Weekly Democrat-News from Marshall, Missouri (2024)

APRIL 10, 1909. THE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT- -NEWS PAGE THREE STOMACH DISTRESS And Indigestion Misery Ends Five Minutes Later. PUT AN END TO THIS NOW. Almost Instant Relief From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble Is Waiting for You. Every family here ought to keep some Diapepsin in the house as any one of you may have an attack of Indigestion or stomach trouble at any time, day or night.

This harmless preparation will digest anything you eat and overcome a sour stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 50- cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take one triangule after supper tonight. There will be no sour risings, no belchings of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and.

besides. there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery, because it will take hold of your food and digest it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Actual, prompt relief for all your stomach misery is at your Pharmacist, waiting for you. These large 50-cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure a case of Dyspepsia or indiges- tion.

NEW COUNTY HOME. To Build Suitable Home for the County's Poor. The Citizens of Saline Voted 000 at Saturday's Election. At the special election held Saturday, April 3, the citizens of Saline voted for substantial improvements at the county farm. Grand jurys for the past twenty years have condemned the manner in which the county poor were housed, and at last the peopie have placed our county in a position that they can say truthfully, "We have a fit place to! house our The returns from two precincts have not been received, but the result will not be changed materially.

Following is the vote by precincts. Incomplete Returns. Precincts Yes No Arrow Rock .27 52 Hardeman 4 34 Napton 30 10 Nelson Cambridge 8 Gilliam .89 14 New Frankfort. Slater .200 42 Orearville .19 16 Saline City .39 25 Blackburn .60 11 Elmwood .27 12 Mt. Leonard .31 3 Salt Springs .25 10 Ridge Prairie 14 11 Prairie Lawn 13 11 Grand Pass ..42 12 Malta Bend ..64 19 White's Island ........13 Herndon .30 25 Cretcher .13 21 Rose Valley ..20 12 East Marshall 336 66 West Marshall 231 82 Shackelford .......18 18 Miami ...101 Fairville 18 28 Norton 11 21 Sharon 2 34 Shelby S.

H. Sweet Springs .66 Total 1561 622 COLONIST FARES Alberta, Arizona. British Columbia CALIFORNIA Colorado. Idaho, Mexico, Montana. New Mexico, Neva OREGON Saskatchewan, Texas.

Utah WASHINGTON and Wyoming Via CHICAGO ALTON R. R. 25 per cent to 30 cent Saving Embrace this opportunity for cheap travel. The fares are in effect duriug March and April, 1909. Many new lines of Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars have been established to especially care for this business For complete particulars call upon or address 0.

E. HAWTHORNE, Ticket Agent C. 3-13w6t-d10 eod till Apr. 23 Marshall, Mo. TIPPING Marble and Granite Works, MARSHALL, MISSOURI.

An Entire New and Up-to-Date Stock. NO AGENTS. Works Opposite the Post Office. ANY ONE WANTING White Oak Lumber, Call on MR. MORT.

PIPER, Three miles southwest of Marshall, Mo. Lumber will be Sawed According to Order. Cares Scab, Mange, Itch, Foot Rot, Galls, Grease Heel, Wounds, Eta. Cremoline Quickly kills Lice, Ticks, Screw Worms, Pleas, and all paresttes ca Cattle, Sheep and Address: by all The Peelers. Creatoliae valuable Mig.

Company, 2113 Olive BE Louis, U. 8. 4, For Sale By: O. W. JOHNSTON Mrs.

Charlie Thompson ha's been taking great pride in some fine chickens that she has been keeping in the chicken house at her home on Vest street that they had to vacate several months ago on account of a fire that demolished their house. A chicken thief, also liking the looks of Mrs. Thompson's chickens. helped himself to them a few days Mr. and Mrs.

Thompson are not alone in their regret over the loss their fowls, thirteen in number, but Mrs. D. F. Bell, who liad raised them in lier henery and was attached to them on that account, also feels very badly that her pets, which she sold to Mrs. Thompson a short time should have fallen into the hands of a chicken thief.

For Bootlegging. Fine Chickens Stolen. Ben Taylor. colored, and Dick Reed were arrested Saturday night by Constable Riggins charged with selling whisky. They were taken before Justice Ferrill this.

