The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


nrSuhrhanafid Country IV jw CLASSIFICATION NUMBERS 8700 SQ. seUing 75c per sq. ft. 150- MBrrrrsr, miv i nnvP and A job LOTS FOR EXCHANGE 175 HOUSES FOR EXCHANCE 179 nn ft. trackage on one side.

Cor. Hum- $170,000 FORECLOSURES LIQUIDATION BUY A HOME AND A JOB Loft lor iale ItO Avp. 21 ADams 9709. MONTANA. Wyoming.

Oregon land want- lutiness industrial and Income t-rurmn -i I MODERN I have several homes in "A home in Beverly Hilli, north of 3S acre pood river bottom ail! ed tor 4 clear lotn. business corner BEVERLY HILLS FOR L. A. l. 14? to 144 5 'iionn i Jiin splendid condition Santa Monica ot unique Call- soil, 4 acre, in alfalfa, balance un and bungalow.

1450 Shenandoah Bt. Property tor 5al I to 1 $4000 100x150. S-BOO 38xU0, OCEAS VIEW ESTATE forma bungalow arohiK-cture. de- der cultivation. irrigation well.

Small rTTTrr -n 2-Story English- Home Lot Angeles House for Sale 14; st. RANDOM. AI im.o ALL PRACTICALLY NEW signed and built by owner for bis own house ami garage. Near good echool. ROPERTT EXCHANCES 177 (One block from Sunset Blvd.) UnUwnnA Mnnt 147 fi CUT-TO-HALF PRICE nj ail are borne oo a corner lot 101x192.

5 On the bank of San Joaquin River ZTTCTCTTZ TZT1 Hollywood Houses 140 INCOME PROPERTY 144 fc masu 3 master baths, li- balM $35,000 Beverly Hills Houses ..148 I FoP Drive ont Beverly Blvd. to Vaughan REAL GOOD BUYS brary. separate quarters. year, with Interest 6. rented.

Income low Glendale Houses 149 I Riviera and aee the wonderful Id The property la beautifully landHcaped MILLER LUX SLfr fW. xii' master Lot 80x230. Sub- I i. V. Vil Kn APARTMENT-House 24 single com- room English bom with it.

magmtt- Friced from $2000 to $25,000 and include, avocado, and various 215 West 6th St. MUtual 7S47 won tect to mrteae at 7. Suburban Houses for Sale 150 pletrly 2 year. old. income cent grounds and unobstructed view flV-rma.

10 Down other frtiiw: the trround. being com- f-JJ 00, 'n r. Lot 64 i)ue 1U35 Owner will accept WiUhire Ranches CrOVCS Htl Pcr mo. I block to Sunact of ocean, mountain, and entire Lot Balanreike rent, or will consider pletcly walled atlordimr-ejtdunive i on Western by ldu on Melrose. Won- district house in zone area pre- PnV4 Ifi4t lfi? Wilion.

Prir $41,000. $11,000 cn-h. Anselea Wated at 1417 San Renio clear property a. down payment. privacy.

All bedroom, and Wibules IS "1,,. rt iL nS 'OU h-VC Cab clear, but wS I assume fair Beach. Mountain Property .,,,164 to 165 etraisht trust deed. Call VEr- Drive; open dally for your approval are completely covered wult expensive tS.111'e fi. nZ tranwriation Unca.

Property carries umbranco I OTS FOR 5ALE 140 MR BFRKLEY TR A MIRACLE! prefer to have you come and Wle 4( 77 "rdWA l7l nr With income preferred. Will NEW 7 rooms priced to eell. double I VI I rUft 3ALC ItU r. KtvLr. ln tENL'lNE FORFCLOSUKE SALE was arm vnw co-jmi aee for yourself land.

K. w. hps 4077 consider vacant, also: no ranche. or plumbing. 3 bedrooms, near schools.

LotAnaele. A. Other Communities APARTMENT bldr. $7500 for $17,000 eq- WESTWOOD H1LL9 3m0 cah blZr? 'h, djOO TJnfortunate circ*mstance, force an FOR SALE Small farm Vista Irritation creatre. May even assume to churches, and bus.

Wjllac- Continued, front jaKe uity. 44-room new cor. brick, ftirn. Elcven-roora residence designed by En- bie rooms fiill baths! colored mmediate and the price at District. 4.5 fronting: on paved 000 if trada warranta.

Call owner cc-pt small down payment or will take aTcq 1 $11.400 yr. income. Exposition ropean architect. Sold three year, aire 7ile uniheat, Priiidalre baiment 6" tatrirerinir. Call OXford 1131.

horhway plenty good water, partly alter Sun. VA. clear Property it. city as down pay- 100x140 ft SR'l't Grand with Pc nn 1 foT $30,000. Located on one ot the boxhi double garS all fenml Even.ngs ORegon W'AKi.

piped Sacrifice price. L. POL- CLEAR $200,000 business vacant near 6th ment. H15t5 West Slauson. VE.

fll.MH KOoi IIOUSF wale Tues Oct 13th BRICK 3520 S-Jlory frarne in rear. of Westwood area, having Baut ful lawn Kear i $12 500 REDUCED from $20,000. Lot LASD' i.aMSr"i7-"?i'laiT3 2Ulat' Fieueroa, ripe for heieht limit for highest Security car. 1311 8. "'alo worTh $18,000 Bona-lide bar- Kealty Buildimr.

iRtmty 51S4. whlpn pIan, prepared Want improved LOS ASGEI.E9 HOMES TO MCTANoe Bank ll makl new mte. of $7001) nS 3705-W to university and transportation. Ha, 0fauKe Grove Ave. Bigh galn at 620 N.

Crescent near Antelope- Valley business or fee subject long lease anJ FOR HOMES IN A FK A NCISCO. You know ITS appraisal. Make II1H Ph. Donglns observatory studio, library and sola- tweeI1 Wilshire Pico. Large patio -hool.

Studio, living room, solarium. 1V. ACRES near Lancaster domestic wa- ssame. Call or write full par- K. MURPHV 105 1 MONloOMERY regardles.

and we piic at a bungalow price. Ground, front .4 rear, covered wiuT.wn nrl. lihrarv. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths.

Lot tir well tefep ticulars. JOB TOPLITZKY iiOo STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. buy the GREATEST BARGAIN in on adioinin? landscaped lot. 160x200.

landscaped like a semi-tropical estate. Owner. 1333 Orange Grove ave. OH. 80x158.

Owner. OXford 1819. Ynk9, W. Hellman Bldg. A.

On one of city principal streets. $20 000 some trade cash 2110- All room, of com eu8. Ko trades. Courtesy to brokers. BEAUTIFUL S-room home.

4 3 Addrw P. box 145 Times. $05,000 CLEAB. 1-atory store bldg. BCSINES3 calls urn east must dispose of surrounded by new high-class hotels 124-Glcndale Blvd.

MO. 1.SB8. irLtfe atfd culturtl taste, quarters, furnace, beau- Jt 1 Major blvd. west section L. A.

mc Hanco*ck Park. -tory upta. AND THE SIZE. 100x1401 DUPLEX foreclosed. 3 bedroom.

2 bains i88; arpiwu iful grounds, 65x1 0o! Sacrifice price Arcadia 7 stores. Splendid income. Want brick duplex. 14 2 baths Vb invite all the close buyerstn A. each.

Unit heat. 1208 3. Cloverdale brokenL Phona Mr Elis! OXford 1361 WM. CAKEY MARBLE. REALTOR $21,500 only.

Incumbrance $12,500 BEAUTIFUL chicken ranch; consider it. home or income to $30,000. No each. Business lot, Glendale. Will ac- to mnke an offer Tiles, a.m.

DU. 11125. 10-15. cash. 1 month.

day nniJht Oitora uoi Buyers' Representative 1st. 707 N. CAMDEN DR. CR. 761H.

Arcadia', best buy. Sold $0750. now Phone information. Mr. Kermant.

cpt clear vacant for equity. Owner. IF you are interested in buying a home- 12H So. Spring St TR. 0331.

