Vegan Thai Curry Vegetables Recipe (2024)

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Cheryl Munoz

Great recipe but maybe too much sugar? It seemed overly sweet. I added more lime to cut it but next time I'll reduce the sugar by 1/2.


You don't need the sugar since you have the sweet potatoes, which make the curry sweet anyway.


I eliminated the sugar entirely and used a slightly different combo of veggies (zukes, green beans, carrots, red pepper, mushrooms) some tofu for protein. Quick and tasty

Doug Mc

A nice curry. I cut the sugar to 2 tsp and added a finely diced Thai chili for a bit more zip. I also had Thai basil to add for the finish. Recommended.

Read Weaver

Store-bought curry pastes vary enormously in intensity; Thai Kitchen is one of the strongest. You certainly don't want to be using 6 Tbs; I'd start with about 1 Tbs of that brand and taste; I can't imagine going higher than 2 Tbs (and start with less than 1 Tbs if you don't like hot).

A can of chickpeas won't go amiss in this.


Terrific recipe - scrumptious and easy. Although it requires a fair amount of chopping, it comes together with no trouble. Skip the sugar - I used none at all and it was still sweet (in a good way). I added cubed chicken thigh meat (add first), a minced serrano chile, shiitake mushrooms instead of eggplant and frozen green beans instead of fresh. The directions are a little fiddly - why put the coconut milk in a bowl? Why mix the broth and soy sauce? Just dump and stir. It'll be great.


Cut sweet potato into thin slices and no need to parboil first.

Elizabeth Westmark

This dish was a perfect intro for a curry newbie such as myself. I was intimidated by curry paste and cooking with coconut milk, but no more. I made it early this morning and wound up eating it for breakfast. Used jar of Thai Kitchen green curry paste, and garnished with Thai basil from my little potager. Wonderful texture, and the sauce was silky with a nice but not searing heat.

I don't think we can post photos here, but that would be a nifty addition to everyone's notes.


It's vegan. One needn't consume large amounts of protein in every meal. If you need more protein in your overall diet, serve it over quinoa instead of rice, or toss in some edamame.


Made this tonight- I found the amount of green curry to be much too much. 2-3 TBSP is enough for a solidly spicy dish. I only put in about 1/2 of the sugar mixture as I saw the notes about it being sweet. I kept out the green beans until the last 5 minutes b/c I hate brown beans and they were tender but would have started to turn brown soon so good decision. You can mix and match all sorts of veggies. Will definitely do this again and frequently to get more vegetables in our diet.


For people who eat spicy food regularly, ignore the people saying using the full 6 TB makes it too spicy. The first time I made this I used Thai Kitchen Green Curry Paste (the whole jar) and found it to be really mild. Delicious but not spicy. The second time I added sliced serrano chilies and it was perfect (still not very spicy, but just right for the dish). If you want the rest of your vegetables to stay fairly crisp and bright, I recommend par-boiling the sweet potatoes for 10-15 minutes.

Ann Berends

Love this dish! I make it with no sugar. Switch up the veggies depending what I have in the house and usually add more than the recipe calls for. Last night I melted a couple good globs of peanut butter and a shake of sesame oil in the soy sauce/vegetable stock before adding to the vegetables. Made for a nice rich sauce. Then discovered I was out of limes, which didn't hurt the finished product. This meal is gracious and delicious and comes together quickly, a new go-to for us!


Pretty spicy stuff! Maesri green curry paste says there's 5 1/2 tablespoons in a small can, and I measured anyway, and, I used more vegetables than called for and more, as well as a bit more coconut milk and veggie stock, but, still, really packed a punch!

Alex Price

I tweaked the recipe a bit, and it worked out quite nicely. My tweaks were adding some firm tofu, which I pan fried in some canola oil and soy sauce with the onions and peppers while the vegetables were cooking in the curry, then mixed it all together for the last few minutes. I also added some baby corn.


Great recipe. The green curry paste I used (Maesri) made the dish very spicy, which we enjoyed, but others might find it a bit overpowering. Substituted broccoli for the green beans.


Where is the protein in this dish?!


It's vegan. One needn't consume large amounts of protein in every meal. If you need more protein in your overall diet, serve it over quinoa instead of rice, or toss in some edamame.


Add a can of chickpeas,


Love this recipe. I added chunk pineapple. Next time I'll do some tofu as well and some chilies---needs more heat. I think the vegetables should not be cut up so small. Leftovers good for taking to lunch the next day!


What is the point of separating the cream from the milk if everything is just going to end up in the pot together anyway?


It looks like the idea is to use the fattiest part of the coconut milk (instead of oil) to saute the veggies prior to boiling them.


I think things dissolve better in things with some fat. But that is just a good guess.


Made this on 10 April 2019. Used half the sugar. Needs more zip. But overall good.


Added a couple extra teaspoons of brown sugar for a little extra sweetness. I also added broccoli. Yum!!!


I added fresh garlic, ginger and green chillies to ours, just sauteed them off in a little oil then added curry paste. Also added spring onions (shallots in the US) coriander and a small seeded red chilli. It had heat but we like it like that. Yum.


Used just one tbsp of curry and that was more than spicy enough! Definitely taste after each tablespoon to make sure it’s at a good level for you.I really enjoyed this over some rice. I don’t know if I’m an anomaly but this made for two servings for me, maybe I’m just a machine at eating though lol

Very nice

A favorite, simple recipe for when I need a quick meal. A lot of variety can go into this, just follow the basic steps and use what is available. I've added chicken and tofu and all assortment of fresh/frozen veggies (seasonal availability) and it works so well. As far as spiciness, I add more on the side, because, well... why not.


Substituted sh*take mushrooms for eggplant and doubled the sweet potatoes since zucchini not available. To preserve color and texture of green beans, added after sweet potatoes were partially cooked. We like it spicy so used 12 T. (1.5 jars) Thai Kitchen green curry paste. Served with plenty of lime. Would be great with Thai basil, when available.


Wish I'd paid attention to Amy's remark about spiciness. I'm also using Maesri. I put in the specified amount, and it's too strong for me. Fortunately my husband loves spicy food.


Used Maesri Green Curry and way too much spice for my taste...and I like spice! Next time I’d do 1/4 of the same to start and add from there.


1 tsp or 0 sugar otherwise follow recipe


I used red (not vegan) instead of green curry paste because I had it on hand. I also added part of a bag of chopped kale and omitted the zucchini and bamboo shoots, but otherwise kept the vegetables the same. I found the sweet potatoes needed more than 10 minutes (closer to 20) for tenderness, I would add them prior to the other vegetables in the future. This was delicious, adaptable, and easy on the stomach, I think it will enter regular rotation.

Jamie SR

Super delicious! I cooked the onion for 10 minutes in the coconut/curry before adding the other veggies, to take the edge off... and then added the zucchini w/just a few minutes to go. Added sautéed chicken chunks for some guests and sautéed tofu for others at the end. I'll definitely cook this again, yumza!


Great base for whatever vegetables you have around - I went with slightly more each of fewer vegetables (0.5 sweet onion, 0.5 large bell pepper, 1.5 sweet potatoes, 1 medium zuchinni, 1.25 cups green beans). Added the green beans in last 5 minutes of cooking bc I prefer them crisper. I actually preferred the curry without the basil. Super easy, delicious, and comforting. Add curry paste to taste - I used not quite a full small container of Maesri and it had a good bite to it. Maybe 4-5 tbsp.

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Vegan Thai Curry Vegetables Recipe (2024)
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