Monday morning. They gave bond in th esum of each for their apeparance Tuesday morning. April 6, the time set for the trial. Mrs. G.

H. Althouse, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell and Mrs.

Ed Mitchell have returned from Kansas City where they attended this week a meeting of the Woman's Presbyterial Missionary Union. For Sale-10 tons of hay. Apply to Hiram Howard. w4-10 Rev. John Wesley Smith, tor of the Jefferson led meeting is assisted ing evangelist.

ger of St. For Salevears old. bile or safe for drive. My him anywhere. No.

326 shall. Mo. Duggins nent lad ceived the decision A. Stewart E. R.

Tillery. court in case was tition with land which the lawyers Barred $1.00 per Marshall. Missouri Wentworth played a day aiternoon, to 8 in favor The game slow one FOR China boar. Mrs. Hart Kate Irvine night from latter had her watch, between the A.

T. are glad she has Eggs for IT. Reds. 15 Stedem Stock w5-1d2ew J. E.

guests of Mr. and (in West direct to marriage in their first will make in the future. Methodist church at City. began a protractthere yesterday. He by the eminent singProf.

Horace Louis. -A gentle horse. not afraid of automotraction engine, nor train: women and children to son. 9 years old, drives A bargain at $50. East Mitchell MarP.

G. Marshall. Duggins. a promifirm of this city, reword Friday evening of of the case of John vs. A.

H. Jones and in the Supreme favor of defendants. The a suit of equitable parreference to some adjoining Columbia. in Duggins Duggins were for defendants. Plymouth Rocks- -Eggs 15.

Mrs. C. P. Snoddy, R. F.

D. No. 3. Valley College and Military Academy game of baseball Thursthe score being 5 of Missouri Valley. was considered a very throughout.

SALE--An extra good PolandJ. M. PATTERSON. Barnett and Miss returned Wednesday Kansas City and the the bad luck to lose either on the train or C. A.

station and Vawter's residence. We however, to note that found it. hatching--R. C. Rhode for $1 good as the best Farm, Marshall, Mo Landon and wife are the former's parents, Mrs.

Thomas Landon, Marshall. They went Old Mexico after their October and this is visit to the states. They St. Louis their home SHOES REPAIRED AT Houx Bros. L.

E. Benedick sold. last week, for Thomas Landon, his suburban home in West Marshall, consisting of house and three acres, to Lewis Myers, of Syracuse, for the sum of $2,100. We are glad Mr. Landon will continue to make Marshall his home for the present.

He will move his property at the corner of Miami, and Jackson, formerly known as the old Gower homestead. ELEPHONES, OFFICE, 448. RESIDENCE, 121. DR. A.

C. PUTNAM, HOMEOPATH. General Practicioner. Rooms 200-201 Farmers Saving Bauk Bldg. NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE Full Assortment.

On lot back of Terrell De Garmo's meat market, one-half block south of the southwest corner of the public square, Marshall, Mo. JOHN W. SPARKS. d3127w4-17 Eggs for Hatching -Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds of best breeding, 15 for $1.00. Phone 304.

13-30w4-17 Mrs. Frank Evans. Have not coughed once all day? Yet you may cough tomorrow! Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand.

Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. J. Lowell, C. Ayer Mass.

Corn Varieties for North Mis- DR. G. E. SCRUTCHFIELD, Physician and Surgeon. Office -New Bank Itooms 237-238.

Phones--Residence. 203. Office, 56. Attention Given to Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. and Fitting Glasses.

Wheat is needing rain greatly gardens are also suffering from drouth. Milton Deal of Stanhope has returned from a business trip to Kansas City. CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the of Ale G. M. Bell of Southwest Arkansas is in our city looking for a location, in town or country.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brown have gone to New York after a few days' visit with the latter's parents.

J. C. Sapington. of Boonville. and C.

W. Sappington of Nelson were registered at Hotel Ruff Thursday. Mrs. J. J.

Robertson and son George Robertson, were here Thursday from their home in Mt. Leonard. CAB dears tha The Kind You Have Always Bought signature af Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Scott went to Herndon today to attend the funeral of the latter's grandfather. Mr. John E. Chaney.