23 reliable service FOKECLOSURE 2-STORY $3050. Your terms. FAher 4S07. 240 N. LARCH MONT.

GL. 21HI1. OKegon 1004 you'll never And a better time DUPLEX, NEW. 14 rooms. 4 bath.

5 "1 Familiar with aU district 4 ma8ter 3 baths, N. of morh.lla LA BliEA BUSINESS BLOCK $16,500 WILSHIKE 2-story modern. than right now. Price, are riBht. Look 1M N.Harper, near fever Blvd.

hTe fflrahlKEET a v. Santa Monica Blvd. Will take bunga- Coachella Valley 8 store, all rented Income $5500 rooms. 4 bedroom. 3 Warn over the many choice Bites in Hit SACR1F1CF NO AGENTS.

SiSi nun Good city and subnrban Irw ioT pnUjty EARLY vegetables, finest grapefruit and yearly adjoining major intersection small house or double bungalow in oi OUTPOST, Hollywood', finest home DrjpLEX. new; 6 bedrooms, cost $13,500. Wib FULL price, 100 down. 2-room $3500.00 to $35,000.00. George Elkins Co.

OXford 5127. Colorado River water. Great ubject to $25,000 loan at Sub- near L.A. a part paymenL GL.21S0 place. Beautifully Improved, well re- $7500.

$1600 cash. box 47. bnme- urn- 8451 Avalon- Tn- 0,41 nirw.nri urmvicr luture. 10 A. up at sacrifice.

So. Pa- mit clear for equity. Ph. WH. lltfS.

6114 Barrows Carthay Center. reasonably priced. For full Time. $1600 CASH buys double bungalow. mW.

M' artgage. for Sale CObT $llWt00. SACRlrlCL $8o0 ciQc lauds, many others. RO. 3334.

BUSINESS LOT 1 BLK AMBASSADOR BEVERLY HILLS, new 6-room stucco, tile PODLE $00 mo. income. Only W. Ho.lywood, DU. .040.

With my rvice UU rTi'pSyh Write George Ames. Mecca. Caif. BtbXlSo kitche -fe 7005 Frank Ave $4000 Terms. Angelti.

5505. $2000 L-NDERPK1CED S101 W. 9TH ST. FItzroy 1411. for children, near school.

Palm Sprinfla $20,000, 1'U. Will take $10,000 cash UXoLV AP A HTM est FLAT. Threatened foreclosure: saenflee sAxtZ Xfrd OWEB offer, the llr- chance for the ffP X'Mj 705 dow. TSyU I' Glendale. on PF.

car line Bear Hoot- lot 75x150 7 garage: income $200. 1' A KFAL FAMILY HOME BEL-AIR modest lnvestor-a winter home es- WILL trade large eouity in 6-room stucco er High School and Air Terminal. Owner, 5728 Lemon Grove. GL. S708.

favtorV- fulW 5r" ew 2-8lor5' Spanish. 4 bedrooms. 3 Cultured people will be attracted. Un- ute near Palm Springs. 6 acre, or e-U 10 bUy coraer Btorl' houw garage tor lot VafTor what'' Part cash, second trust deed for bal- TRIPLEX lot 1 blli from car Good schools balhs- 'neludins- fuesf.

suite, bath excelled view location superb. Loss more as low as $80 per acre. 1-5 bUlU'nJi-pnv rnnacAW VVEsltnort ance. Furnished apartments in demand. Finest Income Property In sd store.

JdUST SL Fu 11 price and dressing-room. Large lirIng-room. markpt force, thia aale. Mr. down, balance to suit buyer.

Enjoy HARRY GEOSSMAN VE stmore No. vacancies here. Walter B. Davi. Licmert Park, consistine of one 8- SOO dowa Dav'ment Open Breakfast room furnished.

Tiled kitch- Leonard, OXford 6108. th0 willter sllrl. the cactus the 804 Haas Bide. Tll.ker 2471. 4019 7TH ST.

(Wilshire Wilton.) 1071 Koseilaln GLENDALE. room and two 5-room apartments: Soi 41B4 SIJTRO AVE VErmoul en' GE- refrig. Beautiful vista of SPECIAL PRICE NOW mountain, while your investment BUSINESS lots in best business section 2-story stucco house, room Por- Lf)S FFIIX KMillS Frigldaire, unit beat, Sanitas walls: iTn- evVninss MOraingsic'le 11031 walled garden through wrought-lron Beverly Hills' finest new 11-rnom grows. Also frontage on new aque- on W. Pico.

Want timber, ranch. ches. fine lot. E. V.

Franke. DU.3,00 builder will buihl S-room modern beautifully decorated. Must be sacrl- 1 School, and transportation. Drive home. 1712 Ambassador, Just S.

liar- duct road survey. Across main high- desert, or eastern property. V. E. WILL trade equity in close-in property home tn meet iniir Ulan.

i 21 vei feed. See owner', agent Bt property. $2J7o OB 4-ROOM HOME I west on Wilshire Blvd. to Selby ave- old Lloyd estate. Owner on premises.

way from Palrn Springs. As low a3 Stockwcjl. 233 S. Wilton. WY.

2038. improved with 2 hnnse. tor a va wtvyVifw'll'mesi 2 to 4 p.m. daily. 4319 8th Avenue.

Modern home jMjl 10 o. alley n0, iit i Rochyer 6i u'wa bathg- fffi tSS't- CLEAB improved business, clear cant lot. Delpy. TR.nity 0824. from; See today the beautiful Spanish 4 FAMILY flat sacrifice, was $15,000.

ft $100 down" a 2 ri mn rLl heat' basem*nt, lot 80x150. saeiiee 1810 N. Arg.Mo Hollywood. also apt. lots.

mtg. $22,000. Want 1 NEW 6-room stucco, furnace beat, tile hom*o now being creeled for $5000. now $7500, terms; forced to sell, in- ql WATSON 5042 Val cVio5' CB- 0111, t-tenlnga- $15.000. 510 N.

CRESCENT DR. San Ferrvando Valley property, income or business, assume bath. $0050. Want lot. WHitnev 2404 BACKUS.

Hollywood 4327. come: never before such a snap Must fc-gf? g.i&gga." hkBZT OUTSTANDING BUYS WECED 10 acre ffarden, cily water mTr, t'ASADENA. 6-room frame equity for HILLS BARGAIN be sold. OallJllS 9 Broadway. Lo, BAKm, on THE FRANK MELINE CO.

light sSterod grow citrus llow- WILSHIRE STORES. LEASED TO CHAIN clear lot and cash. LAfayette 3050. Income residentinllot. 45x155.

on Sel- 8-FAMILY APT. NEW. Beverly Hills. 5 lll.a leBJa e' 2 N. Canon.

0X6171. Beverly Hill? "olfer GLadstone 1444 CO. FOR CLEAR property. GL. 0570 ggyg groag wJ i nwm-iia 8 ROOM double A- i room over giriges Wagner, 4600 S.

Vermont. VE. 4340 rents for $20. One 4-room. 4051 Bay- large rooms.

2 baths. CKestvicw 04.8. 200 A CLEAR Merred. irrigated. 60 A PRnPFRTY FXTH ANTF 17J WE ARE PAYING TODAY SOriCL.

WbsitvooD LOT OWNLKS 8 ii, no ioTnm El, 'S' S3'0 DOWN 2 bedrooms A snap wood- rent, for $25. Look them over, ROOM. 3-bath. Beverly Hills Good lease. melon or alfalfa.

House A barns. Ideal INSSMlSRJXJi-J for trying to be what we are NOT. WestwoodHin. "iT CaTecSe.tew cTJ'm'SJWQR: Nea WesZn. "'wES-rEI: aj off er.

wner. 002 S. Broadway. 1 p.Per. For apt, lot.

