellent maid service. 0 Refreshing unwinding. 10 A sense of freedom A excluaiv ness. No other apartments in block GAKAGU IN BAsem*nT The Piccadilly Is a distinctive ru-an tlftil building beautlliillT furnished doubles 4 and 6-room amies Rents from $100 to $275. furnished ana uniurnisnen.
683 9. IKOLO STREET 1 block south of Wilshire blocks W. of Ambassador. DR. 4101 APPRECIATIVE OP THE BEST IN LIVING JUST COMPLETED LA MARQUISE 635 S.
GRAMERCY PL. Sl-hour witcbboard service. 84-hour garage service. Electric ventilation. Roof garden.
Steam heat. RATES MOST REASONABLE. SINGLES DOUBLES 7 $10 TER WEEK Overstuffed. Largo dressing-rooms. Including gas.
light, maid service and refrigeration. Take car to 7ih and Rampart. 872 S. RAM TART. DU.
7006. $25 SINGLE. $38 double. C.ln-e in. Ex tras, service.
Oliver Apts. 730 S. Beacon $28 CLEAN, quiet, downtown apt. Ran- ooipn ii ir, w. 4tn st.
$27.60 3 BRIGHT roouiB, light A garage inci. i.v:- oith place. $28 UP. DOROTHY MAY APTS. New elevator.
Friiridaire. nark int. $7 wk. up. Private baths, service extras inci.
minutes to 1st Broaaway. zi sunset BLVD. $28 TO $35. DOWNTOWN' APT. Hote rooms.
overstuffed, dressim rooms: tile sinks. Bv wk. or mo Neii lihrary. La Belle Apt. 630 W.
4th St $28 257 S. Berendo (evenings. I Beautilu naenelor apt. 4 windows. WY.
7144 $28 EVELYN Apts. Larue, modern si gles. Ituhts. gas. 1337 Albany $30 AND UP ALFRED LEE APTS.
Bachelors, Singles, Doubles. Extras incl. 6c fare. Fine location 3305 DESCANSO at Sunset Blvd. $30 UPBARBARA WORTH Modern einsles A doubles, Frigidaire Aiaid.
phone service. Extras incl. blk. Bilunore Hotel. 407 Hope.
(30 LARGE single, overstulled, roll-a way bed. private entrance, screen porch dressing-room, car to Clinton. 3o2 MO. 13200 evenings $30 "OSIRIS." Frigidaire. NEW.
Tile balh shower. Tiffany finish: 8 min tiles to city. Phone janitor ser- vice, parking, 4.1(1 S. UNION AVE $30 WILMAR APTS. extra singles.
Lari dressing room, elec, relrig. Tile parking. 231) W. 25. Weekly rates $30 TO $100.
Singles, doubles, triples Miss Lee. ORamlo 3188. lieo trans porlation $30 NINTH-PARKVIEW APTS. S3 giuet airy singles; steam heat, Frig iilaire. car.
3-401 w. Oth st. $30 UP Large modern singles, over stinted: Ungldaire. shower, extras near Auto Club. U.8.C.
643 W. 30 si $30 SINGLES, doubles $40. dio, shower, extras. 631 N. Coionad Terrace, hlk.
F. of Coronado. $30 SINGLE, $40 double. Frigidaire porches view, nr. VVestlake-7th.
steam het. tiOO Bonnie Brae. DR. 6900 $30 $8 WK. Prlseilla.
Single, exit as. 5c car, 1414 S. Bonnie Brae $30 ULTRA modern sunny, overstuffed extras. 4634 W. Washington, OR.
10711 $30 1 Doubles, close in. gas. lights nnens. iiii-; rami Ave. car $30 STADIUM APTS.
$4( STEAM HEAT. 466 W. 35TH ST $30 LARGE suittly modern singles. Steam neat, hxtras incl. 1530 Glendale Blvd $30 ATTRACTIVE S1NGI.F.S S3.
Refrigeration. Extras. 870 S. Oxford 3 rooms, modern tile balh snower, close In. car.
130 S.Mathew DRACENA Anns. $42,50. Singles r-xtras. ri-igulaire, service, elec, sew, washer. 2057 Draecna dr $33 UP.
Single, double, shower oik, ft, KimocK-w tishlre. 615 S. Virgil $34 -MARY LOUISE APTS. $40 Beautifully turnlshed. newly decorated, spacious, cool, modern doubles urigiaaire.
extras. A rea home con Tenient location. 7501 S. CENTRAL AVE. CAK.