Mr. and Mrs. Walker Baker, of Malta Bend. were among Saturday's visitors. They made a quick trip in their auto.

Wm. Henton and wife of Miami were in Marshall Saturday and were guests of Mr. Henton's mother. Mrs. M.

H. Henton. co Irapp'- tantry Mr. Charles Cole of St. Charles is here the guest of his cousin, Dr.

H. H. Morris, and family at the latter's home on East Arrow. D. M.

Bray. convicted of selling whisky, preferred to board with our worthy sheriff, Ed. Haynie, for 17 days rather than pay his fine of $300. CASTORIA. Seam the Always Bought Signature Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. ton ret led to their home near Nelse Nay, after a few day-' USE BOB WHITE FLOUR. Mrs.

Gibson Scott. of Arrow Rock, was a recent visitor to Circuit Clerk W. R. Scott and wife at their home on South Odell. Miss Essie Keeth returned from Montrose.

Colorado. where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Taylor, since C. M. Slife has bought the Donehoo home on East Arrow and is remodeling and improving "it and when finished the family will move into it.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bigasture Hundreds of farmers were fed and highly entertained at Marshall Machinery Hall today (Saturday). One even felt as if he were at the State fair. Miss Ella Goodson returned this, Monday morning, from Grand Pass, where she visited for several days Mrs. C. F.

McReynolds and Mrs. Sewell Burruss. Mrs. J. W.

Mitchell, who has returned from Kansas City, where she attended the Woman's Presbyterial Missionary Society, also visited her daughter, Miss Callie Mitchell. ter, Miss Elizabeth. of the Mrs. James Welsh and west of Marshall, were here Saturday. The latter was the guest of Miss Farrell at her home on Capitol Hill.

souri. The Agricultural Experiment Station has been conducting large number of corn variety tests with farmers throughout both north and south Missouri during the past three years and the sults for 1908 have just been compiled. These results agree very closely with those of previous vears and demonstrate the almost universal adaptability of Boone County White Corn for the bottom lands and rich uplands of this part of the state. They also show that St. Charles and a variety known as Commercial White are practically as well adapted to this region as is Boone County, yielding very nearly the same the average of all trials.

Both the St. Charles White and the Commercial White are, however, somewhat better adapted to the average and thinner lands than is the Boone County White. These three varieties yielded this year over 12 bushels more per acre than the average yield of corn this section, yielding between and 47 bushels per acre on all average of a large number of trials and in spite of the bad season. The highest yielding yellow variety is the Reid's Yellow Dent. This variety is gaining a wide popularity in north Missouri and is especially adapted to the prairie soils of medium fertility.

The Legal Tender variety comes second, the Hildreth's Yellow Dent third, and the Leaming fourth. The yield of these varieties are all very close together in the average although the quality of both the Legal Tender and Hildredth's Yellow Dent is somewhat below that of the Leaming and Reid's Yellow Dent. The results of these experiments demonstrates thoroughly the very great importance of breeding and selecting corn varieties, and that there is just as much to be gained in breeding corn for high yield and quality as there is in breeding live stock. The Experiment Station keeps a list of the farmers in north Missouri who have seed of these various varieties for sale and it will be sent on on application. The Station does not make a practice of selling seed corn.

M. F. Miller. Agricultural College and Experiment Station, Columbia, Mo. A Good Business.

The Marshall Automobile Machine Co. is pleased to report, the following motor car sales for the past week: Dr. Powell. one Brush runabout. Dr.

Geo. T. Nuckles, one Brush Runabout. Mr. E.

J. Staub, one 30 horse power 5-pasenger Studebaker touring car. Dr. J. E.

Harris, one Ford Roadster. Col. J. W. Sparks, one 30-35 horse power Model 17 Buick.

Touring cars fitted with Dayton Airless Tires. FARM MULES. have an extra good bunch of farm mules. Will sell for cash or exchange for aged mules. Half mules.

Half block south of City Hall. E. W. BROWN. f13wtf Small Fruit Plants.

Berries. grape vines, rhubarb, asparagus, canna and gladiolus I bulbs. Choice varieties. Send for price H. W.