HE. 3261. 1 dairy. J. box 148, Time, BTMENTou.

oTanScelT We 0111 Station 33 nviev. S400O TH ATS" AI Santa Ana. Phone 4305. EXCEPTION AL New 7-room Spanish POULTRY RABBIT RANCHES 157 alwuv rentefl- close ,0 a11 iev W0KKI JV-S8 a iTTT Lm ILlrS SHLT FOB MY HOME EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN bungalow, your prtee. S.Clark Dr SHJiJ.DJLU business; exchange for ranch, western LY earn LASTS.

$3aOO lot -on Buckingham K.l. in 2k 9hoo will show 60 WESTWMDHUJS Beautiful 2-story. 15-room residence. 1-- SMALL farms, opportunity. How would or ea.lernprefeiTCd.

Owner. CEntury Wellington Vt the actual value. quiuating at Ujiiiiii. yvui snow i io tit*muui) titx.a oioi Sn HirvnVri nivrt i fi I CKirtAI urilKCC 14Q vmi nf rnnr frlemis like i 20474 1R13 E. Vernon HOG RANCH.

160 ACHES MEDINN1S, 4225 W. Washington. investment. 7800 S. VERMONT.

5-room modest home. None Of the ujh. f.LtNDALE HOUSES 149 f0" nf i aW a with 80 head HOGS. Good house. FMiTiri Oil" THornwall 3379.

spectacular tile features. No electric bedrooms 4 baths, double garage, For Sale loli" 1, "5. ii auble. exchange equity for RESEUVOIK. Fenced cross mWnmin'i.

in vTrug refrigerator but a real value with Porches, beautiful interior, spa- colony of small farms? Fine for poul- clear home or lot. 6517 Monroe ave fenced Room raise ALL feed Eauip- VVESTWOOD lot. north of Wilslure. High virC oion koM sized rooms and wed designed grounds, open for inspection OUTSTANDING BARGAINS try and rabbits, raise anything. Near N.

of Melrose near Van Ness. Git 8532 Xfea nd ma2e liv view lot with 1011 ft. frontage, sac- ATJP N'f, i Beaitifullv drained rew yard Willi Sun. Mon. Price $27,500, original In choice Glendale homes at the price city, city conveniences Low priced APT stores near Woolwurlh 6 l(gN farther expense Will make Vou VrXUi.

$335- Sr.ST..K S'luM trree.r. Viooo'tS eost $70.000. Ph. CRestv.ew 6013. you wiint to pay.

Dougla. 3026. CAp- land deep, rich soil fine water An 1 lDEPEN DE il "ou wdRh i half acre lot. 8 doubles, 8 break- tal. $850 cash, $23 Per month.

See SACRIFICE. S-room Spanish, including Rtrti VRDS OLSOV CO LTD fat "rV t4 nr 0X 5 33'000 HJoO LOS Felta district, Leve lot 6 fast sets, 8 garages. 6 ranges, 8 gen- property at 1947 Greenfield ave. downstair, drapes. Near grade high IC.

HARD S-OLSON T. Ml at lire. iai aireci owwr APARTMENT houses, clear, equity $20, Want clear home or Income. 1J0. Improvements tn pidd.

1 Wk. jne Keivinators. full size. $2000 CRestview 0111. Evenings OX.

1301. schools, also district, prop- 108 West Broadway Glendale. wme tod iy lor oaails. Hoora 1003 $75,000 submit your Tis place we KN'OW can recommend. cash, bfihince $150 monthly.

SMITH, S4050 $700 CAH New 6-room 2-siory ert-v clcar. 0n for in FOB SALE at a real bargain by owner. propertv. Mr. Berkjov TRin tv 0424 a we ltate- usSd 3800 Los Fein Blvd.

OL. 1718. Mutual 68Hd or CRestview 8708. 2 hath- Sis Sunday 2 to 4. Location 800 all newly decorated, ready to move in.

ACRE rent or ease, .1 rooms, turn, or un- California have to be shipped In. GREATEST BARGAIN IN CITY li 3a ihS nKl So. Bronson. For appointment phone Phone DR. 3703, L.A., any day, ask furn.

Bath, gas garage. APARTMENT 1 paper. Local or THINK, PEOPLE MUST BE FED. SF 84th and Rmndwnv 45x110 MAhE offer, alteiition brokers. 10 com- er.

6245 W. Adams. Olteaon 50.11 -Mutual pnonr ah i n. reaI Equipment for 1500. Weeks Comma- eastern, 345 S.

Rampart. DR. 3433. ttf-Prie. SoNxE8Tlow- bS 76 8 1g4Do-r'ti'vTkse MB.

VETERAN go to 3145 Cudlhy-sT uWaS. SrHSwIrd ni.y.111 Satiny Canoga Park. A1T. NEW 8 do.odes BRICK STORES building stores. Owner, WY.

5027. a 0 440 AuiuVlS' '31 ALGUSfA SI. VA. brand nw 6-room st- ACRE, nice 4-room stucco, lots of fruit, Hills, consider some trade. OX.

0774 PJ iUS; MtiM CASH 70x122 WESTWOOD mets income $400. right atueco. 3 bedrooms, 2 toilets, full-tile $5600 $1500 CASH. New, 7 largo rooms. Paved No.

Hollywood. $4500. Van BEVERLY HILLS? new 3-uuit studio ap-l r't VAR acreajre raneh or home. Residence lot on Greenfield. 3rd lot place for drive-in market, super serv- TY.

BL-ILDKR. THornwall 7030. Pte. 0wnf.p at tjo bth8 nit heati icer. Nuys Mtg.

Van Nuys. artment, 5 rooms, 1 baths each, -LEA areige. rancn or nome. So. ot Beverly Blvd.

This is sacrl- ice garage, warehouse, hotel or the- WALNUT PARK. High, level lot, near schools. Green- SACRIFICE. Over acre. $050, half cash, income $2000 yr.

Want clear lot or WEST lice. Was $4250. Owner. EMplreHH75. ater.

Will lease lntuj term. Owner, $6000 7-ROOM English stucco bungalow. jT CAN'T BE-ONE law 228 No. Brand. Doug- 13 miles to City Hall, good soil, gas.

home tor equity above 10-year loau, 345'4 la lirea WYominf lf15 LOT builders onT.D. 1240 S. ARDMORE. 3 bedroom large living room with Only $11,600 for 0-room, 4 bedrooms. cheap water; elec.

CA. 14050. $8750. GKanito 2055. ACRES orange, lemons good 8-roon- basis or heavy discount on cash basis.

BEST LOCATION MUST SELL i hL 3 colored tilo baths. Lot 55x150. Best 5 BEDROOMS, 2-story. Price S500O. 3 riBAWrF I FMDN AVfVAnr "EVERLV HILLS.

Owner saci-iftee beauti- houae EUUmment 1500 chickens. 3 Eagle Rock distriet. 4310 Verdugo 4-family flat. 18 rooms, garages. In- .1 (S Wilshire district.

Worth $18,000. 6774 sets of plumbing. Like new. 1968 ORANGE. LEMON AVOCADO 158 ful 8-umt apt.

furn. Income $5000 Price K3t i 000 clear. Tak. Road. ALbany -ail come $115 mo.

Only $7500. terms. A A 3RD ST. WYoming 8014. Eden st.

Glen.oak. section. Douglas Walnut Crovcs, Vineyards yr. net. 1 paper $12,750 blk Sunlet oU or ,1500 ASH.

00-KOUT ON PAVED 38 47 St. Double single houses to 403 cltOFT AVE, VETERANS, bargain. $5000. 0-room Span- Wilshire. 114 Almout Dr.

OX.85.S3 Ttsajia. STREET. NEAR SILVER LAKE. jn 1 lot incom $7250 mo Pnee oi vttux At' ish home, largo lot. Ideal yard for SACRIFICE.