$35 1 WEEK FREE RENT "$45 New front twin beds in living room, ooiioie neq in qimng room, refrig. Also UNFURN. 551.7 Monroe GK 8532. No. of Melrose Van Ness $35 CHES ELTON APTS.
$40 pargview. Singles like new. Service. Frigidaire Extras. Quiet ear DUnklrk 6267 35 UP.
FAIR HAVEN, $55 UP Beautifully furnished singles and dou hies. Elevator, all extras, 23 MARIPOSA. EX. 7756. $35 SHEUlANi APTS, $45 modern, wen turn.
mn. w. Western S. Adams, 2651. S.
Manhattan Place $35 NEW silicic, doubles $50. Refng extras, maid, phone service. Chelsea Arms. w. 12TH.
near Western $35 LARGE singles, showers, service, gas, ugnt incl steam heat a parks, ear. Oil S. RAMPART $3o NEWLY lurnishcd single apis Lights, gas. Frigidaire included. 5 minutes from town 2407 W.
OTH ST $35 UP. Singles A doubles, nieelv turn as, ugnis, riciuinre. elevator ph car nne. jnoii n-no park Ave. $35 DOUBLE.
1,188 W. Adams. $25 sin- gie. neaimiiiuy turn, sunny front $35 DOUBLES, real bedroom, line loca- tion car. 619 Kenmore.MO.13574 $35 UP Singles, $45 up doubles, extras A semce incl.
153 w. New Hampshire $Jo LARGE attractive single, patio, ex- tras w. ist nt Alexandria $37 50 $65 SINGLES DOUBLES Beautiful Overstuffed: Tilo Showers, Large Dinettes Including gas, lights, linen, elec. refrigeration Si maid service. Take or ears.
DRexel 0012. 856-63 SOUTH CATALINA. $37.60 THE ARDMORE $60 437 N. Ardmore. Near Beverly.
All outside exposures, lobby, natlo gardens. Fre parking. Extras Home atmosphere. Near shopping district $37.60 BIEBER APARTMENTS $75 modern singles and doubles Refrig. and all extras included.
Servico NEAR D.S.C. 3077 LO 37.50 CORNER 3 rooms. Frig, N. S. Carmcl 2723 Snn Marino.
4-KOOM. overstulled. al ir. college, 4351 fiornml. MO.
18116 $40 UP. Modern singles: doubles. $70. WILSHIRE PLACE SS02 W. 7TH ST.
CAR. $40 LARGE SUNNY DOUBLES $40 G.E. refrig. Red A cars, Near Junior 1 Olll-gq. in I.
mi. VIRGIL AVE. APT. Hat, nicely 2 bed looms, children taken, sepa rate entrance. 2114 S.
LA-SALLF $40 UP, SINGLES; $55 UP. DOUBLES. cew, riruproor. bxclusive 1332 Hooe. WE 7777.
$40 SINGLES. $50 DOUBLES. Extras in- eluded. 416 OXFORD st Beverly $4o UP; were $55 up. Singles.
REDUCED 1LI OPENED THE PICARDY Large doubles. 975-S80: were $100 A $110. Relrig. Extras. 100-S.
Normnndie $45 BEAUTIFUL new 3-roorn over- stuiica, tue nxtiires, shower, tub. pus it car. 1703 w. 38th st. DOUBLES.
Singles $30 to $35. Most attractive, extras, refrigeration. HILLSpKL 448 S. LAKE ST $45 ELWOOD Apis. $65.
Newly furn. by earner tirosi wnn a tasto you expect nt home. S. Kenmore. car.
$45 SINGLES DOUBLES. $75 baths, extras. 1641 N. $15 LOS FELIZ APT. Twin ld.
A exiras Los Fell $50 RAY MANOR $00 New. Ciriige In building. 1415 AL VARADO TF It RACE BONNER APTS LARGE toll. double, nicely twin bcd. 1 dou- nie pea gas.
elcclrtcitv Incl 608 N. St Andrews PI. near Melrose $50 $55 HANDsOM ELY furn. 3-room. Frig.
l1iire. Attractive surroundings goq S. per-ndn. WA 3257. WA.