13 Diabetic Christmas Cookie Recipes (2024)

Think having diabetes means you can’t enjoy Christmas cookies? Think again! Here are 13 yummy diabetic Christmas cookie recipes to inspire you!

13 Diabetic Christmas Cookie Recipes (1)

Food restrictions, whether by choice (ex. being a vegan) or necessity (ex. diabetes), can really put a crimp in holiday festivities. Whether you’re the one dealing with food allergies, diabetes, etc. or the chef searching for approved recipes, it can be difficult (really difficult) to find yummy options. For example, I bet if you have diabetes you thought your days of tasty homemade Christmas cookies were over, right? Wrong! There are lots of super delicious diabetic Christmas cookie recipes just waiting for you to discover them!

In fact, I’m about to share 13 of my favorite diabetic Christmas cookies recipes with you.

By the way, these diabetic Christmas cookie recipes aren’t just for folks with diabetes. Many of them are also great for people that have other food restrictions (such as food allergies) or those that are trying to watch their waistline.

All of these diabetic Christmas cookies recipes are sure to delight anyone lucky enough to spend the holidays with you so don’t worry about needing to make a diabetic and non-diabetic version. 🙂

Bonus: Some of these diabetic Christmas cookie recipes would make great Mason jar Christmas recipes! Whip up a batch and give them as a gift.

If you don’t need diabetic Christmas cookie recipes, here are 68 Christmas cookie and candy recipes that I guarantee will satisfy any sweet tooth!

1. Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies (Savory Tooth) – These flourless cookies only call for 4 ingredients! In addition to being a yummy diabetic Christmas cookie recipe, these cookies are great for ketogenic and gluten free diets.

2. Cream Cheese Cookies – Gluten Free Low Carb (Low Carb Yum) – These cream cheese sugar cookies are melt-in-your-mouth good! Want to turn this recipe into a sugar cookies in a jar gift? No problem! Whip up the dough, shape as desired, and then layer the cookies in a jar (or container) with parchment paper in between. Keep the jar chilled until ready to gift.

3. Hazelnut Low Carb Keto Cookies – Gluten Free (Low Carb Yum) – 15 minutes of prep time is all that stands between you and this diabetic Christmas cookies recipe! The end result is a cookie that’s crunchy on the outside and airy on the inside.

4. 4-Ingredient Gluten Free Shortbread Cookies (Low Carb, Sugar-Free) (Wholesome Yum) – 4 simple ingredients are all you need to concoct these buttery treats! While this recipe calls for almond flour, I think you could easily turn these into quinoa flour cookies. 🙂

Bonus: Looking for really easy Christmas cookie recipes? Look no further! Here are 41 easy Christmas cookie recipes.

5. Cheescake Cookies Recipe (Low Carb Raspberry Cheesecake Cookies) (Wholesome Yum) – Cheesecake meets cookies? Uh, yes please! 🙂 This cookie is so good that no one will believe it’s one of your diabetic Christmas cookie recipes.

6. Keto Flourless Chewy Double Chocolate Chip Cookies (Peace, Love and Low Carb) – This recipe for chewy chocolatey cookies would make a great Mason jar cookie recipe! Simply create your own printable instructions, add all the dry ingredients to a Mason jar, and ta-da… you’ve got a delicious cookies in a jar gift.

13 Diabetic Christmas Cookie Recipes (2)

7. Chewy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bacon Cookies – Low Carb, Gluten Free (Peace, Love and Low Carb) – Everything is better with bacon, right? 😉 This diabetic Christmas cookies recipe is sure to be appreciated by any man on your holiday shopping list!

8. Low Carb Christmas Cookies: Nutmeg Butter Balls (Lowcarb-Ology) – Looking for a diabetic Christmas cookie recipe that is fast and delicious? Look no further! This cookie is filled with flavor and only requires 5 minutes of prep time.

9. Sugarless and Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies (Walking on Sunshine) – Unfortunately, this is not a great Mason jar Christmas recipe… or at least I can’t figure out how to turn this into a cookies in a jar recipe. (If you can, let me know! 😉 ) However, it’s still a delicious (and healthy) twist on traditional peanut butter cookies.

Bonus: If you’re on the hunt for Mason jar Christmas recipes, you’re in luck! Here are 25 Mason jar cookie recipes that are sure to please anyone on your “nice” list this holiday season.

10. Low Carb Chocolate Covered Cookies – Gluten Free (The Foodie Affair) – Chocolate and coconut flakes give these cookies a decadent taste that you don’t actually have to feel guilty about. While the recipe calls for almond flour, feel free to experiment with what you have on hand. I think these would turn out fine as quinoa flour cookies.

11. Sugar-Free Gingerbread Cookies (Low Carb, Paleo) (Wholesome Yum) – In addition to being a tasty diabetic Christmas cookie recipe, this recipe is also gluten-free, low carb, and paleo friendly! This could easily be turned into a Mason jar Christmas recipe and would make a fantastic gift. 🙂

Bonus: Want more healthy cookie recipes for the holiday season? I’ve got you covered! Try these quinoa flour cookies or these zucchini oat cookies.