Owner transferred San Fran- SOMwii appreciate thH charrairlv an B1UCK J'l'LEX. 14 rooms, near Wilshire East 15th street. UPLAND. MR, BOTTERE1.L. Ol.ytnpla 6303, t0t.ubit t0 fair on nvrvWn Vm.wk children, near schools in Kenneth cisco, will take $4500 for $10,000 w' acl, as a rare La Brea Smal1 mortgage want i EASE A FURN APT HOUSEoi $3750 LARGE; UML" lot.

th trTt AX. 11 47 ntphts. or ML 3290 g.w7Vfrl,, nice pa- Ro.u. district. Glendale.

Phone TUck- jlf 4vee8 P'a' hing ppgr fun ant lot worth $15.000, WH. 0272 otot Vi Beverly Hills. No assessments. Neeu i tio colored tile bath, shower. baths.

140 N. I acinc ae Glendale Unusual scenic knoll with a lew enor CLEAR income property, Biverside lor Bui- hom*o, 1 1-4 acres, equipment for $1000 quick. Owner, OXford 6102. i i rKUl tal i 1036 8 Orange Grove. Owner.

WH.1809 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 5-R00M stucco in OakridRo tract. De- mous boulders strategically placed boa. 1500 chickens, near N. Hollywood HILLS resuleneo lot Brick laundry leased, guaranteeing in- Spanish 2-story, 0 rooms, colored lightful home and exquisite view at above sightly terraces and partly Balboa income for Pasadena or Los Owner. HEmpstead 0249.

$4000 Ower pressed for cash wii come that P.iys all taxes. 16 on price $Uo00 OB quick 0-roo ituico on jla batll 3 bedrooms, A11 r0Pm8 ex. a fftr bp)ow vaue. lringed with stately oaks and Angeles, i. E.

MaeKenzie. 1300 An- acrf's' navels Ontario good bunga- fennce StaIFY OXford 171 asked of $9000 Must sacrifice it in Arlington near St a. Barbara. Lot tra largo. On best street in Windsor nient terms.

MR. BONE. VA. 0107 mores; completely surrounded by avo- gelus Ave. Dl'nkirk 0849.

6 "SmetS150UO mice. MAI.M, A lorn tUl'. Ordfr to Save Othfr prOnfrtV. 5 my 160. W.

MA. HAK HAKA. Rnnarp ftwnAr r.T (i aHn nrohnnla linfl hnmca owiipH hv TTTTTi 1 1 ow an" CniLKr.n equipment. 9J.D.UUU, t700 $100 DOWN. Choice lots.

60x117, agent. J. BRUCE GODDARD $0750 Square. Owner. ao0.

5.K00M ho, 1-4 are KrounU rth-w lutl ZTiL honjj in niioM ptirt Pttr-ii- bva jt. Rnt hth qt Trtw-a nrkT Grand Central Airport, Ulpnualfi. cfiJ rtr.nn itii nhnnriV. t-i 101, lmotno jer, an! write P.O. host 477, Atnamhra.

er. 0812. OLympin 7220. OPPORTUNITV knocks, home and incom, 7-room Spanish 8 bedrooms two NtoLLYWOOI)U ArUstlc. hl.ra moderrt.

'rnfand i'e. Ankr-uT" WAYMAN. Own- ACRES 5 niies nortU ol Mter. on FORECLOSURE. $700 buys my West Side close in.

Income lot 05x150. with 10 baths, refrig. $1000 handles. WA. 801)0.

Will trade. BUILDER. OXford 6249 vv Huron er. Fallbrook. Win.

John 1801 12th ave. EM. 6302 to lot. Improvements, near Boulevard A 4-roora completely owner $7500 FOR $10,000 HOME. 0 large, cosy ri-w Soanish bungalow tile bath v.

9 VISTA PRODUCTS SHOW DUPLEX 12 Olvmuic-Fairlax sri'fimi 1 v. region, iw i uranq. in. transportation. S.

box 176. Times. 00 lncome roomi. Spanish stucco bungalow unit NE AkSn.X ilStm l)b hat has been UbFptrr. $5W NoiS RANCH.

27 acns allalla, Lancaster 7 APARTMENT lot, Hanco*ck Park. 60x130. W00. price for all $16,600. garage Wonderful neighKod.S Atrial buy at ylLo Rd lffiglas0m0 I i thisV MWtVal fSryoTr ''-liw'00 oLvmpTa 4" O.

N. 1720 W. 7th cash" Ba. nee' hke''nt 750. S.e this at 9220 S.

Harvard 3 BEDROOMS, new. price $5000, full tile voTcdion' Have 8WU" atl' 0X, "18 CLEAt ah" I ind lur your lua; Own 6000. SotO ounipla 1 0 vmiiia 411U Em OL 970 NEW 7-room Spanish stucco, tile bath roof, 2-car garage. 440 Mt. Camel.

red soil, $050 up, on very easy year- DUPLEX. 14 rooms. Beverly, rented. Cost CLLAll (abt. land lor our equity.

Own- FORECLOSURE, Toluca Lake. 100x150, "i ril' flat nraetieallv OLmpia 4410. ulj- vnm- kitchen, close to schools transpor- Glenoak section. Dougla. 3005.

ly payments. Hide down with me Sun- $19,000: mtg. $9000. 3 yrs. 7.

gr. Ork 4101. fronts Lakeside golf course. Cost SF" -a tation. A bargain at $5230.

Reason- jl" UZ day. Call or write Room 310. 620 Sacrifice for cash. Ph. owner.

K1.5015 ORANGES 200 A. Also bog raneh. "ow JrfrMS'o'f MfM A INV ST Frr PF DU 1 84 5 aM 1440 W' miit heat! $501)0. 8011 lown pymt! 7Ttl ST' Tlt'ni PWLEX. 14 rooms, modern .0 minute.

Mission. S. Pasadena. SYeamore21I8 ATTENTION, builders, lot, 60x150. take small trade or $1500 down will I 7.

1 PAY CASH FOR EQUITIES. No red tape SHOOK A 410 Brand. INCOME Lemons, avocados pay best, 1 to for bungalow or lot A cash. VE. 1)209.

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY iingaied produc Just N. of Wilshire, Santa Monica. handle. 4245-4714 EIGHTH AVE. Or $10,000 SPANISH 7-rooin in View Park.

SKE LELAND OFFER Vl-V 50 acres; surplus pressure water: no EUUITY 2 bouses on cor lot Rodgera Ing tarms CONE. MERCED. Qniek bargain. AXrklge 3306. phone VE.

31 5of evenings VE. 2518. iaoTdown' Bim West Blvd UN 'ts'-fl "10 Mcrrltt m'- Sth iTJ'eto Si ttat' wholesale price. Excellent waT.m'an hou 3 w'. KuF IMPERIAL.

100 A. alfalfa. improved LOT. $450 on Moore at Maxell near $o00 down. 5011 West Blvd.

HN.3r.51 gACKIFICE, $3150i micc0t n'Hoover Hi4i 7350 terms iJ IU ilil: mime. 12Q1 W. 73rd St. TH. 8138.

$28.000.. mtg. $7000. sutsnit. TU.0UO7 6Mi STEAL and decoration NEAR Hoover MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANCES 181 glg gM FSw i Jj ES go lillS-i Jgh" M'irshall High.

OLympi a flreplaoe. Beautiful walled-in grounds 4 W.J.lsf ST. CUBURBAN HOUSES 150 Scenic Knoll. Lake Valley view I'lt'ral rad8 tor good home or lot ALFALFA, SolHTeaTTloToOO. Bank loan SACRIFICE for $1350, my $2500 lot.

L11AII1 and patio. A real buy on today's mnr- BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-ROOM STUCCO. SUD rommuni modern Hacienda Type Home. 4000 to atainst tiiy equity in fine 6-family flat f2700. Good well.

Furnished house Improvement, costing $450. Paid. La Brea-i airfax district. 10 at sxo.060. Drive west on Full price $1000.

Easy terms. Must In Neaehy Cities. Communje. 60nf) )0XJ on ltml Bt degNAN BiV(i. Au remj or Fine location.

