Best Acorn Squash Recipe with Vanilla Rum Sauce (2024)

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The most decadent, best acorn squash recipe with vanilla rum sauce and smooth vanilla bean ice-cream. You need this in your life.

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There are so many recipes I like to share with you here, many of them that I jotted down long time ago, many of them that I have to retake photos of, because of that tragic computer death.

In a way it is actually a good thing as it allows me to really see how I’ve grown over time, both as a content creator but also as an artist. Yours truly: The Foodie Picasso! Basically learning how to take a photo with my iPhone, how to capture the moment if that is even a realistic possibility, mostly how to chase the soft morning light hitting my creamy poached egg. Or in this case the caramelization of this absolute best acorn squash recipe with vanilla rum sauce.

I’ve really grown to love the little dance I do with the morning rays of sunshine peaking through my kitchen window at the shack. So much so I talk to them: be nice, be gentle, be soft, caress that acorn squash like a tender latin lover. We are a team baby ! I hope that makes sense and you won’t think I’m a crazy person. hehe

What can I tell you about this insane best acorn squash recipe ..? In all honesty it is more of a guide than a recipe, but after I posted the pic on myInstagram some of you asked me for specific details so here it is. And I’ve made it a few times since which means it is a total keeper and worth sharing here.

Not to brag or anything, but so far this best acorn squash recipe is really the best way I’ve eaten an acorn squash. Of course I had a different opinion 25 years ago when my grandma would make this for us, minus the ice cream. Children, what do they know, right ?!

But today we had it for breakfast, the rum ,vanilla and butter really kick it together in the most delicious sauce, and if you have any mascarpone or ricotta handy you really got yourself a treat of a breakfast. But if you have some vanilla bean ice cream in the freezer you have the most decadent fall dessert of all times. The moment the ice cream hits the caramelized squash it starts melting into the vanilla rum sauce of your dreams, turning the best acorn squash recipe into the most divine bowl of deliciousness.

I can imagine that a poached egg would do great in here too if you want to go down thesweet and savory path. Note to self, roasted acorn squash stuffed with garlic spinach and poached eggs. Wowza !

Random fact: did you know that today’s acorn squash and other squashes actually started as wild varieties in South America ? From there it was then brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus. Imagine that !

Not that the deliciousness of this best acorn squash recipe isn’t enough for me to eat a whole lot of it, but also the acorn squash is a fiber and potassium heavyweight.

If you prefer to go for a vegan version of this best acorn squash recipe, just swap out the butter for coconut oil and opt for a vegan vanilla ice scream at the market. It’s that easy kids!

I honestly had no idea I could go andon about grandma’s best acorn squash recipe. But that butter vanilla rum sauce you guys, bubbling to perfectionin the bottom of that squash, then topped with ice cream, you’ll understand why i can’t shut up about it.

So needles to say that I really hope this fall you’ll treat yourself to breakfast in bed, and that will involve my best acorn squash recipe , the vanilla rum sauce alone is worth it all- Florentina xo’s

Best Acorn Squash Recipe with Vanilla Rum Sauce (4)

5 from 1 vote

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Prep Time:5 minutes mins

Cook Time:1 hour hr

Total Time:1 hour hr 5 minutes mins



  • Preheat your oven to 400”F

  • Cut the acorn squash in half crosswise and scoop out the seeds and membrane rom the middle.

  • Set the acorn squash in an oven proof roasting dish and using your fingers make sure to coat the inside of the squash with the softened butter.

  • Sprinkle the coconut sugar all over the squash and pour in the rum and vanilla extract.

  • Roast the acorn squash halves for 1 hour until the coconut sugar has caramelized .

  • Carefully transfer each acorn squash to a bowl and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream in the middle. Garnish with fresh mint, basil or lavender if desired.

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: Italian

Servings: 2

Author: Florentina


P.S. this Roasted Acorn Squash Recipe with Pepper Chimichurri !

P.P.S. Health benefits of acorn squash.


Best Acorn Squash Recipe with Vanilla Rum Sauce (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.