12. Soft Ginger Cookies – Low Carb and Gluten Free (Low Carb Yum) – If you’re willing to forgo the “optional” ingredients in this recipe, you could easily make this into a Mason jar cookie recipe gift. Trust me, everyone on your shopping list will love this soft and flavorful cookie.

13. Diabetic Snickerdoodle Cookies (Mama Maggie’s Kitchen) – Rounding out this tasty list of diabetic Christmas cookie recipes is a delightful twist on a traditional snickerdoodle recipe. Let me just say… YUM! 🙂

Looking for more diabetic Christmas cookie recipes and other tasty Christmas meal options? Follow Freebie Finding Mom’sCookie Recipes,Christmas Recipes andDecadent Desserts Pinterest boards.

13 Diabetic Christmas Cookie Recipes (2024)


What is the best dessert for a diabetic to eat? ›

Diabetes and Sweets
  • Fresh, seasonal fruit dipped in yogurt. ...
  • Low-carb coconut macaroons. ...
  • Angel food cake topped with sugar-free whipped cream. ...
  • Frozen grapes and frozen banana slices. ...
  • Grilled fruit topped with sugar-free whipped topping. ...
  • Sugar-free carrot cake. ...
  • Keto chocolate cake. ...
  • Mascarpone & pineapple cheesecake.

Is it OK for a diabetic to eat sugar-free cookies? ›

Sugar-free cookies are a popular dessert option for people with diabetes because of their lower carbohydrate and sugar content. By swapping natural sugars for sugar alternatives, these desserts are less likely to spike blood sugar levels after eating.

Are graham crackers good for diabetics? ›

Are graham crackers a healthy snack for diabetes? People with diabetes can certainly enjoy graham crackers, keeping in mind that one serving contains about 22 grams of total carbs and 6–8 grams of total sugar. Stick to one serving for a snack and pair with foods high in fiber and protein for balance.

Can a diabetic eat one cookie a day? ›

All types of desserts are welcome for people with diabetes, as long as they're consumed in moderation and paired with a nutrient that helps slow down digestion, such as fiber, protein and healthy fats.

What dessert won't spike my blood sugar? ›

15 Dessert Ideas to Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Under Control
  • Keto Desserts. Keto Pumpkin Pie. ...
  • Vegan Desserts. Vegan Pistachio Ice Cream. ...
  • Dairy-free Desserts. Avocado Chocolate Mousse. ...
  • Grain-free Desserts. Flourless Black Bean Brownie Muffins. ...
  • Nut-free Desserts. Chocolate Zucchini Cake.
Dec 5, 2022

How can I satisfy my diabetic sweet tooth? ›

Try these ideas to satisfy your sweet tooth:
  1. Sliced strawberries with low-sugar Greek yogurt and chopped nuts.
  2. Chia pudding (made with cow's milk or a milk alternative) topped with blueberries.
  3. Dark chocolate-covered frozen banana bites.
  4. Chocolate frozen yogurt pops.
  5. Low-sugar fruit crumble or cobbler.
Aug 24, 2021

What store bought cookies can diabetics eat? ›

Best store-bought cookies for diabetes

Simple Mills Crunchy Cookies: Picture a more blood sugar friendly version of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies, and that's what these are. So good!

Is there anything sweet a diabetic can eat? ›

According to the American Diabetes Association, people with diabetes can still have sweets, chocolate, or other sugary foods as long they are eaten as part of a healthful meal plan or combined with exercise.

Is peanut butter good for diabetics? ›

Peanut butter contains essential nutrients, and it can be part of a healthful diet when a person has diabetes. However, it is important to eat it in moderation, as it contains a lot of calories. People should also make sure their brand of peanut butter is not high in added sugar, salt, or fat.

What is the least popular Christmas cookie? ›

On the naughty list of cookies, Americans gave the lowest win records to anise cookies, which only won 29% of its matchups.

What is the most Googled Christmas cookie? ›

Italian Christmas Cookies grow as top cookie

Zoom in: Italian Christmas Cookies were the top cookie in 13 states, more than double the six states from 2022, Google Trends curator Katie Seaton told Axios. Seaton said the Italian cookies dominated the East Coast both this year and last year.

What store bought desserts are good for diabetics? ›

Examples of some diabetes-friendly desserts include:
  • granola (with no sugar added) and fresh fruit.
  • trail mix with nuts, seeds, roasted pepitas, and dried cranberries.
  • graham crackers with nut butter.
  • angel food cake.
  • chia seed pudding.
  • low sugar avocado mousse.
  • frozen yogurt bites made with plain Greek yogurt and berries.

Can a Type 2 diabetic eat Oreo cookies? ›

According to the American Diabetes Association, people with diabetes can still have sweets, chocolate, or other sugary foods as long they are eaten as part of a healthful meal plan or combined with exercise.

What is the healthiest cookies to eat? ›

Hu. Hu's whole line of cookies is squeaky clean–the ingredients include organic coconut oil, organic cocoa butter, cassava flour, cashew flour, free-range eggs, and flax seeds. The thing that makes Hu's cookies the best of the Best Stuff is that they are sweetened with dates rather than any sugar at all.

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