V. box 422, Times. SIk turmshed. Income, Wilshire turn left on Thayer to sell. CA.

11213. 5073 Huntington Dr. PICTURESQUE $33,000, terms. Kiltell. The Liquidat- VE.

3150. Evening. VE. 2518. $900 BUSINESS lot, La Onega between homings'0 Mnkeoffer iliS6, FORKCLOSL'RE bargain.

N. Holl.vwood. 5- Foothill Estate Site! or. 649 S. Olive st.

TUeker Or.00. INCOME $7200 ANNUALLY. SfTcTnetTn AnihmoWil 7011(1 Pico Venice. Subject to small street Owner on premiiTun W( it. 0111.

Evenings. R. 4082. room stucco on a major blvl. $3800.

One and one-half acres. GOOD PROFITABLE GROVES iTuiTdii investment. Owner will trade for clear for equitv Sevmonr CKestv icw 01 43 bond. MR. MOORE, CRestview 0897.

AW 1 J' $380 down. 1823 Sunset. DU. 6743. Forty five minute, from Broadway 1 sites oouiitrv estates.

GORDON Property. Inquire 1500 N. Vermont EQUITY in large lot at real aacrifice. low Hollv5 NEAR THIRD ROSSMORETBuliaTW ABOVE "tHE FOG BLACK WOOl). Realtor Ottlea on OLvmpia 0073.

AVOCADO ACREAGE (Clear, Call 1623 W. 10TH ST. wood Income SM fall ki MAGNIFICENT ESTATE iu.t taken on exchange. Will sacrifice. Privacy with Aocrwibl ityt Blackwood Ranch.

3 miles southeast INCOME property well reined, to exchange n. ta-MH Tit 1 15 7 .1 6 bcautiinUy landscaped wooded 133 SOUTH LUCERNE BLVD mi lea from the sell Glendora. On U. 8. Highway 60 for ocal or Eastern.

EUGENE MOB- Fo- sale or exchange bv owner En INCOME lot on Lasky Dr $5o00. Heart of TR. 6476. 103.. W.

7ih. st. am with UCIirly now itujan A' y- WrtrS 1. nl I. nm Lnl MemN-r Pomona Valley Realty R1SON.

433 8. SPRING. Ml 9703. cimlas frostlJs. disirict 1 Fuerte tARii? TZmvri llJSdrlTM- HndVarki'of UfuJo, A to.

4121 Vi'lshire Blvd Thifis' a coer'propVty' improved 10 ACRES Valencia orange grove, il TRIPLEX. Hollywood. Income $1224 frecsj old' Plenty! LARGE lot, 3 bouses, good income. Lady jott age. ge nfor C.s C.

1 blk. 9ih.L' At vour price Must sell trade with beautiful shade trees, family or- years old. close to Anaheim. Good Mtg. $6000.

Price $12,500. Want water, underground piping. Wonderful must sell. 718 Burger st. Ua it 1 IpI.iI "rr 5' YJi owners Pe" chard, swimming pool.

etc. And last deep and nice uniform trees. This small bungalow. Leroy Ackle.y. OR location, five mimites from main high A-l lots near Rose Bowl.

Sacrifice. 687 10Q9 W. 30TH PL. REpuhlic OXford 1814. A STEAL, 2 houses, ilorenee ave.

busl- bnt not caiiti a danrty 0-rooni colo- is an A-l grove. No exchange. In- 6504. way. Miles ot ocean view.

Ideal ell Zania. Pasadena, Sterling 8871. FORECLOSURE. 14-room duplex. near ness lot.

down. AX.88Q8. not new but cosy and quire 835 N. Clementine Anaheim, matio conditions, tempered with mild BARGAIN Ml lots close in Owner Mr Olympic tc La Brea. Best buy Id dist.

LOVELY 8-room home, West Adams dist. dean. Easily worth $20.000 even on Calif, Owner, phone 3040. inik OCPan breeze, near San Diego, lnde- T6X120 ON 4TU AVE. NEAll" OOTTl" FORECLOSED 4-flat.

20 rooms Elee re- hatf snrinklVng ivs- HILLSIDE. 3 rooms, bath, furnished, tine ts rea dv to Jo wants Sel af Jistrict. small down 7. Prefer home for equity but cou- eLha fgc or cUy country ST $90rU PHONE EM plra 3987. 'gp, ill 4S36 Eldred.H.ghland Pk ioTnd" 'thYs Ts'Ungo Vd'l om-i 60 root- yider any legiUmate inqinry Joe Top- pat'oS.

or "cSS ONLY $1750 for a $4000 lot near here. waVii l' tures make this a real home. Will MODEL home. 6 rooms, excellent loea- Shown by appointment only. Call or lltzky 20o H.

W. Hellman sider Eastern properties. Give value. P.E cars W0RDEN 3189 Cahuenga BARtjAJN, new 14-room duplex near sacrifice for quick sale. Best Hollv- tion, rtnderpriced $1500.

515 W. 89 st. write C. Strayer. Realtor.

724 W. 24 YEARS selling select orchards through WILSHlKE-La Brea new duplex. 15 rooms. location, amount of taxes, full par- inn.i,,,, hatchway Wiiinwhrnok' Robertson. $9900.

term. No wo0) rejtoential district. $750 will BARGAIN hunters foreclosure 2-bedroom Vernon Ave. Los Angeles. AX.

2508. the Citrus Belt. BRADLEY HAM- Income $225, one 7 loan. Want ticulars, first letter. Owner.

P.O. box Compton Ph UN54- brokers or exchanges. 6200 W. Pico. handle.

Mr. Connors. VErmont 4029. BAUhomes.n Sunday 74 19' Western EBON DO VICINITY. 5 acres with small 1LTON.

Pomona. Cal cash or clear worth $1 2.000. WH 5501 1294. Station C. rnr-iT inTii ht" to.t, west, old house, good.

Li- HOusES JUST COMPLETED oil royalty incl. large 5-room modern 3 A. AVOCADOS, Rideout Heights, Wliittier. DOUBLE bungalows routed. Residence AT vmiH PftlCF at nn-iA brary, banks, theaters, P.O near.

See Klt.c, tile baths, showers. I IOt LYWOOD HnilE 147 Chalet-typo hom*o: elec. range, double No frost Can grow al tropical fruits. lts. Wants Imperial land.


oo.lj owner, will pay you. box 4.1, Times, Inriny other futures $4700 up 2-3 HWLLIWWW nyujtO 11 garage, near ocean (1 mi.) Ideal Price for quick sale. HE. 6292. Stockwell.

233 S. Wilton. WY. 2938. Want apartment to $100,000.

Will as- WESTWOOD lot. bond paid. $1250. Nice WILL sacrifice corner near Olympic Park. bedrooms.

VETERANS. ATTENTION I ESILSSig, 0ict country hom*o. $12,000. Ad- 10 ACRKS Eureka walnuts. 1 mile from 3-STURY modern brick, 3 stores 8 single Mraeone level.

N. Pico. 10022 Pico Blvd. Apt. site See this.

Term, to APPROVED ATWATER SECTION in BY owner, beautiful hillside home. Hollow- dress Mrs. Kirk owner 2833 8. Olive, Metropolitan Airport. All perfect trees.

8 doublo apt. income $7500 No LYLE D. RIPLEY. REALTOR. $150 FULL PRICE BUYS HILLSIDE 3973 S.

Vermont. LA. Drive out Glendale or Los Feliz poured reinforced concrete construe- or phone Klchmoml 65 il. Could he subdivided. HE.

6292. brokers or Uo OR 2919 8154 Beverly Blvd. CRestview J1JB. LOT 40x75. GArfield 0924.

EQUITY in good income property Sacri- JtlY1- to Bruriwiek Ave. Owner. tion. 3 master bedrooms, 2 baths. 2 ACRE, new 5-room house.