Jenkins, ville, Mo. Dr. R. W. Dobyns of St.

seph was in Marshall the latter part of last week. He came to see his aunt, Mrs. Medora Barbee, and Miss Mary Barbee, both. of whom have been quite sick for several days. For Sale or Rent.

10 acre farm, 3 miles from Marshall :,3 room house and barn: orchard and small fruit; the late Mrs. Hoye place. Possession immediately. F. W.

Campbell, (shall. JOHN E. CHANEY Dies Suddenly at His Home Near Herndon, At his home one-half mile west of Herndon, John E. Chaney, aged about 65 years, died sudden: Saturday, April 3, at 10:30 p. The gentleman had been in m.

poor health for some time but. was able to be up the greater part jof the time. and had not complained of being worse than usual. He had retired. and about the hour stated above had 3.

coughing and choking spell and expired in a few moments. The funeral took place today at 11 a. and the remains were interred in the Herndon cemetery. The wife and four children survive the deceased. The latter are Mrs.

Joe Belt of Morgan county, Mrs. James White of Kansas City. Mrs. John Henley and James Chaney, both of Herndon. YOUR MONEY IS SAFE When you place your motiey in a bank, you trust that bank at least to the extent of your deposit.

Furthermore. in order that you may be assured of the safe keeping of your money, it is the duty of the bank to adopt the best and most certain means for its protection. Experience teaches that strongly built vaults and massive safes are not always proof against the attacks of professional cracksmen. While the Farmers Savings Bank is very well equipped in this way, it also carries INSURANCE AGAINST BURGLARY, which is the only completely safe and sane protection against loss. Moreover, the amount of this insurance is always in excess of the total cash on hand.

Possessing this means of safeguarding your deposit, we place our facilities at your disposal and cordially invite your account. FARMERS SAVINGS BANK. MARSHALL, MO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $150,000.00.

Weekly Democrat-News from Marshall, Missouri (2024)


Is Marshall MO a good place to live? ›

Marshall is a great tiny town with a close-knit community. It is only an hour away from Columbia and Kansas City, so if you need something to do, you don't have to travel too far. The schools are not the best, but it is a safe community where people know a lot about each other.

What is Marshall Mo famous for? ›

Marshall is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Nicholas Beazley Aviation Museum. Wonder Dog Memorial Garden. Indian Foothills Park.

What county is Marshall, MO? ›

Marshall township, Saline County, Missouri.

What is the safest town to live in in Missouri? ›

According to a list compiled by SafeWise, the safest city in all of Missouri is Cottleville, a destination outside of St. Louis with a population around 5,800. The four other "safest cities" in the state include Poplar Bluff, Glendale, Savannah and Pleasant Hill.

Where is the most affordable place to live in Missouri? ›

If you're considering shifting to the Show-Me State, here are some cities that offer affordable living options:
  • Jennings. Cost of Living Compared to National Average. ...
  • Kennett. Cost of Living Compared to National Average. ...
  • Kirksville. Cost of Living Compared to National Average. ...
  • Sikeston. ...
  • St. ...
  • Hazelwood. ...
  • Poplar Bluff.
Aug 13, 2024

What county is Liberal MO? ›

Liberal is a city in Barton County, Missouri, United States.

What is Marshall County named after? ›

The county was named for John Marshall, chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1801–35). The early settlers were astonished by the imposing size of the Grave Creek Mound, at 62 feet high and 240 feet in diameter the largest of the conical mounds built by the prehistoric Adena people.

What podcast does the City of Marshall produce? ›

Marshall in the Middle Podcast | City of Marshall.

What is the crime rate in Marshall, Missouri? ›

Marshall Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes51188
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.7413.80

Is Missouri a good or bad state to live in? ›

The study gave Missouri an "F" in quality of life and in its workforce. The only "A" grades Missouri received were in cost of living and cost of doing business. The only quality of life strength Missouri has as a state is its air quality, CNBC said.

Is Missouri a good place for seniors to live? ›

Missouri, located in the Midwest region of the United States, is a popular retirement destination for many Americans seeking a more affordable and relaxed environment with access to outdoor activities, cultural events, and a moderate climate.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.