$3000, $250 BAkGAl.N Vista 6-vr avocado grovB i 4-FAM1I fl it 6-'17ia Do 1 nnenr. iw CLEAR protwrty for vour equities or fore- CLEAR lot. will sell or trade for lighl flee for van- Klroy 1126 Sunday, NO. 7602. vants room; arate 2 ou cash.

$25 mo. Clase in, good soil wa- Must sell. M. 603? mSief loeatmn Hollvwood. It 6140 3 clown a or country Detail.

car. PAW 4573. TIER BLVD. Phone ANgelus 6760. WILL SELL.

TRADE OR LEASE ms view ter 0A" mVi- rniiMTOV cctatcc 000 loan' a year, Want elotr HARBOLT, 911 California Bldg. CARTHAY CENTER. lot 50x183 ft. MUST SACRIFICE FOB CASH Income property 7 ROOM SPANISH 1TUCCO very aoi'sbl A very unusual qual- Alhambra CPJHJgftK? Itrel OReSSmfloOWm! lW CUSA1 KMtt SACRIFICE. $3975.

Ph. DRexe, 9075. tTill. Vh1ttfSBl sgf filZTSJT SSU Stl' ROOM English. 3 bedrooms, close to waler 4 FlIt 4 1 In fiffl NEWS-imit un.urn.

in-ome, $415.6 CALL BALDWIN CApi.ol 12150 Von? TSWourt? mt DUPLEX mr La W' Income' $135. i-. 8063 Sanfa Monica. OXford 0804. iA-7 srifniv Drive.

Holl.vwood. Phone GRamte 0440 Ainamnra. fnnne 1180. Cut fronj 5lfl00 to aore ColIr. Wan cpap' wYoming 1009 Small mtg.

Submit honse. OR. 1166. OIKINF PRDPFRTY 14? WILL sacrifleo SIO.OOO- equity in 6-flat LOOKING for a home? There never was Jl1 esv agents. Owner.

OL. 2744. Wat or. Ml, WM.hir.vir. IMPROVED industrial property within 2 IJUillNtii rKUrCKI IJtZ bldg.

Close in. Owner. PA her 6850. IT'S AN ART1 or will there ever be a better time Inam om- 7 blooka Glendale City Hall, equipped ATTPNTION S5000 ikes income corner The selection of a hom*o is on ART than today. Prices are right.

Hero at Whittler Blvd. AN. 8,74 or GB. 0061 PEACH LOTS, COTTAGES 164 al f' rr, wv -nil witD automatic fire extinguisher. "bLL'eTJoN AY close where and how to buy how to de- THE OUTPOST we have 3 wonderlul Burbank bank loan.

Trade for clear. WY. 1181. Now nnder lease. Income $1600.

tnort- October 10th 1931 close 111. nan loan DU. termine true value future resale homes for at real sacrifice 0.,, TZ FLAT. 8 block. W1LSH1RE-LA BREA.

gage $7000 at 7. Equity for resi- -On the Court House, mVp. AC nirci rc unnccc "Ttrr value Possibilities. Don't buy before R(ally you should look theao homes SACRIFICE 6-room Spanish stucco house LOIS on Miramar Balboa a. low as $5600 Equity for CLEAR LOT.

clence. 816 No. Providence ave. Bur- AT 11 A SHARP 1 I OS ANCELES HOUSES 145 you have talked to WHEELER, phone over. Don't overlook them.

Full in- tarare. only $11100. Small pymt. $500. J.E., 1300 Angelus pop LA MONT. 5700 MELROSE. bauk. Phone Burbank 276S-J. Selling to Highest Bidder ESJlJla VK.

3150 for appointment. formation cheerfully riven. Phone down, bal. like rent. HE.

0911. Ave. Dunkirk 6843. sU-fnmily studio. 30 rooms, well located IMPROVED corner, income $90; subject to Property known as BEVFRLY-FAIRFAX DISTRICT DEATH MAKES THIS BARGAIN GRamte 0698.

Eagle Rock HERMOSA Beach $2100. terms. Furn. 3 Two duplexes. WYoming 4883.

S44O0. Trade for vacant or improved Sevon-room bungalow. 2-car garage: NJ3. cor. Hillcrest Dr.

and 33rd. 70x UKHK is a real opportunity. Cash is king 9 ROOMS. 3 baths. 3-car garage.

Ideal I1ms' 2 tom EIGHT-Unit furnished" apartment. Beverly 6017 S. Western. VErmont 2581. lot 60x132.

Near Fairfax high and 126 Living, breakfast dining, library Will sell my 8-roorn 2-story Spanish view? $14 OO0 $250(1 dow Direct at bus. Nelson Realty. 50 Pier Ave. Hjll9. Net 25 0n equity.

Consider INCOME. 31-3 A. grapefruit. Imperial; i on thi best shopping district. A real home.

paneled Juana Coala mahogany. 3 home. Like new. Modern in every 5454 Delaware Cor Hill Dr AL. P23! BUY at price $150 up.

Large, sun- larger apartment, clear flat or duplex. clear, want equity in home or lots. 'm niarket) Bargain price Open 10 to 4. beds, 3 porches. 2 toilets, cellar, ga- way.

Beautiful trees and shrubbery. 1 im. i.r. u. seavlew lot- tm, ii.r RKIV Flizrov 3842 HOPE LA RI 1515 l-o Him Who Ha 44 4 NO FDTN I1URGH AVE.

rage. A $12,500 home for $7750. Cost me $35,000. Will take $21,000. 7 ROOM brand new bungalow, just com- Ew mmw lot fi" Bverlv Hi Ms fk.v- uvtrn i 'J Shn I Be Given I ln WHitnev 9984 Onlv S0000 cash to handle 3 blocks pleted.

Must sell. Sacrifice. Terms. Easy pymta nox ncveriy mils ElGUT-room residence, 100x143 Zone LONG BEACH income, 15 units, near Bn- To Uim Who Hath Not BUNGALOW, FORCED SALE $10,500 vvnuncy of Hollywood near La Brea 1257 E. Colorado Rlvd Eagle Bock LAGUNA, overlooking ocean, highway cor.

corner; for Santa Monica mountain by Park and ocean. Income $7000. Shall Bo Taken 846 S. Dunsnuiir. 7 rooms.

3 bed- BARGAINS IN HOMES GR OOfW HP Mr Turner lot. house furn. $2500. GR. 4013.

land or orange grove. Adison 3355. One bunk loan. Submit Lo. Angeles.

Uveu that little which he hath I rooms, 2 baths, unit heat, G.E. refrig. 6-room, 3-bedroom, 2-bath stucco, Fllntridge SAfHlncK roim cor lot '2th fa iimt i'oioiT fin Glendale or Pasadena. THOMPSON, Tuesday. October 20th Lot 60x140.

2 blks. S. of Wilshire subject $2500. $1000 buys equity. $4000 CASH buy- a luxuriously furnish- Brao.jow Spanish Elevation 1400 ft lie Itlvd Make offer PI 73(tB 1, of 1 A Wl tw l)ll 2116 East 4th street, LONG BEACH Will Be Miracle Mile.

Henry J. Dike. WY, 1044. 5-room stucco IN BURBANK, sub- ed tl-room English stucco bungalow BUMgAtn fPli tw miles of LA. WHitney 0664.

losFEL1Z HOME "Too Late For Herpieidc" BUNGALOW foreclosure. Pico-La Brea die- Ject 2000. $5(10 buy. equity he best HoUywo od res ni ajf; moo 3 bedZmi, 2 bath" PtS a TRFArF RAW I ANR lfi7 DUPLEX in best locUon. 4326 LS rVToms 3 baths, hillside.

Price Property nc.uallv worth $300,000. trict. Price $5250. Mr. Brown.

Thorn- M- W. Taggar Rea If-J. M- juect toon an j1; flreplacof ipTtVhlo garage Attention ACKEAGE KAW LAND 167 Creed Ave. Nearly newVVill take acre 000. mtg.

$10,000. Want orange ASK ANY BODY I Mortgage 810 S. Spring at. Garland Bldg. TR.

8800. TR. 8869. furniture and ruJ, OE refrig Veterans. 4393 Beilair.

OL. 2991. home ISS my, S11" frove- or telch home for NFT TO INVESTORS I TRInity 3946. Evenings EX. 0040.

MUST lie sold at once. $35,000 home. Wp TRinlty SHiio' 1 KNOW of 70 acre, located San Fcr- VE, 3150. Evenings VE. 2518.

equity. M. W. Taggart, realtor. 1023 Store tenant will pay taxes and 0 CARTHAY Center', best buy, $8050.

Span- exclusive sIro li Btrict. west vETF.RANS" see hom*o now building in ex- Creacenta ntindo Valley which can be purchased i0.HoOM. 4 baths, elaborate duplex for Wb mie' -ro: 0e.o net on the total Investment of ish bungalow. 7 2 baths. 3 J'a Brpa- KT1 lusive Toluca P.

North SACRIFICE 1 La Crescenta, 7 ml. N. at a very attractive price. L. W.

lrarte. Nft, gorgeous. Spanish! Wil TRInity 8800 TRInity 8869 000 for land and bldg. to be lerec.e, bedrooms 3-car garage Large rooms, oifel "refuel Hollywood large tot wved rtreT 7 ot Olendale $2200. 1502 W.

4 L. A. Price, -president North Lo. An- distrik'TnS LOT $1250 clear: 250 A $5000. clear; Major blvd.

close to new Close to shopping- A grade school dist. Ihone frir annoTntmem tiled bath A kitchen; select Ro.em.aT Ii Only one paper. Will trade. Fred lot $1200, bal $175; grape ranch. theater under construction.

Lot will Phone owner. WHitney 4305. I hone for appointment. own color decorations: Forman ave. 4 R0Mmead 1V' ACRES 6 A.

N. Hollywood, near Klein, ORegon 1241. Fresno. $5500 bunk 1lh.iVw,'!l Moon.iaa HANco*ck PARK 7-room bungalow 3 BRAND NEW 7-room. 2 baths, IN AL Riverside Dr.

GL. 1165 or R. 8271. 8 rooms, was $13,500, now Satieoy school. Suitable for small isnTM-r COURT IN (11 A 000.

Want income will assume, might vV 'motC3144Wi11 lJUi- "Tb lJoP6.KMto Stf Aauty "co W'd- HOME ot world-famou. cartoonist. Excep- $7500. 1055 Marshall, off Valley Blvd. chicken ranch or home Easy terms.

tiatto Wm take with back payments. OL. 2091 Price reduced to $7500. HO. 5821.

nrn kin lW-rt Uonally beautiful Italian South Pasadena box 668, limes, or per year. Mtg. $17,000. Want smaller LOT, Hollywood, want home or income HERE 18 A BARGAIN linrT vwnnn'q menvw hahoatm i i hi 45 OUTPOST HOME ACRES on Highway 06 between San city Mr, Carpenter, CA.

5303. Will assume. Mr. Jenkins. HE.

3105 11470 Long Beach coiner Fern- HOLLYWfWI) 8 BIWFT BAR0 ATS son.) then, north 1 Mek. to 46o. 0 Ave. Servant quarters Bernardino and Aluscoy. $1000 acre.

"u'RooNrAPT CLOSE IN VAH'F'lN- 0BANGKGB0VE; clear, 14 acres, highly -wood. 120 it. of which 40-ft im. zonb 50x126 AVE attractive corner 0- above garage, 1819 Outpost Dr. OX- Homes for rent.

520 Mission. 8Y.3U8 B. box 570, Times. CREASING." OWNER VA 6294 Proved 8-room house. $4000.

Want prnved. 2-story brick. Leased lor SiT.i Zani oa-o room Spanish bungalow, 401 N. Alta ford 03(19. v.n is A Coachella r.O no Rm-irain uZ molern residence HKmostead 9308 $200.

Mtg. Guarantee loan at $10,000. Bitch to GR 4006. evenings GL.0472. Visla near Beverly Blvd.

and La Brea. Hollvwood'. most exelnsive' A Y. re'r 355 8 Broadway RoZ 604 WANT desirable inconm or close-in small. mmlern residence.

Hhnipstead 308. My equity $16.000.. What am I bid? HOME income $1500 cash 10 room. Small down payment, balance like rent. -L MAJOR CORNER 3 A.

on Sopulveda Blvd. fcrooo 8. Broadway. Boom b04. clea, ranch $i8 000 3a.

1 1-8 ACRE. 5-room uwo Walnut, 120. Artistic garage or mar- 1928 W. 21st st. Owner.

VE 8153. trade. $20.000. clear. RO.

8717, ttKAr, BARGAIN. Well-built 2-story" Eng- V' "ll' lo ta, lam OWNER will sacrifice equity in well lo- CLEAB LOTS LAS VKts NEVA UA ket type bHg. Market men attention HOUSE ON BUSINESS CORNER. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. New Spanish stuc "iM stucco 3 bedraoms.

2 baths, flue Verduao Woodlands fencing Call 1104 i IT cated business nroporty. improved with -l QUI No loasonablo offer retimed. By 'l ues 6-room cozy home, on rear, facing co, 6 big rooms, separate shower, riou- location. 2015 N. Hobart Blvd.

BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM VIEW HOME. 2 1 stores and garage, splendid future. 3 CLEAB LOIS noon. Please do not disturb tenants. side street.

Lot 55x150. On big con- bin garage, big lot. $3950, $600 cash, PHONE OWNER. CRestview 4997, tilo baths, large fireplace, every mod- ACT TDM KinDTUCCM 170 Exchange for equity in apts. or flats you have a home or good duplex For details owner, 2036 So.

Man-. crete boulevariL southwest district. $40 mo. 4501 W. EM.

8006. hmB' 4 t-jh. i' 1 ern feature Very largo ot. 1441 El pAil tKN NORTHtKN 1U EMpire 5009. No brokers.

with mtg. not to exceed $oO00. I wil' Plrn RUIKRA on Beverly Boulr" hVs KUo Vm8 fie.roMlltan'Llto mtg. WILL exchange properly. $14,000 "K-ve MyH i'l BUYS 125x190 corner.

"1' xonc. will this bargain. Only $49n( jteautiful new 10-room home. 3-car-gar- Call at 6025'4 ave. OR.7100 $4500.

20 minutes to downtown L.A. 18o ACRES. Uoward county. Iowa, for value, subject to small bank loan, f' JJ'-r utveny tin district, subject to Pay $250 down, balance, easy. Ask a at half appraised value.

Reason- hngan' or Vrice "950. 'easy Owner, bungalow. Long Beach or Lo. An- $5500. due 3 for 2 or more 1 an

lone now. ll brink loen. Forn.erlv held for Mr. Posmer. Vthstmo.e 02ol.

able terms. Owner. box 611, Times; ance Or Nk high Dourbs 7180-W. gr-k-s. Phone WYoming 3330, residence lots.

McLANE, 11)8 LIN 4.rLAT Southwest, $12,500 Loan $3500 withmV'rt" VETERANS, see my home in Burbank. 6- SosVinquire3 Orang Ge. -truc TORONTO, Canada, Property in f'OLN BLDG. VAmlike 2573. Want home 8 or submit lord li Jalu to rfiKo SPANISH home, 9 rooms, bargain.

Con.u- room, 2ar garage. Large lot. 1 blk. SSoo Down 8 i-oom" DANCHES AND GROVES 155 exchange for L.A. OWNER.

860 S. NEW 12-room duplex, close to La Brea Woodard. 67t0 S. Vermont, TW. 370, rM orrw.rroSnn $ES Lt- vJrrzz rp HSm A $230 valurbtr ,2 lld MR.

At.FRKD. WHitney 01)00. Blk. N. of en Owner.

'J Mr' OLvinm 8 5 ACRES, pumping plant. 00Q ft. blvd. 10 A- CLEAB, 1'OR'l'L A $000? NEW liieome properties. Duplexes, flIs 20 A.

CLEAR. FLORIDA, COST $201,0 $1250 down. bid. like rem. 7320 S.

4-rooui house with garage and 914 Marview Ave. DR. 5370 LI frontage. Western ave. at Riverside- want bouse equitv or lots RE 3023 one paper.

Want vacant or Im Trade for your equity. Rf 3022. Vermont. TH. 81Q7.

fence; in very good condition. Near 804 WESTCHESTER PL. 0 rooms fiOx wnftni. ounr Redondo Blvd Owner. 1211 Citlncns nt 'tn; Proved.

Preferably clear Submit 301 110 A. alfalfa land. Fresno Co. 2 wis of AUTO COURT- SITE blvd street car lino. Price $2500.

i50. Very location, $14,600, m' Natl. Bank Bldg. 8 hot. City for 8 -Fairfax.

WHitney .23 tl. farm buildings. One m.Hlern 6-roon, Sell or lease 80-ft -front. Const High- HmnU Payment. Santa terms.

OWNER. 1211 Citizen. Natl. ev.nlngs. i.nT,.prnsm itvirv ttANCTT WANT GOOD CLEAR LOT house.

3 pumps, 27 it. to water way Corotm Del Mar Newimrt Own- Monica 26903. Bank Bldg. $4760 6-ROOM. 3 bedroom West i0RIS sTNrancisco home and income, exch.

for WAJSi fini) 8.un Large reservoir. 2700 ft. concMe cr itl7 Sliamr Orange. 907. WESTWOOD FORECLOSURE.

0-room SFaV Holl.vwood. AI Horowitz, OX. Q804 to A. yg Ln. Angeles J.

box 155, Times. Zls furn. Temne near Pipe. Team horses, tractor, COU brielt store' bldg "40x160 to alley nish stucco on desirable 2 blks. LOOK AND COMPARE 5826 W1LLOUGHBY', 7 4 bedrooms chicken, cows hogs garden.

439 10 ACRES, irrigated, near $1000. Western. Owner. HEmpstead 9249. etc Want rcsl.k.n.

any place on coast SaoiaV Jo school A- bus $4800 Your own 173 N. HIGHLAND AVE Inrl. Rented house tn rear. HE. 350.

NaT Bank Bldg, VA. 4735. No agent. box 165, yEW, duplex. Wesf Side Phone LMptre 24.

SbU. W. Tieo D-c Owner. 1375 Jefferson terms. ZM Glendon ave.

W.L.A. 3480 QWMII OPEN lcwr-D Ull if uftllCCt l7o SACRIFICE $2100 equitv in 6 MINNEAPOLIS property. Trade for L.A. Want -good lot. CRestview 6071.

USTATE. N.E. cor. Mam A 4lh, 65x130. 4-ROOM housd.

2 bedrooms, will sell to BEAUTIFUL Spanish type. 12 DtVtKLT MILLb HOUiti 148 good location. San Diego Co. Balance Prlvale party. ,1.

box 55. Times. WILL tra.lo beautiful 4-II at (or clear $5500; S.W, cor. Siin-et Curson, 62 white or colored. Small payment ing pooj gymnasium Next to ForSale $1700, cash or exch.

for clear. Make GOOD Calif, for Eastern Northern, Wil- propertv GRanltn 4100 vm FfrFT 2381. 4375 8. Broadway. down HII WilaWr.

Country C.ub.WUI nflc. l- '0 Sy'' A' 4507 W'Jmafl aVe- VA' 447' MniKFn rVrtlLrV ffl tlARGATN II UN THUS iTrCnnW ot Santa Monica, near electric folin- VB" -1 ST. LOUIS residcntTncome, for Los ArT. bPUjHlPMlLJ Business frontage On 100 ft. bonle it a ay.

P-J ca" skTYS rit TO: REAL ESTATE EXCHANCES 5H SSHW LrfPRoV El 1 store l'0'. rly spl. id Patio, parage, lawn, shrubs. Open. 8-room 80x130.

WE MUST SELL OCR HOME 800 Kadotriii; twa. SmilS low pay li? room, home, 12109 Owner 61.8 S. Broadway. AX. 8389 636 SO.

SPRING ST. TR. 0831. AT 214 CAMDEN PR adoUbg CORNER lot, 50x150. in E.

Alhambra Viewcresl $8G0Q ACTUAL equity, line Carthay Cente, WA- B.ROOM furnished bungalow, near Rob- ATTENTION- Ql FN FOR INSPECTION Western. OLadstone 2741. $1800. Bal. $175.

Exch. for equity Laurel am on and Xnl.ura Blvd. residence. 10-yr. loan $5300.

6 MUST sell 70 Grand near llth. Make ertson -Melrose, onlv 2314 Going east, roust sell or trader 7-room SEE 218 S. PECK IdtlVE. Htiaitv n'tunt or (lown I'ymt. on house.

OL. 209 1 7-ROOM home, sale or trade, accept good for residence lot or orange grove, oOr-r Mo.b,r. W. 3 Ml', 2714, '1 Club Open ED. WLSCUEL CO.

avotS ind trT oil" BANK trust 'subdivision. $150,000. sub- clear lot 111 8.W. ns all or part pymt 815 S. Spaulding ORegon 4347.

VaSa'tTTr-5 MaHB Natlnnal 0T- 4nft- ernlroom resident li.Wnhn.?. West Blvd. VErmont 734t 80 FT. Improved Ousmes. Holly INUUIKIAL PKUrtKIT estate VV11I nceept $3000 cash.

4410 WORTH '14 -vuei sacrifice, WANTED Cash buyers for toreckwd er. Box 10 Santa Fe, Calif. owner. 5908 Hollywood Blvd. GR.05O0 CLEAR 6-rooui furnished house.

1200 Eiii' wood. 100 rented, for clear or For Sale S. Western. VE. 0563 or VE.

1525. West o.x bee mis. 2 bath. property. Houses $6500 np.

Income SACRIFICE $3000 for 20-aere frosth ss A ZONE, W. Uollvwood, $00oo. Paoifi; tslh Assume small loan. What submit. Mr.

Noack. GK3Q51, HE 1613 bTolmnTiTrE "bungalow, nice home- make of- 1,11 iV $15.000 up OXfotd 1174. rani.n lmprovements. $3200. P.

Pol- Palisades. $3000. cor. Want -romn haveyonr Lippner. ORegon 12,8, Mm ACRE ran.h.

Good soil. Soull 4ti Pavs 13 i asy terms Frank for '')H5 29th PI RO 1955 SACRIFICE i-a. 5 rooms, f'onven- $0850 ERMS New 7-room home, a real on, Fallbrook. San Diego county, bungalow. Assume $6500, Ork 212I SAN FRANCISCO or Biirlingaiiiv home.

8 Dakota. $50,000 clear. Want home Tandy 648 Spring MUtual 61197. 7.RoT).Vl'.' bungalow' 1 loan Stitio'ii' yrs -lent Im-ntlon. 'terms M7 S.

FIc -oa twanty. 443 Crescent Dr. OR. 0523 MUST SACK IFIC BANK trust I 50,000. sub- rooms.

Want Lo. Angeles, AL. 9009 or Income Lnndvln-, UU 3375 A. N. of VVilniiTiTion, -nnar" 210lh on Must sell or trade "Make VETERANS.

now tl-room stucco. BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN MANSION 40 A. Orange Grove, 15 yra, old. floe left $17,500. adjust values.

Submit SlO.Ouu EQUITY 10-room home for clear Additional ads under this heading will lie blvd. Part trade. .1, box 191, offer. Owner. WHitney' 5686.

64 IS Norwich svn Finery Pnrk. 716 N. PALM DRIVE, OPEN DAILY. eonilltion, terms: no trades FI. 6730.

pwner, 6908 Hollywood Blvd, GR .0500 Huplex lot. Owner. box 77. Time. found on next page 1 4 1 4 4 i.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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